Change Indicators

* E959 SERVICE DATE, TIME, LOCATION INFORMATION Desc: To specify the reserved date, starting time, ending time and location information, in this sequence, related to a service. 010 7161 Special services, coded M an..3 020 2002 Time C n4 030 2002 Time C n4 040 2000 Date C an..14 050 3224 Place/location C an..70 060 + 3225 Place/location identification C an..25 070 + 3227 Place/location qualifier C an..3 080 + 7037 Characteristic identification C an..17 090 + 3223 Related place/location one identification C an..25 100 + 3207 Country, coded C an..3 110 + 7160 Special service C an..35 120 + 7036 Characteristic C an..35