United Nations Directories
for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


Change indicators a plus sign (+) for an addition an asterisk (*) for an amendment to structure a hash sign (#) for changes to names a vertical bar (|) for changes to text for descriptions and notes a minus sign (-) for marked for deletion (within either batch and interactive messages) a X sign (X) for marked for deletion (within both batch and interactive messages)

#| 6087 Result value type code qualifier [B]

| Desc: Code qualifying the type of a result value. Repr: an..3 Repr: an..3 1 Measurement result Measurement result. 2 Bank accounts history assessment The conclusion resulting from an assessment of bank accounts over time. 3 Credit level The resultant assignment of a credit level based on an assessment of credit worthiness. 4 Credit rating assessment The resultant assignment of a credit rating based on an assessment of credit worthiness. 5 Credit worthiness assessment The resulting assessment of credit worthiness. 6 Liquidity assessment The resulting assessment of liquidity. 7 Loan payment history The resulting assessment of loan payment history. 8 Overall evaluation The summarization of the overall assessment. 9 Financial conditions The resulting assessment of financial conditions. 10 Trade payments The resulting assessment of trade payments. + 11 Failure risk score ranking The resulting ranking based on one entity's failure risk score as compared to other entities. + 12 Failure risk score Score representing the risk of an entity failing. + 13 Business financing resources assessment The resulting assessment of resources used for financing a business. + 14 Payment delinquency risk score The resulting assessment of the risk of an entity having delinquent payments. + 15 Payment delinquency performance score The resulting assessment of the entity's actual delinquent payments. + 16 Payment delinquency score ranking The resulting ranking of one entity's payment delinquency score as compared to other entities. + 17 Payment delinquency assessment The resulting assessment of delinquencies as they relate to all entities. + 18 Average trade payment for all entities The assessment of average trade payments for all entities. + 19 Revenue ranking The resulting ranking based on revenue. + 20 Sales growth ranking The resulting ranking based on sales growth. + 21 Asset ranking The resulting ranking based on assets. + 22 Profit margin ranking The resulting ranking based on profit margin. + 23 Post tax profit ranking The resulting ranking based on after taxes profit. + 24 Import and export ranking The resulting ranking based on imports and exports. + 25 Projected trade payments The resulting assessment of projected trade payments. + 26 Invoice collection The resulting assessment based on the collection of invoices. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ

Data Element Cross Reference

DataElement 6087 is used in the following Batch Segments:


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