UNTDID - D.98B Index of segments by name
1.2 Index of segments by name
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) for an addition
an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions,
notes and functions
a minus sign (-) for a deletion
an X sign (X) for marked for deletion
Tag Name
AAI Accommodation allocation information
APD Additional transport details
ADS Address
ERI Application error information
MOV Car delivery instruction
CLT Clear terminate information
CMN Commission information
CNX Connection details
CRI Consumer reference information
CON Contact information
CUR Currencies
DAV Daily availability
+ DTI Date and time information
DIS Discount information
FTI Frequent traveller information
HDI Hardware device information
IFT Interactive free text
UIH Interactive message header
UIT Interactive message trailer
ITM Item number
LKP Level indication
MSD Message action details
NME Name
NUN Number of units
ODI Origin and destination details
ORG Originator of request details
X NAM Party name
PMT Payment information
PRD Product identification
PDT Product information
PLI Product location information
RPI Quantity and action details
RTI Rate details
RTC Rate types
RCI Reservation control information
RUL Rule information
SDT Selection details
ASD Service details
SSR Special requirement details
TFF Tariff information
ATI Tour information
TRF Traffic restriction details
TVL Travel product information
TDI Traveller document information
TIF Traveller information
VEH Vehicle