This specification provides the definition of the Worker's
       insurance history message (SSRECH) to be used in Electronic
       Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in
       administration, commerce and transport.

1.    SCOPE

1.1   Functional Definition

       The SSRECH message is sent by a designated body in one State to
       the equivalent body in another State giving details of a
       worker's Social Security insurance history as requested by the
       latter State.

1.2   Field of Application

       The Worker's insurance history message may be used for both
       national and international applications. It is based on
       universal practice related to administration, commerce and
       transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or

1.3   Principles

       When an institution receives from a foreign institution a
       message SSREGW requesting details of a worker's Social Security
       insurance history, it answers to this request sending a SSRECH
       message. This message gives for each period of insurance the
       scheme, nature and type of the period (if relevant), the dates
       related to the period and, eventually, the employment and
       employer during this period.


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 1.


3.1   Standard terms and definitions

       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction,
       Section 2.


4.1   Data Segment Clarification

       This section should be read in conjunction with the Segment
       Table which indicate mandatory, conditional and repeating

4.1.1  Header section

       Information to be provided in the Header section:

0010   UNH, Message header
       A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
       The message type code for the Worker's insurance history
       message is SSRECH.
       Note: Worker's insurance history messages conforming to this
       document must contain the following data in segment UNH,
       composite S009:

       Data element  0065 SSRECH
                     0052 D
                     0054 99A
                     0051 UN

0020   BGM, Beginning of message
       A segment identifying the function of the message (details on
       the worker's insurance history) and, if necessary, the number
       of the message.

0030   DTM, Date/time/period
       A segment indicating the date of preparation of the message.

0040   GIS, General indicator
       A segment indicating the type of process the message is
       belonging to.

0050   Segment group 1: RFF-DTM
       A group of segments identifying a previous message sent
       regarding the person.

0060      RFF, Reference
          A segment identifying the reference of a previously sent or
          received message related to the current message (for
          instance, the reference of a received SSREGW message to
          which the current message is answering).

0070      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment indicating the date of preparation of the previous
          message whose reference is given in the above RFF segment.

0080   Segment group 2: PNA-ADR-GIR
       A group of segments identifying the parties and giving the
       worker's insurance number for each party.

0090      PNA, Party identification
          A segment identifying names of the parties, and their
          functions relevant to a Worker's insurance history message
          (sending institution, receiving institution, ...).

0100      ADR, Address
          A segment indicating the country of the party.

0110      GIR, Related identification numbers
          A segment indicating the Insurance or identification numbers
          of the worker in the country identified in the related ADR

0120   Segment group 3: IND-DTM-COT-SG4
       A group of segments used to describe a period of insurance.

0130      IND, Index details
          A segment giving the index value relevant to the period
          described in the current group.

0140      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment indicating dates related to the period (starting
          and/or ending dates, year of reference, ...) and duration of
          a period of insurance.

0150      COT, Contribution details
          A segment describing the social regulations applied during
          this period of insurance (scheme, nature or type of

0160      Segment group 4: EMP-PNA-ADR
          A group of segments describing the insured person's
          employment during this period of insurance.

0170         EMP, Employment details
             A segment giving details on the job.

0180         PNA, Party identification
             A segment indicating the name of the employer.

0190         ADR, Address
             A segment indicating the address of the employer.

4.1.2  Detail section

       Information to be provided in the Detail section:

0200   UNS, Section control
       A mandatory service segment placed before the first user
       segment in the detail section to avoid segment collision.

0210   Segment group 5: PNA-NAT-DOC-ADR-ATT-SG6-SG7
       A group of segments identifying the worker and his relatives
       and giving related information.

0220      PNA, Party identification
          A segment giving a person's surnames and forenames and his
          function in the message (worker, worker's mother, father,

0230      NAT, Nationality
          A segment indicating the nationality of the person
          identified in the related PNA segment.

0240      DOC, Document/message details
          A segment specifying the type and the number of an identity
          document (identity card or passport) belonging to the person
          identified in the related PNA segment.

0250      ADR, Address
          A segment indicating current and previous addresses of the

0260      ATT, Attribute
          A segment specifying person's natural, professional or
          academic titles.

0270      Segment group 6: DTM-ADR
          A group of segments giving the person's birth or death

0280         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment indicating date of birth or date of death of
             the person.

0290         ADR, Address
             A segment indicating place of birth or place of death.
             This segment can be used to identify the country,
             province or department and city of birth and/or death.

0300      Segment group 7: PDI-DTM
          A group of segments giving details on the person's gender
          and/or marital status.

0310         PDI, Person demographic information
             A segment specifying the gender, the marital status
             (married, divorced, ...)of the person identified in the
             related PNA segment.

0320         DTM, Date/time/period
             A segment indicating relevant dates related to the civil
             status (date of marriage, date of divorce, ...).

0330   Segment group 8: COT-CNT
       A group of segments indicating for each type of social
       regulation, the total of periods concerned by the regulation.

0340      COT, Contribution details
          A segment identifying a regulation.

0350      CNT, Control total
          A segment indicating the total duration of periods concerned
          by the regulation described in the related COT segment.

0360   FTX, Free text
       A segment giving additional information regarding the insured

0370   Segment group 9: AUT-DTM
       A group of segments specifying the details of authentication.

0380      AUT, Authentication result
          A segment specifying details of any authentication
          (validation) procedure applied to the SSRECH message.

0390      DTM, Date/time/period
          A segment identifying the date and where necessary, the time
          of authentication.

0400   UNT, Message trailer
       A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
       segments in the message and the control reference number of the

4.2   Data segment index (Alphabetical sequence by tag)

          ADR Address
          ATT Attribute
          AUT Authentication result
          BGM Beginning of message
          CNT Control total
          COT Contribution details
          DOC Document/message details
          DTM Date/time/period
          EMP Employment details
          FTX Free text
          GIR Related identification numbers
          GIS General indicator
          IND Index details
          NAT Nationality
          PDI Person demographic information
          PNA Party identification
          RFF Reference
          UNH Message header
          UNS Section control
          UNT Message trailer

Contents of SSRECH