United Nations Directories  for Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport


                                           Message Type : RECORD
                                           Version      : D
                                           Release      : 01C
                                           Contr. Agency: UN

                                           Revision     : 1
                                           Date         : 2001-11-07

SOURCE: D9 Insurance (SWG)


                    Reinsurance core data message


1.     SCOPE

       1.1   Functional definition

       1.2   Field of application

       1.3   Principles



       3.1   Standard terms and definitions

       3.2   Message terms and definitions


       4.1   Segment clarification

       4.2   Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)

       4.3   Message structure
             4.3.1 Segment table

For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data
Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM
General Introduction


       This specification provides the definition of the Reinsurance
       core data message (RECORD) to be used in Electronic Data
       Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in
       administration, commerce and transport.

1.     SCOPE

1.1    Functional definition

       The RECORD message will convey to partners involved in the
       placing of a reinsurance contract or endorsement in a
       structured format all the required core data that form the
       basis of the negotiation process and of the ensuing contract
       (such as : contract sections and their criteria, clauses,
       coverages, deductibles, deductions and premiums, parties

1.2    Field of application

       The Reinsurance core data message may be used for both national
       and international applications. It is based on universal
       practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and
       is not dependent on the type of business or industry.

1.3    Principles

       The RECORD message has been built up from a set of flexible
       modules which allow the specification of the function of the
       message, the contract details, the subdivisions within it and
       for each, its main characteristics (coverages, deductibles,
       deductions, premiums and applicable clauses), the party(ies)
       involved with tier involvement, special conditions and the
       response to them. The message can either be used in a
       "minimalist" manner - in which case only few data need to be
       provided (e.g. when first submitting a risk or when declining a
       risk), or in a "maximalist" way - in which case all applicable
       data can be provided (normally towards the end of the placing
       process). In addition to these business functions, the RECORD
       also links or points to various types of supporting
       documentation requested or available to supplement the EDI
       RECORD is one of a complimentary pair of messages that support
       the placing of reinsurance business. RECORD carries the core
       business data related to the contract, whilst RELIST carries
       the list of items covered under the terms of the contract.
       1.3.1 Scope and composition
       The RECORD message performs multiple functions in the placing
       process, and therefore consists of a set of flexible components
       which can either be switched on or off - depending on the type
       of transaction within a specified scenario. These components
       - a header that allows to identify the transaction function, to
       reference the reinsurance contract version with its relevant
       data, and the parties involved in the transaction;
       - a group that allows to identify contractual or section
       criteria (class of business, type of peril, type of activity,
       location, clauses, currencies, etc.) and other characteristics
       (period, type of cover, etc.);
       - the major subgroup within this section allows to identify
       coverages, deductibles, premiums, deductions and other relevant
       provisions per section or for the whole contract. Each can be
       either expressed as an amount, a rate, a quantity (e.g. number
       of lines, number of reinstatements) or a duration (e.g.
       indemnity duration), and they can be linked to more specific
       sub-criteria (e.g. a section for class of business 'aviation',
       with coverages relating to 'luggage', 'passenger liability',
       - a further group allows to refer to information that supports
       the placement process and that is either related to the whole
       contract or to one or more sections in it; it can be used both
       to request and to supply additional information.
       - the last major information component in the RECORD contains
       party information; here again, multiple functions are foreseen:
       a) rendering of information about the parties involved in the
       original policy (policy holder, insurer, co-insurers, broker);
       b) rendering of information about the parties involved in the
       reinsurance contract (brokers, reinsurers); this functionality
       is sometimes referred to as the 'market list', and it is mainly
       used by brokers to inform cedents of the progress of the
       placement (reinsurers with share and conditions); at the end of
       the placing process, this list becomes the final placement
       list. Such a list can however perform others functions as well:
       a cedent may supply it to the broker as his 'preferred
       marketing list', a broker may present it to the cedent as his
       'proposed marketing list', a cedent or broker may include it in
       his offer to reinsurers to show which other reinsurers have
       already signed on, etc. For this functionality, a small group
       with market specific details needs to be used.
       c) an interesting aspect is that it is possible to report on
       'composites' of reinsurers and their decomposition: a 'pool'
       with all its partners, a 'stamp' with the reinsurers behind it,
       a broker in a foreign market with the reinsurers that have
       signed via him, etc.
       d) requesting a participation from a party - either as an
       amount, a percentage, a quantity (e.g. number of lines) or as a
       mixture of them; various options exist here: either only the
       format is expressed, the expected participation is given or a
       minimum-maximum range is offered. Additionally, previous
       written and signed lines can be specified for information.
       e) responding to an offer - either by a quotation or an order
       which may either be conditional or unconditional; in case of a
       conditional order, a set of conditions can be specified for
       each potential order (e.g. I take 8% if condition A & B are
       fulfilled or 6% if only condition B is fulfilled).
       f) responding to conditions; this is primarily done by quoting
       back the condition reference, supplemented with free text or by
       resending a new offer package with the condition references
       attached and a flag 'condition met' against each.
       1.3.2 Functions covered
       The functions that the RECORD currently caters for are: 
       pre-quotation cycle:
       - authorisation to build quotation request proposal
       - propose quotation request proposal
       - decline to build quotation request proposal
       - accept quotation request proposal
       - decline quotation request proposal
       - request to modify quotation request proposal
       quotation cycle:
       - quotation request
       - quotation
       - decline to quote
       - accept quotation
       - decline quotation
       order cycle:
       - order offer proposal
       - order offer proposal acceptance
       - decline order offer proposal
       - request to modify order offer proposal
       - request for participation
       - decline to participate
       - unconditional participation
       - conditional participation
       - accept participation
       - accept conditions
       - decline participation
       - request to negotiate participation
       - signed line advice
       - request to modify contract synopsis, contract wording,
       closing, etc.
       - accept contract synopsis, contract wording.
       - closing
       endorsement cycle: 
       - endorsement request
       - cancellation notice - provisional
       - cancellation notice - definite
       - decline endorsement request
       - (unconditional) acceptance of endorsement request
       - conditional acceptance of endorsement request
       - endorsement notice
       - request to negotiate endorsement
       - decline all conditions
       - withdrawal notice of cancellation
       - advice cancellation method
       - request additional information
       - supply additional information (including wording, certificate
       and RELIST)
       - request to modify additional information
       - decline acceptance of supporting information
       - party involvement report (proposed or actual)
       - final bid request
       - placement on hold
       - placement cancelled-NTU (not taken up)
       - placement released
       - placement closed
       - last bid offer expected
       - final acceptance


       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General
       Introduction, Section 1.


3.1    Standard terms and definitions

       See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General
       Introduction, Section 2.

3.2    Message terms and definitions

       'Placing' is basically the term used for the whole negotiation
       cycle to get a risk or a set of risks reinsured in the form of
       a reinsurance contract. As this process is identical to the
       endorsement cycle (whereby modifications to a contract such as
       extensions in time, in number or value of risks to be covered,
       in special conditions go through a negotiation cycle), this
       cycle has also been included in the placing process. Some other
       similar business cycles such as the cancellation, renewal have
       equally been covered.
       The placing process is essentially not different from any
       buyer-supplier bidding process, although this simple fact is
       too often dissimulated behind complex procedures and specific
       terminology: the objective of the process is to find
       'suppliers' that are acceptable for the buyer and that meet his
       In this sense, the RECORD message could be used by any other
       industry in which a contract is negotiated. 
       Placing sub-processes
       Bidding round 1: the process is initiated by the prospective
       buyer who composes a package that consists of his tentative
       requirements along with any information that may help the
       prospective supplier to make his bid. This additional
       documentation may take any form and may comprise statistics,
       plans, bidding terms, original policy documentation, etc. This
       'package' is transmitted to selected potential suppliers for a
       first bidding round. This sub-process is closed off upon
       reception of the bids from the suppliers. It is generally
       referred to as the 'quotation stage'.
       Bidding round 2: the buyer has at this point two options:
       either he has received one or more firm bids that fulfil his
       requirements, in which case he confirms the acceptability of
       the bids to the relevant supplier(s); or else he uses the
       received bids to re-formulate his requirements, thus initiating
       a second bidding round.
       This second round - generally referred to as the 'order' stage
       - follows essentially the same pattern as the quotation stage,
       and it may very well be the only stage in the placing process;
       this is e.g. the case when a contract is renewed without
       obtaining a quotation first.
       The process is closed off when the order offer is either
       accepted or rejected - possibly after more bidding or
       negotiation rounds.
       The process may consist of a double loop instead of a single
       one in case the buyer requests another party (broker) to
       perform the placing process on his behalf; again, there is no
       essential difference: the buyer will first select in an initial
       bidding process the party to which he wishes to confer this
       duty. Afterwards, the process continues as described above with
       an additional feed-back loop from the broker to the buyer. 
       The endorsement process
       The endorsement process is the one that is used to agree any
       type of change to the originally agreed contract; this may
       range from simple period extensions or cancellations to quite
       complex process types such as mid-term market changes. The
       process may be such that one type of endorsement request leads
       to another type of endorsement (e.g. a request for change in
       conditions may lead to a market change).
       The endorsement process largely follows the same pattern as the
       placing process: the buyer (or supplier) requests the change
       from the other party, who in one or more discussion rounds
       agrees or refuses.
       Main parties involved
       - Cedent/ceding company/reinsured/retrocedent
       The insurance or reinsurance company that seeks protection
       against a risk in the form of reinsurance or retrocession
       buying; hence the term 'buyer' is sometimes equally used; where
       the cedent is a reinsurer who retrocedes (i.e. re-sells)
       accepted business, the term 'retroceding company' is more
       commonly used - but the flows are identical, and therefore both
       are considered in the underlying document.
       - Reinsurer
       Company supplying reinsurance protection for agreed terms and
       conditions (the terms 'underwriter' and 'assuming company' are
       equally covered by this definition); if the reinsurer protects
       risks coming from another reinsurer, the flow is called
       'retrocession'. Apart from these terms, there is little or no
       difference between the flow for 'cession' or 'retrocession'
       - Broker
       Intermediary between cedent and reinsurer. His function in the
       placing flows is essentially to ensure that a contract or
       endorsement with acceptable terms and conditions for the
       required cover is established, and that acceptable reinsurers
       are found to take part. Additionally, he will establish and
       facilitate the communication between the parties involved in
       the placing process. In return, he is paid a part of the
       premium that the cedent pays to the reinsurer, called the


4.1    Segment clarification

       This section should be read in conjunction with the segment
       table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating

0010   UNH, Message header
       A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message.
       The message type code for the Reinsurance core data message is

       Note: Reinsurance core data messages conforming to this
       document must contain the following data in segment UNH,
       composite S009:

       Data element  0065 RECORD
                     0052 D
                     0054 01C
                     0051 UN

0020   BGM, Beginning of message
       To indicate the type of message, its function and its
       identifying reference.

0030   DTM, Date/time/period
       To specify dates and times relating to the transaction and to
       the process stage. The 'transaction creation date and time' and
       the 'contract version date and time' are required. The use of
       the other values depends on the type of transaction.

0040   AGR, Agreement identification
       A segment primarily used to specify the placing stage (i.e.
       quotation, order, endorsement) and - in case of an endorsement
       - the endorsement type. It can also be used to give some high-
       level indicators regarding the nature of the risk (e.g.
       contract type).

0050   RFF, Reference
       The segment must be used to specify the risk reference: this is
       the key reference that the risk will carry from the start to
       finish throughout each of the cycles - supplemented with the
       placing stage type and the contract version date/time stamp
       which can both change. Other references that may be specified
       at this level include: the 'link reference' which links this
       specific placement to the placement of one or more other
       contracts (required to indicate that a previous contract is
       renewed as a set of linked contracts); the 'password access
       reference' which may be required in some implementations to
       access the risk data; the 'authorising market reference' which
       is required in some implementations of the endorsement process
       (London practice only).

0060   GEI, Processing information
       Used to specify at header level whether information has been
       modified. If both underlying policy and contract have the same
       data, then there is no need to specify all the insurance policy
       data: they are simply listed under the reinsurance contract,
       and a flag here indicates this fact. The segment can equally be
       used to indicate - specifically for an endorsement - if the
       data need to be made available to the bureau members (London
       practice only). The 'reason for declining' can be specified
       here in a coded format.
       A further code can be used to identify the character of the
       transaction. Lastly, codes can be used to indicate the scope of
       the requested common account protection.

0070   FTX, Free text
       Mainly used to specify the reason of the transaction in textual
       format. Additionally, it can be used to specify the contract
       name and to explain the nature of the revision or the
       endorsement. Even though the message allows for text, it should
       be used sparsely.

0080   Segment group 1:  PNA-BUS-RFF-SG2
       This group must be used to specify sender and receiver.
       Additionally and when relevant, the information originator and
       third parties receiving a copy of the message can equally be

0090      PNA, Party identification
          To specify the sender and receiver of the transaction, and
          optionally third parties such as the information originator
          (in case the message is simply passed on) and courtesy copy

0100      BUS, Business function
          To describe the business function of the party named.

0110      RFF, Reference
          To specify contract references for the party named. In case
          of placement or endorsement of a single contract, the
          contract reference will be specified. In case of a process
          that involves a group of contracts (in reinsurance terms:
          set of layers or bouquet), the contract group reference will
          be specified. In case of renewal, the previous contract
          reference(s) need to be specified. The original policy
          reference will only be used in case of a facultative (i.e.
          individual risk) placement whereby the policy details are
          not given as they are a subset of the contract data. The
          parent contract reference is specified when a declaration is
          placed. A reference may equally be specified in a response
          flow to indicate the reference number of the transaction to
          which this RECORD is a reply or addition.

0120      Segment group 2:  CTA-COM
          This group is used to specify contact persons or departments
          within the named party.

0130         CTA, Contact information
             To specify the contact within the named party.

0140         COM, Communication contact
             To specify the means of communicating with the named
             party contact.

0150   Segment group 3:  IDE-GEI-ICD-RFF-ATT-CUX-FTX-SG4-SG6-SG7-SG8-
       This group is used to perform all basic reporting either at
       contract level or per section, i.e.
       - section criteria for sections; 
       - clauses; 
       - coverages, deductibles, premiums and deductions; 
       - other types of provision (settlement terms, account
       submission terms, deposit use terms, etc.); 
       - parties and their involvement.
       Clarification: The maximum of 99 repeats has been introduced
       for practical reasons, and is to be understood as an overall
       limit on the total number of sections and subsections in any
       one contract. Even though in theory some data could be provided
       at contract level (e.g. commission, brokerage) and others at
       section level (e.g. coverages, deductibles), it is strongly
       advised to provide coverage, deductible, deduction and premium
       data per section - even when this represents a certain amount
       of duplication - in order to ease treatment by computer

0160      IDE, Identity
          To identify the contract and/or section level.

0170      GEI, Processing information
          To indicate what type of general conditions apply and to
          what the amounts in the section relate (e.g. 100 % of
          policy, cedent share of original risk, ceded share of risk,
          etc.). The segment can also be used to indicate whether the
          primary source of the information is paper-based or

0180      ICD, Insurance cover description
          To describe the cover for the section.

0190      RFF, Reference
          To specify the contract reference in case a contract group
          reference was given in the header. It can also be used to
          indicate the layer/surplus number of the cover if relevant.
          The policy reference can be specified if a section is used
          to describe a policy.

0200      ATT, Attribute
          To specify the class(es) of business, the type(s) of
          occupancy, the peril(s), the subject(s) of insurance and/or
          the origin of business that have been used as section or
          contract level criteria. The segment may also be used to
          specify the technical nature of the (part of the) contract
          within this section.

0210      CUX, Currencies
          If all amounts in the section or contract are expressed in
          the same currency, the segment can be used to specify this
          by means of the reference currency; in case conversion
          agreements are pre-arranged, further repeats can also be
          used to specify original currencies (calculation base
          currency) and their exchange rate.

0220      FTX, Free text
          To specify the criterion used for the section or contract in
          textual form, and/or to give further cover details. It can
          equally be used to render a section heading.

0230      Segment group 4:  PER-SG5
          This group is used to specify any period relating to the
          section or contract - in particular various coverage

0240         PER, Period related details
             To identify any periods relating to this section or

0250         Segment group 5:  DTM-GEI
             This group allows to specify dates or durations of the
             coverage period.

0260            DTM, Date/time/period
                To indicate dates and/or duration for the contract
                coverage. The first repeat of the date/time/period
                segment will typically be used to render the 'start
                date' of the period. It can however also be used to
                specify the period duration. The second repeat is
                typically to be used to render the end date of the
                period. In case the first segment was used to specify
                the duration, then the second one will be used to
                specify the (estimated) end date and time.

0270            GEI, Processing information
                To give date or period related indicators such as
                'date included', 'date not known', etc.

0280      Segment group 6:  LOC-MEA-ADR
          This group allows to specify covered locations in terms of
          country and address or (additionally) in terms of longitude
          and latitude.

0290         LOC, Place/location identification
             To identify the geographical scope(s) or specific
             coverage location(s) that are used as selection criteria
             for this section. In case the section is in respect of a
             voyage, the various ports may be specified here as well.

0300         MEA, Measurements
             To express a location in terms of longitude and latitude.

0310         ADR, Address
             To express the risk location in address format if more

0320      Segment group 7:  CLA-APP-MOA-PCD-DTM-GEI-FTX
          To specify clauses related to the section or contract and
          important related information.

0330         CLA, Clause identification
             To identify which clause(s) are related to the contract
             or policy.

0340         APP, Applicability
             To specify the applicability of the clause.

0350         MOA, Monetary amount
             To express amounts for the clause.

0360         PCD, Percentage details
             To express the rates applicable for the clause.

0370         DTM, Date/time/period
             To indicate the clause reference data (e.g. the date from
             which cancellation starts), and/or the clause duration.
             The exact meaning will depend on the type of clause, e.g.
             retroactive date (sunrise clause), cessation date (sunset
             clause), etc.

0380         GEI, Processing information
             To indicate that full details are to be found in the
             contractual documentation.

0390         FTX, Free text
             To provide a clause description.

0400      Segment group 8:  PRV-APP-MOA-RTE-DTM-QTY-FOR-CUX-CLA-GEI-
          This group is used to render all the basic data that are
          involved in a contract or section: coverages, deductibles,
          deductions and premiums. Additionally, it can be used to
          specify other types of proviso such as settlement terms,
          bordereau and account submission terms etc.

0410         PRV, Proviso details
             To render proviso data of any nature.

0420         APP, Applicability
             To describe how the proviso applies.

0430         MOA, Monetary amount
             To express the proviso and/or the proviso basis as an

0440         RTE, Rate details
             To express the proviso as a rate.

0450         DTM, Date/time/period
             To express the proviso as a duration or period.

0460         QTY, Quantity
             To express the proviso and/or proviso basis (mainly for
             premium) as a quantity. Additionally, it can be used to
             specify the total number of reinstatements if the proviso
             = 'reinstatement coverage'.

0470         FOR, Formula
             To specify the formula used in calculating the proviso.

0480         CUX, Currencies
             To render original currencies and pre-arranged exchange

0490         CLA, Clause identification
             To specify the clause(s) to which the proviso relates.

0500         GEI, Processing information
             To indicate that full details are to be found in
             supporting documentation. It can also be used in case the
             proviso = reinstatement coverage to express that the
             number of reinstatements is unlimited, and/or that the
             reinstatement premiums need to be calculated in the loss
             currency. It may also be used to specify general
             indicators related to the proviso such as reserve deposit
             release method, proviso frequency, loss adjustment
             expenses modality, reserve deposit use, etc.

0510         FTX, Free text
             To provide textual details relating to the proviso.

0520         Segment group 9:  BAS-APP
             A group of segments to provide details of the basis of
             the proviso and how the basis is applied.

0530            BAS, Basis
                To specify one basis for the proviso.

0540            APP, Applicability
                To specify how the basis is to be applied.

0550         Segment group 10: ATT-PCD
             The group will be used to link specific perils, classes
             of business, subject of insurance amongst other to a

0560            ATT, Attribute
                To specify the class of business, origin of business,
                subject of insurance, peril or type of occupancy that
                the proviso is in respect of.

0570            PCD, Percentage details
                To specify the percentage that the accounting class
                represents in the total reporting.

0580         Segment group 11: LOC-MEA-ADR
             To specify one or more locations linked to the proviso.

0590            LOC, Place/location identification
                To specify one location linked to the proviso.

0600            MEA, Measurements
                To describe a location in terms of longitude and

0610            ADR, Address
                To describe the location to which the coverage,
                deductible or premium relates as an address.

0620         Segment group 12: PYT-PCD
             The group will typically be used to specify settlement
             terms when settlement terms or reserve is the proviso.
             The group can also be used if parts of the amounts due
             need to be settled using various methods (e.g. 20 % of
             loss reserve deposit via Letter of Credit, 80 % via bank

0630            PYT, Payment terms
                To specify settlement terms.

0640            PCD, Percentage details
                To specify the percentage of the total due that needs
                to be settled.

0650         Segment group 13: RFF-MOA-PCD-DTM
             This group serves multiple purposes : Each proviso must
             be assigned a number in order to make identification
             easier. The group may also be used to indicate the
             reinstated cover number for which details are given. The
             group as such can be used to specify instalment details
             in case that settlement terms is the proviso. Finally,
             the group can also be used to render commission related
             tables - particularly when they are using variable steps.

0660            RFF, Reference
                To specify the relevant references.

0670            MOA, Monetary amount
                To specify the amount of the instalment.

0680            PCD, Percentage details
                In case instalments are reported, the segment may be
                used to specify the percentage of the total amount to
                be settled in the instalment. The other usages are for
                commission tables as outlined in the group usage

0690            DTM, Date/time/period
                To specify instalment related dates.

0700      Segment group 14: PNA-ATT-ADR-CTA-COM-RFF-SG15
          To specify parties involved in the contract or policy, their
          shares and conditions.

0710         PNA, Party identification
             To identify the name of any party related to the
             reinsurance contract or policy.

0720         ATT, Attribute
             To specify further attributes of the party.

0730         ADR, Address
             To indicate one or more addresses of the party.

0740         CTA, Contact information
             To specify the name of the authorising underwriter.

0750         COM, Communication contact
             To identify means of communication with the authorising

0760         RFF, Reference
             For responding parties to specify their quote reference
             or (previous) contract references.

0770         Segment group 15: STS-RFF-DTM-MOA-PCD-QTY-FTX-SG16
             This group is used to describe the share of the party in
             the section. This can either be the requested, the
             previous or the firm involvement or 'line', and it can
             either be attached to conditions or not.

0780            STS, Status
                To describe the involvement of the party.

0790            RFF, Reference
                To be used to indicate the line identification and
                when relevant the line number (the sequential number
                this specific line will have on the contract).
                Additionally, this segment may carry the 'broker
                system id', which is an identifying unique reference
                of the individual who accepted the reinsurers's

0800            DTM, Date/time/period
                To indicate the authorisation period linked to the
                line. It may be used when the message is used as a
                market status report to specify the response date/time
                of each party on the list.

0810            MOA, Monetary amount
                To express the involvement as an amount or to request
                it to be expressed in these terms.

0820            PCD, Percentage details
                To express the involvement as a percentage or to
                indicate that the line is expected in this format.
                Additionally, it can be used to report specific
                condition percentages attached to the party's line in
                a 'party involvement report'.

0830            QTY, Quantity
                To express the line as a quantity, or to request the
                line to be written in such a format.

0840            FTX, Free text
                To give additional information regarding the format of
                the line. Additionally, it can be used to clarify the
                reason why a party declined interest in the risk.

0850            Segment group 16: RCS-FTX-ATT-RFF-PCD
                Used to specify the condition(s) attached to the line.

0860               RCS, Requirements and conditions
                   To specify the general type of condition and its

0870               FTX, Free text
                   To render the condition in a textual form and
                   optionally the description of the response (to be)

0880               ATT, Attribute
                   To specify the accounting class.

0890               RFF, Reference
                   To specify the reference for the accounting

0900               PCD, Percentage details
                   To specify the percentage split the underwriter
                   wants to see for the specified accounting class.

0910   Segment group 17: DOC-RFF-IDE-COM-EFI-PNA-DTM
       Used to reference supporting information related to the
       contract, policy or a section of either.

0920      DOC, Document/message details
          To identify supporting documents in the widest sense of the
          term and details directly related to them.

0930      RFF, Reference
          To provide a reference to a password which enables access to
          supporting information.

0940      IDE, Identity
          To identify whether the information is related to the
          contract or to one of more specific sections, and if so,
          which ones.

0950      COM, Communication contact
          To specify the (possibly various) means of communication by
          which the information can, will or should be put at the
          disposal of the other parties involved.

0960      EFI, External file link identification
          To specify the link of a non-EDI document to an UN/EDIFACT

0970      PNA, Party identification
          To specify the originator of the supporting information.

0980      DTM, Date/time/period
          To identify the date and time that the supporting
          information was created and put at the disposal of the

0990   UNT, Message trailer
       A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of
       segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the
       control reference number of the message.

4.2    Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)

          ADR Address
          AGR Agreement identification
          APP Applicability
          ATT Attribute
          BAS Basis
          BGM Beginning of message
          BUS Business function
          CLA Clause identification
          COM Communication contact
          CTA Contact information
          CUX Currencies
          DOC Document/message details
          DTM Date/time/period
          EFI External file link identification
          FOR Formula
          FTX Free text
          GEI Processing information
          ICD Insurance cover description
          IDE Identity
          LOC Place/location identification
          MEA Measurements
          MOA Monetary amount
          PCD Percentage details
          PER Period related details
          PNA Party identification
          PRV Proviso details
          PYT Payment terms
          QTY Quantity
          RCS Requirements and conditions
          RFF Reference
          RTE Rate details
          STS Status
          UNH Message header
          UNT Message trailer

4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 0010 UNH Message header M 1 0020 BGM Beginning of message M 1 0030 DTM Date/time/period M 9 0040 AGR Agreement identification M 9 0050 RFF Reference M 9 0060 GEI Processing information C 9 0070 FTX Free text C 9 0080 ----- Segment group 1 ------------------ M 99----------+ 0090 PNA Party identification M 1 | 0100 BUS Business function C 1 | 0110 RFF Reference C 9 | | 0120 ----- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 9----------+| 0130 CTA Contact information M 1 || 0140 COM Communication contact C 9----------++ 0150 ----- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 99----------+ 0160 IDE Identity M 1 | 0170 GEI Processing information C 9 | 0180 ICD Insurance cover description C 1 | 0190 RFF Reference C 9 | 0200 ATT Attribute C 99 | 0210 CUX Currencies C 9 | 0220 FTX Free text C 9 | | 0230 ----- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 9----------+| 0240 PER Period related details M 1 || || 0250 ----- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 2---------+|| 0260 DTM Date/time/period M 1 ||| 0270 GEI Processing information C 1---------++| | 0280 ----- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0290 LOC Place/location identification M 1 || 0300 MEA Measurements C 2 || 0310 ADR Address C 1----------+| | 0320 ----- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0330 CLA Clause identification M 1 || 0340 APP Applicability C 1 || 0350 MOA Monetary amount C 9 || 0360 PCD Percentage details C 9 || 0370 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 0380 GEI Processing information C 1 || 0390 FTX Free text C 1----------+| | 0400 ----- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 999--------+| 0410 PRV Proviso details M 1 || 0420 APP Applicability C 9 || 0430 MOA Monetary amount C 9 || 0440 RTE Rate details C 9 || 0450 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 0460 QTY Quantity C 9 || 0470 FOR Formula C 1 || 0480 CUX Currencies C 9 || 0490 CLA Clause identification C 99 || 0500 GEI Processing information C 9 || 0510 FTX Free text C 9 || || 0520 ----- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 9---------+|| 0530 BAS Basis M 1 ||| 0540 APP Applicability C 1---------+|| || 0550 ----- Segment group 10 ------------------ C 99--------+|| 0560 ATT Attribute M 1 ||| 0570 PCD Percentage details C 1---------+|| || 0580 ----- Segment group 11 ------------------ C 99--------+|| 0590 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 0600 MEA Measurements C 2 ||| 0610 ADR Address C 1---------+|| || 0620 ----- Segment group 12 ------------------ C 9---------+|| 0630 PYT Payment terms M 1 ||| 0640 PCD Percentage details C 1---------+|| || 0650 ----- Segment group 13 ------------------ M 99--------+|| 0660 RFF Reference M 1 ||| 0670 MOA Monetary amount C 1 ||| 0680 PCD Percentage details C 9 ||| 0690 DTM Date/time/period C 9---------++| | 0700 ----- Segment group 14 ------------------ C 999--------+| 0710 PNA Party identification M 1 || 0720 ATT Attribute M 9 || 0730 ADR Address C 9 || 0740 CTA Contact information C 1 || 0750 COM Communication contact C 9 || 0760 RFF Reference C 9 || || 0770 ----- Segment group 15 ------------------ C 99--------+|| 0780 STS Status M 1 ||| 0790 RFF Reference C 9 ||| 0800 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 0810 MOA Monetary amount C 9 ||| 0820 PCD Percentage details C 9 ||| 0830 QTY Quantity C 9 ||| 0840 FTX Free text C 9 ||| ||| 0850 ----- Segment group 16 ------------------ C 999------+||| 0860 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| 0870 FTX Free text C 9 |||| 0880 ATT Attribute C 1 |||| 0890 RFF Reference C 1 |||| 0900 PCD Percentage details C 1--------++++ 0910 ----- Segment group 17 ------------------ C 99----------+ 0920 DOC Document/message details M 1 | 0930 RFF Reference C 9 | 0940 IDE Identity C 1 | 0950 COM Communication contact C 1 | 0960 EFI External file link identification C 1 | 0970 PNA Party identification C 1 | 0980 DTM Date/time/period C 9-----------+ 0990 UNT Message trailer M 1

Copyright United Nations, all rights reserved
UN Economic Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22 917 2016 Fax: +41-22 917 0037 E-mail: TradeMaster@unece.org
UN/EDIFACT Directories