United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ![]() UN/EDIFACT |
Message Type : TSDUPD Version : D Release : 04B Contr. Agency: UN Revision : 4 Date : 2004-11-23 SOURCE: TBG9 Travel, Tourism and Leisure CONTENTS Timetable static data update - interactive message 0. INTRODUCTION 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition 1.2 Field of application 1.3 Principles 2. REFERENCES 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions 3.2 Message terms and definitions 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) 4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION This specification provides the definition of the Timetable static data update - interactive message (TSDUPD) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition A TSDUPD message provides static data complementary to travel schedule information conveyed by a SKDUPD - schedule update interactive message, such as information about locations and parties. A travel service provider sends timetable static data to other service providers or agencies such as government departments, traffic authorities and timetable publishing. 1.2 Field of application The Timetable static data update - interactive message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3 Principles -The message is designed to transmit new or changed schedule information in order to update the recipient system. -The message can contain either a complete set of schedule information data or updates to a former delivery. -The message may also be used to formulate a request for re- transmission of the data in case of error. -The message may be sent spontaneously when the travel service provider has new information available, or as a response to a SKDREQ - schedule request interactive message. 2. REFERENCES See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 3.2 Message terms and definitions See UNTDID. Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 0010 UIH, Interactive message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Timetable static data update - interactive message is TSDUPD. Note: Timetable static data update - interactive messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UIH, composite S306: Data element 0065 TSDUPD 0052 D 0054 04B 0051 UN 0020 MSD, Message action details A segment to specify the type and business function of the message. 0030 ORG, Originator of request details A segment to specify details related to the originator of the schedule update. 0040 HDR, Header information A segment to specify information applicable to the entire message. 0050 IFT, Interactive free text A segment to provide free text information relating to the entire message. 0060 RFR, Reference A segment to specify a reference relating to the entire message. 0070 CNY, Country information A segment to provide country specific information as summer or wintertime transition date and currency, applying to the entire message. 0080 TIZ, Time zone information Segment providing information about the time zone applying to the entire message. 0090 LNG, Language A segment to provide the language in which the language dependent objects are expressed in the entire message. 0100 Segment group 1: ERI-RFR-IFT A group of segments to specify an error condition. 0110 ERI, Application error information A segment to specify the type of application error. 0120 RFR, Reference A segment to reference the erroneous element. 0130 IFT, Interactive free text A segment to provide text related to the error. 0140 Segment group 2: ALS-ADS-POP-CON-TRF-CNY-TIZ-LNG-SER-IFT-SG3- SG4-SG5 A group of segments to provide information related to a location. 0150 ALS, Additional location information A segment to identify a location and its geographical co- ordinates. 0160 ADS, Address A segment to provide address information related to the location. 0170 POP, Period of operation A segment to provide dates and times related to the location. 0180 CON, Contact information A segment to provide contact information related to the location. 0190 TRF, Traffic restriction details A segment to specify traffic restrictions relating to the location. 0200 CNY, Country information A segment to provide information related to the country of the location. 0210 TIZ, Time zone information A segment to provide information about the time zone wherein the location is situated. 0220 LNG, Language A segment to specify a language related to the location. 0230 SER, Facility information A segment to provide information about facilities available at the location. 0240 IFT, Interactive free text A segment to provide free text information related to the location. 0250 Segment group 3: ASD-CON A segment group to provide information about services available at the location. 0260 ASD, Service details A segment to provide information about a service available at the location. 0270 CON, Contact information A segment to provide contact information related to the service. 0280 Segment group 4: PRD-SER-FRQ-IFT-POR A segment group to provide information about connecting transport services available at the location. 0290 PRD, Product identification A segment specifying a connecting transport service available at the location. 0300 SER, Facility information A segment providing facility information about the connecting transport service. 0310 FRQ, Frequency A segment to provide frequency information relating to the connecting transport service. 0320 IFT, Interactive free text A segment to provide free text information related to the connecting transport service. 0330 POR, Location and/or related time information A segment specifying location (e.g. terminus) and corresponding time information relating to the connecting transport service. 0340 Segment group 5: RFR-MES-RLS-SG6 A segment group to provide information about transport services from the location to other destination locations. 0350 RFR, Reference A segment referring to a destination location to which transport services are available. 0360 MES, Measurements This segment may be used to specify the transfer time and/or distance 0370 + RLS, Relationship A segment to specify the kind of relation existing between both parties. 0380 Segment group 6: PRD-POP-SER A segment providing facility information about the connecting transport service. 0390 PRD, Product identification A segment to provide information about a transport services to the destination location. 0400 POP, Period of operation A segment to provide time information related to the transport service. 0410 SER, Facility information A segment to provide facility information related to the transport service. 0420 Segment group 7: NME-ADS-CON-SG8 A group of segments to provide information about parties. 0430 NME, Name A segment to identify a party. 0440 ADS, Address A segment to provide address information related to the party. 0450 CON, Contact information A segment to provide contact information related to the party. 0460 Segment group 8: RFR-RLS A segment group to provide information about other parties to which the party is related. 0470 RFR, Reference A segment referring to another related party. 0480 RLS, Relationship A segment to specify the kind of relation existing between both parties. 0490 UIT, Interactive message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UIH & UIT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) ADS Address ALS Additional location information ASD Service details CNY Country information CON Contact information ERI Application error information FRQ Frequency HDR Header information IFT Interactive free text LNG Language MES Measurements MSD Message action details NME Name ORG Originator of request details POP Period of operation POR Location and/or related time information PRD Product identification RFR Reference RLS Relationship SER Facility information TIZ Time zone information TRF Traffic restriction details UIH Interactive message header UIT Interactive message trailer
4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 0010 UIH Interactive message header M 1 0020 MSD Message action details M 1 0030 ORG Originator of request details C 1 0040 HDR Header information C 1 0050 IFT Interactive free text C 9 0060 RFR Reference C 1 0070 CNY Country information C 1 0080 TIZ Time zone information C 1 0090 LNG Language C 1 0100 ----- Segment group 1 ------------------ C 99----------+ 0110 ERI Application error information M 1 | 0120 RFR Reference C 1 | 0130 IFT Interactive free text C 1-----------+ 0140 ----- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 99999-------+ 0150 ALS Additional location information M 1 | 0160 ADS Address C 1 | 0170 POP Period of operation C 9 | 0180 CON Contact information C 1 | 0190 TRF Traffic restriction details C 1 | 0200 CNY Country information C 1 | 0210 TIZ Time zone information C 1 | 0220 LNG Language C 1 | 0230 SER Facility information C 1 | 0240 IFT Interactive free text C 9 | | 0250 ----- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0260 ASD Service details M 1 || 0270 CON Contact information C 1----------+| | 0280 ----- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0290 PRD Product identification M 1 || 0300 SER Facility information C 1 || 0310 FRQ Frequency C 1 || 0320 IFT Interactive free text C 1 || 0330 POR Location and/or related time information C 1----------+| | 0340 ----- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0350 RFR Reference M 1 || 0360 MES Measurements C 1 || 0370 + RLS Relationship C 1 || || 0380 ----- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 99--------+|| 0390 PRD Product identification M 1 ||| 0400 POP Period of operation C 1 ||| 0410 SER Facility information C 1---------+++ 0420 ----- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 99----------+ 0430 NME Name M 1 | 0440 ADS Address C 1 | 0450 CON Contact information C 1 | | 0460 ----- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 99---------+| 0470 RFR Reference M 1 || 0480 RLS Relationship C 1----------++ 0490 UIT Interactive message trailer M 1