A number of generic transport terms are used in this specification, to
be described as:

* MODE OF TRANSPORT: The method of transport used for the conveyance
of goods or persons, e.g. by rail, by road, by sea.

* MEANS OF TRANSPORT: The vehicle used for the transport of goods or
persons, e.g. aircraft, truck, vessel.

* TYPE OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT: The type of vehicle used in the
transport process, e.g. wide body, tank truck, passenger vessel.

* EQUIPMENT: Material resources necessary to facilitate the transport
and handling of cargo. Transport equipment does under the given
circumstances not have the ability to move by its own propulsion (e.g.
sea container, trailer, unit load device, pallet).

* TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: The type of material used, e.g. 40 feet
container, four way pallet, mafi trailer.

Syntactical notes

The use of this message is not dependent on when the transfer of
ownership of the materials/goods takes place between the seller and
the buyer, and whether it is customs cleared or not (i.e. bonded
warehouse). It does not cover however the situation of the goods: in
this case there is no more indirect flow of goods, since the
distribution centre is acting as a seller.

A line item group is used to convey information regarding articles. A
goods item group is used to convey information regarding a number of
articles packed for shipment.

The following table indicates the possible use of the various segment
groups in the message in relation to the above functions. In one
message several of the above functions can be combined.

  FUNCTION              TDT     LIN        GID     EQD        
assembly/disassembly     -       -          -       -         
(re-)packing/unpacking   -       X   OR     X       X         
control                  x       X  AND/OR  X       X         
marking and labelling    -       -          X       -         
movement of goods        X       X  AND/OR  X       X         
preparation for shipment X       X   AND    X       X         
storage                  -       X  AND/OR  X       X         
clearance                -       X   OR     X       X         
goods inspection         -       X   OR     X       X         
hazardous mat. handling  -       X   OR     X       X         
These handling functions are indicated on message top level (HAN
segment) and apply to all line items (LIN-group) and/or goods items
(GID-group) in the message. Additional handling instructions related
to goods items and/or line items must be specified in the goods and do
not overrule the handling function specified on message level.

Contents of HANMOV