Change Indicators

* 4183 Special conditions, coded [C] Desc: Indication of a specific condition. Repr: an..3 1 Item for national preference Item concerned is applicable to national preference calculation. 2 Item qualifying for payment discount Item concerned is applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. 3 Item not qualifying for payment discount Item concerned is not applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. 5 Item not to be included in bonus calculation Item concerned is not applicable for bonus calculation. 6 Subject to bonus Item concerned is applicable for bonus calculation. 7 Subject to commission Item concerned is applicable for commission calculation. 8 Subject to discount Item concerned is applicable for discount calculation. 9 Freely available in EEC Self explanatory. 10 Subject to settlement discount Item concerned is applicable for the overall settlement discount. 11 Price includes excise Self explanatory. 12 Price includes tax Self explanatory. 13 Price include duty Self explanatory. 14 Not subject to commission Item concerned is not applicable for commission calculation. 15 Not subject to discount Item concerned is not applicable for discount calculation. 16 Subject to embargo restriction Item concerned is subject to embargo restriction. 17 Item not subject to embargo restrictions Item concerned is not subject to embargo restriction. 18 Item subject to national export restrictions Item concerned requires export declaration. 19 Item not subject to national export restrictions Item concerned does not require export declaration. 20 Item subject to import restrictions Item concerned is liable to import restrictions defined by relevant national authority. 21 Item not subject to import restrictions Item concerned is not liable to import restrictions defined by relevant national authority. 22 Signed Document has to be signed. 23 Authenticated Document/message has to have official or regulatory approval. 24 Original(s) to be certified Original document/message is to be certified by an official, or otherwise qualified, organization or person. 25 Original(s) to be legalized Original document/message is to be issued under the legal requirements of a governmental authority. 26 Quote documentary credit number The documentary credit number of the issuing bank must be quoted on the document. 27 Full set bill of lading Full set of bill of lading is required. 28 Full set bill of lading less one original Full set of bill of lading, less one original bill of lading, is required. 29 Full set bill of lading less two originals Full set of bill of lading, less two originals bill of lading, is required. 30 Shipped on board Transport document is to be marked "shipped on board". 31 Freight prepaid to be marked Transport document is to be marked "freight prepaid". 32 Freight collect to be marked Transport document is to be marked "freight collect". 33 Issued to order and blank endorsed Document is to be issued to order and must be blank endorsed. 34 Issued and/or endorsed to the order of Document is to be issued and/or endorsed to the order of a specific party. 35 Consigned to Transport document is to be consigned to a specified party. 36 Notify Transport document is to be marked "notify party". 37 Issued by Document is to be issued by a specified party. 38 Charter party allowed Charter party bill of lading is allowed. 39 Loading on deck allowed Loading of goods on deck is allowed. 40 Quote actual flight date and flight number Document/message must evidence the actual flight date and the flight number certifying air transportation and countersigned by the respective airline company. 41 House AWB allowed House air waybill is allowed. 42 Express post receipt Express post receipt is required. 43 Air parcel post receipt Air parcel post receipt is required. 44 Parcel post receipt Parcel post receipt is required. 45 Issued to bearer Document is to be issued to bearer. 46 Full set of insurance certificate Full set of insurance certificate is required. 47 Full set of insurance policy Full set of insurance policy is required. 48 Addressed to Document is to be addressed to a specified party. 49 Transmission by telecommunication Document is to be transmitted by telecommunication. 50 Bill of exchange drawn on Bill of exchange is to be drawn on "party". 51 Bill of exchange in duplicate Bill of exchange is to be issued as drawn in duplicate. 52 Insurance certificate alternative Alternative to insurance certificate. 53 Insurance policy alternative Alternative to insurance policy. 54 Original(s) and copies to be certified Original and copies of document/message is to be certified by an official, or otherwise qualified, organization or person. 55 Original(s) and copies to be legalized Original and copies of document/message is to be issued under the legal requirements or a governmental authority. 56 Consolidators AWB allowed Consolidators air waybill is allowed. 57 Full set Full set of a document is required. 58 Full set less one original Full set of a document, less one original, is required. 59 Full set less two originals Full set of a document, less two originals, is required. 60 Goods despatched to Document must show that the goods have been despatched to a specified party. 61 Insurance certificate allowed Presentation of an insurance certificate instead of an insurance policy is allowed. 62 Issued to Document is to be issued to a specified party. 63 Original(s) and copy(ies) signed Original(s) and copy(ies) of the document must be signed. 64 Original(s) signed Original(s) of the document must be signed. 65 No disposal clause The shipper hereby irrevocably renounces any right to vary the identity of the consignee of these goods during transit. 66 Delivery without change of ownership There is no change of ownership of the goods after they are received by the consignee. 67 Delivery with change of ownership There is a change of ownership of the goods after they are received by the consignee. 68 Supply for outright purchase/sale Goods are supplied under outright purchase/sale condition. 69 Supply for consignment Goods are supplied for consignment purposes. 70 Supply for sale 'on approval' or after trial The sale of the goods will only be finalised after trial or approval. 71 Exchange of goods compensated in kind Goods are delivered on the basis of a compensation kind. 72 Sale for export by foreigner travelling in member state concerned A cross border delivery of goods to be sold by a foreigner travelling in the European Economic Community member state concerned. 73 Samples The delivered goods are samples. 74 Temporary export, loan or hire Loaned or hired goods delivered on a temporary export basis. 75 Temporary export, leasing Leased goods delivered on a temporary export basis. 76 Temporary export, operation for job processing Goods temporarily exported for operation for job processing. 77 Temporary export, repair and maintenance against payment Goods temporarily exported for a chargeable repair or maintenance reason. 78 Temporary export, repair and maintenance free of charge Goods temporarily exported for a free of charge repair or maintenance reason. 79 Reimport following job processing Goods reimported after they have been used for job processing. 80 Reimport following repair and maintenance against payment Goods reimported after a temporary export for a chargeable repair or maintenance reason. 81 Reimport following repair and maintenance free of charge Goods reimported after a temporary export for a free of charge repair or maintenance reason. 82 Supply of goods under joint production contract for defence purposes Goods supplied under joint production contact for defence purposes condition. 83 Supply of goods under joint production contract for civil purposes Goods supplied under joint production contact for civil purposes condition. 84 Supply of goods for warehousing for foreign account Goods supplied for warehousing for foreign account. 85 Supply of goods as gifts by country of despatch and food aid under European Economic Community regulation Goods supplied as gifts by country of despatch and food aid under European Economic Community regulation. 86 Supply of goods for disaster relief equipment Goods supplied as disaster relief equipment. 87 Supply of goods as transactions without compensation Goods supplied as transactions without compensation (financial or otherwise) involving goods which will not be re-exported or compensated by the importation of equivalent goods. 88 Supply of goods as returned consignment on which payment has been made Goods supplied as returned consignment on which payment has been made. 89 Supply of goods as returned consignment on which no payment has been made Goods supplied as returned consignment on which no payment has been made. 90 Supply of goods in standard exchange giving rise to payment Goods supplied in standard exchange giving rise to payment. 91 Supply of goods in standard exchange not giving rise to payment Goods supplied in standard exchange not giving rise to payment. 92 Supply of goods/services in standard exchange under warranty Goods/services provided in standard exchange under warranty. 93 Goods The special conditions for the tax declaration are linked to the fact that the line item relates to goods. 94 Service The special conditions for the tax declaration are linked to the fact that the line item is a service. 95 Financial regulation The special conditions are linked to the fact that the line item is a financial regulation. 96 Promotional advertising A media press communication informing about a promotion. 97 Promotional price Reduction in price for a specified period of time for promotional purposes. 98 Promotional shelf display Product in promotion is displayed in a special shelf or display. 99 Safety data sheet required to accompany goods when moved Material safety data sheet is required to accompany the goods when they are moved. 100 Multiple delivery points An order that has more than one specified delivery point. 101 Provisional settlement Provides an indication that the settlement may be subject to further potential adjustment. 102 Hire purchase Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition of hire purchase. 103 Loan Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition of a loan. 104 Rental Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition of rental. 105 Processing Indicates that the predominant operation is an administrative or technical process. 106 Exchange Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition as an exchange. 107 Sale on commission Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition of sale on commission. 108 Financial compensation Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition as financial compensation. 109 Sale or return Item concerned may be returned to supplier or otherwise disposed of if it remains unsold after a pre-determined period of time. 110 Final settlement Settlement will not be subject to further adjustment. 111 Requires national pricing authority agreement Provides an indication to the receiving party that the information provided requires national pricing authority agreement. 112 National pricing authority approved price Provides an indication to the receiving party that the price provided has been agreed by the national pricing authority. 113 Not subject to national pricing authority approval Provides an indication to the receiving party that the price provided is not subject to approval by the national pricing authority. 114 Agency approved price Provides an indication to the receiving party that the price has been approved by an agreed agency. 115 Exempt from tax To indicate that the product, goods, or services is exempt from taxes. 116 Subject to postponed discount The item concerned is applicable for postponed discount which will be refunded via a later credit. 117 Repair The special conditions are related to repairs. 118 Illustration affected by provisioning change Indication that a change to provisioning data affects the related illustrations but not the technical content. 119 Product genetically modified An indication that a product has been genetically modified during its production process. 120 Subject to price recalculation without negotiation The price may be recalculated without negotiation. 121 Not subject to price recalculation without negotiation The price may not be recalculated without negotiation. 122 Bonded A code to indicate that the product is bonded. 123 Pharmacy sales only A special condition limiting the sale of a product to a pharmacy. 124 Sale requires medical prescription The sale of the product requires a medical prescription. 125 New item, not yet available The item is new and not yet available. 126 New, available The item is new and available. 127 Obsolete The item is obsolete. 128 Prototype The item is a prototype and is not yet in normal production. 129 Non-standard product This item is not a standard product. 130 Discontinued The item is no longer available. 131 Expired catalogue prices provisionally allowed The use of prices from an expired catalogue is provisionally allowed. + 132 Not subject to automated processing The conditions to be applied are of a complex nature and are not subject to automated processing. + 133 Gift supplied with purchase Product made available as a gift to a customer when purchasing an accompanying product. + 134 Sale from promotional stock An indication that products sold came from promotional stock. + 135 Sale from obsolete stock An indication that products sold came from obsolete stock. + 136 Buying group conditions A code indicating that buying group conditions apply. + 137 Cancel order unless complete delivery possible on requested date and or time Code indicating that the order is to be cancelled if complete delivery is not possible on the date and or time requested in the order. + 138 Delivery subject to final authorisation from supplier Delivery of an order should not be made until the final authorisation from the supplier or supplier's agent has been received. + 139 Special promotional conditions applicable to only this invoice A code indicating that special promotional conditions are in force which only apply to the current invoice. + 140 Return of goods Special conditions related to the return of goods. + 141 Subject to annual bonus Item concerned is applicable for annual bonus calculation. + 142 Invoiced but not replenished A special condition indicating the fact that goods which have not yet been replenished have been invoiced. + 143 Replenished but not invoiced A special condition indicating the fact that goods which have been replenished have not yet been invoiced. + 144 Deliver full order A special condition indicating that delivery of the order will only be accepted in full.