United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ![]() UN/EDIFACT |
Message Type : RESMSG Version : D Release : 14B Contr. Agency: UN Revision : 2 Date : 2014-11-17 SOURCE: TBG9 Travel, Tourism and Leisure CONTENTS Reservation message 0. INTRODUCTION 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition 1.2 Field of application 1.3 Principles 2. REFERENCES 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) 4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION This specification provides the definition of the Reservation message (RESMSG) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition A Reservation message is sent by a tourism operator to one or more service providers in order to request desired services. These services may be subject to confirmation by any of the parties concerned. 1.2 Field of application The Reservation message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3 Principles A Reservation message may cover one or more services provided by one or more suppliers for a person or for a group of persons. This message is part of a scenario which includes research, availability query, reservation and cancellation of services relating to travel, tourism and leisure. The response to this message is the Supplier response message (SUPRES). 2. REFERENCES See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 00010 UNH, Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Reservation message is RESMSG. Note: Reservation messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 RESMSG 0052 D 0054 14B 0051 UN 00020 BGM, Beginning of message A segment identifying the Reservation message. 00030 LAN, Language A segment identifying the language used in a transaction. 00040 PCD, Percentage details A segment containing a percentage factor which relates to the services or products requested in the whole message. 00050 PAI, Payment instructions A segment specifying a method of payment relating to the services or products requested in the whole message. 00060 DTM, Date/time/period A segment specifying a date that applies to the message, (e.g. date of this message, date until such message is valid). 00070 FTX, Free text A segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the whole message. 00080 LOC, Place/location identification A segment containing location information pertaining to the services or products requested in the whole message. 00090 MOA, Monetary amount A segment containing the monetary amounts to be paid by the sender for all beneficiaries, services or products requested in the whole message. 00100 PYT, Payment terms A segment specifying payment terms relating to the services or products requested in the whole message. 00110 FII, Financial institution information A segment containing financial institution information relating to the services or products requested in the whole message. 00120 Segment group 1: RFF-DTM A group of segments indicating references relating to the message. 00130 RFF, Reference A segment containing references relating to the whole message. 00140 DTM, Date/time/period A segment specifying the date that applies to the previous reference. 00150 Segment group 2: NAD-RFF-COM-LAN-SG3 A group of segments identifying the sender and the receiver and all other parties involved in the transaction and how to communicate information to each of them. 00160 NAD, Name and address A segment providing name and address of the parties related to the message (sender, receiver, airline, agent). 00170 RFF, Reference A segment indicating any additional reference for the party identified in the preceding NAD segment. 00180 COM, Communication contact A segment containing communication information for the party identified in the preceding NAD segment. 00190 LAN, Language A segment indicating the language to be used by the party identified in the preceding NAD segment. 00200 Segment group 3: CTA-COM-LAN A group of segments identifying a person or a department within a party specified in the preceding NAD segment and how to communicate with them. 00210 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the preceding NAD segment, and to whom the communication should be directed. 00220 COM, Communication contact A segment providing communication information for the person or department identified in the preceding CTA segment. 00230 LAN, Language A segment indicating the language to communicate with the person or department identified in the preceding CTA segment. 00240 Segment group 4: SEQ-SG5-SG9 A group of segments relating to the requested services and to the beneficiaries. 00250 SEQ, Sequence details A segment which provides a sequence number for later reference to a related service, product or beneficiary. 00260 Segment group 5: IMD-QTY-LAN-DTM-NAD-RFF-PCD-PAI-PYT-FII-DIM- FTX-SG6-SG7-SG8 A group of segments identifying a particular service or product requested. 00270 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a particular product or service. 00280 QTY, Quantity A segment specifying a quantity related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00290 LAN, Language A segment indicating the language to be used for the requested service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00300 DTM, Date/time/period A segment to indicate any date and/or time pertaining to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00310 NAD, Name and address A segment specifying name and address information related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00320 RFF, Reference A segment containing reference relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00330 PCD, Percentage details A segment containing percentage factors which relate to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00340 PAI, Payment instructions A segment specifying methods of payment relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00350 PYT, Payment terms A segment specifying payment terms for the service or product identified in an associated IMD segment. 00360 FII, Financial institution information A segment containing financial institution information relating to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00370 DIM, Dimensions A segment providing dimensions which may be required for the provision of the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00380 FTX, Free text A segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00390 Segment group 6: LOC-NAD-DTM A group of segments identifying location and if necessary the name and address of a specific place connected with this location. 00400 LOC, Place/location identification A segment containing location information pertaining to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00410 NAD, Name and address A segment providing name and address information relating to the information specified in the preceding LOC segment. 00420 DTM, Date/time/period A segment providing date and/or time information relating to the information specified in the preceding LOC segment. 00430 Segment group 7: MOA-QTY A group of segments containing the monetary amount to be paid related to the quantity of the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00440 MOA, Monetary amount A segment containing the monetary amount to be paid by the sender for the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00450 QTY, Quantity A segment specifying a quantity related to the service or product identified in the IMD segment. 00460 Segment group 8: RCS-FII-MOA-RFF-FTX A group of segments providing special conditions or additional requirements related to the service or product identified in the preceding IMD segment. 00470 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment to specify types of requirements attached to the provision of a service. 00480 FII, Financial institution information A segment containing financial institution information relating to the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment. 00490 MOA, Monetary amount A segment containing the monetary amount to be paid by the sender for the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment. 00500 RFF, Reference A segment containing reference information relating to the special conditions or requirements identified in the preceding RCS segment. 00510 FTX, Free text A segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding RCS segment. 00520 Segment group 9: MEM-SG10 A group of segments containing information pertaining to the beneficiaries of the services or products requested in the message. 00530 MEM, Membership details A segment specifying relationship between persons within a group. 00540 Segment group 10: NAD-ATT-RFF-LAN-FTX-COM-SG11-SG12-SG13-SG14 A group of segments providing information related to a group or an individual beneficiary. 00550 NAD, Name and address A segment specifying name and address information related to the preceding MEM segment. 00560 ATT, Attribute A segment specifying an attribute related to the preceding NAD segment. 00570 RFF, Reference A segment providing reference information related to the preceding NAD segment. 00580 LAN, Language A segment providing language information which relates to the preceding NAD segment. 00590 FTX, Free text A segment for information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding NAD segment. 00600 COM, Communication contact A segment providing communication information related to the preceding NAD segment. 00610 Segment group 11: CTA-COM A group of segments providing contact information related to the NAD segment. 00620 CTA, Contact information A segment providing contact information related to the preceding NAD segment. 00630 COM, Communication contact A segment providing communication information related to the preceding CTA segment. 00640 Segment group 12: DOC-LOC-DTM A group of segments providing documentation information related to the preceding NAD segment. 00650 DOC, Document/message details A segment indicating a type of document (e.g. passport, visa, driving licence, vaccination certificate, etc...) related to the preceding NAD segment. 00660 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying the place of issue of the document referenced in the preceding DOC segment. 00670 DTM, Date/time/period A segment indicating the date of issue of the document referenced in the preceding DOC segment. 00680 Segment group 13: PAI-PYT-FII-MOA-RFF A group of segments providing payment information, payment terms, financial institution, monetary amount and references related to the preceding NAD segment. 00690 PAI, Payment instructions A segment specifying a method of payment relating to the preceding NAD segment. 00700 PYT, Payment terms A segment providing payment terms related to the preceding PAI segment. 00710 FII, Financial institution information A segment providing financial institution information relating to preceding PAI segment. 00720 MOA, Monetary amount A segment providing monetary information (e.g. a rate request, maximum price, etc...) related to the preceding PAI segment. 00730 RFF, Reference A segment providing reference information related to the preceding PAI segment. 00740 Segment group 14: RCS-MOA-RFF-FTX A group of segments providing information of special requirements or conditions related to the preceding NAD segment. 00750 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment to specify a type of requirement (e.g. special diet needs, handicapped facilities, etc...) related to the preceding NAD segment. 00760 MOA, Monetary amount A segment providing a monetary amount related to the preceding RCS segment. 00770 RFF, Reference A segment containing reference information relating to the preceding RCS segment. 00780 FTX, Free text A segment specifying information in coded or clear form to provide any other information related to the preceding RCS segment. 00790 UNT, Message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) ATT Attribute BGM Beginning of message COM Communication contact CTA Contact information DIM Dimensions DOC Document/message details DTM Date/time/period FII Financial institution information FTX Free text IMD Item description LAN Language LOC Place/location identification MEM Membership details MOA Monetary amount NAD Name and address PAI Payment instructions PCD Percentage details PYT Payment terms QTY Quantity RCS Requirements and conditions RFF Reference SEQ Sequence details UNH Message header UNT Message trailer
4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 00010 UNH Message header M 1 00020 BGM Beginning of message M 1 00030 LAN Language C 1 00040 PCD Percentage details C 1 00050 PAI Payment instructions C 1 00060 DTM Date/time/period C 5 00070 FTX Free text C 5 00080 LOC Place/location identification C 2 00090 MOA Monetary amount C 5 00100 PYT Payment terms C 10 00110 FII Financial institution information C 5 00120 ---- Segment group 1 ------------------ C 5----------------+ 00130 RFF Reference M 1 | 00140 DTM Date/time/period C 1----------------+ 00150 ---- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 5----------------+ 00160 NAD Name and address M 1 | 00170 RFF Reference C 5 | 00180 COM Communication contact C 5 | 00190 LAN Language C 1 | | 00200 ---- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 5---------------+| 00210 CTA Contact information M 1 || 00220 COM Communication contact C 5 || 00230 LAN Language C 1---------------++ 00240 ---- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00250 SEQ Sequence details M 1 | | 00260 ---- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00270 IMD Item description M 1 || 00280 QTY Quantity C 1 || 00290 LAN Language C 1 || 00300 DTM Date/time/period C 20 || 00310 NAD Name and address C 1 || 00320 RFF Reference C 99 || 00330 PCD Percentage details C 1 || 00340 PAI Payment instructions C 1 || 00350 PYT Payment terms C 5 || 00360 FII Financial institution information C 5 || 00370 DIM Dimensions C 2 || 00380 FTX Free text C 5 || || 00390 ---- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 10-------------+|| 00400 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 00410 NAD Name and address C 1 ||| 00420 DTM Date/time/period C 10-------------+|| || 00430 ---- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 00440 MOA Monetary amount M 1 ||| 00450 QTY Quantity C 1--------------+|| || 00460 ---- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 10-------------+|| 00470 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| 00480 FII Financial institution information C 5 ||| 00490 MOA Monetary amount C 2 ||| 00500 RFF Reference C 1 ||| 00510 FTX Free text C 1--------------++| | 00520 ---- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00530 MEM Membership details M 1 || || 00540 ---- Segment group 10 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 00550 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 00560 ATT Attribute C 99 ||| 00570 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 00580 LAN Language C 1 ||| 00590 FTX Free text C 5 ||| 00600 COM Communication contact C 5 ||| ||| 00610 ---- Segment group 11 ------------------ C 1-------------+||| 00620 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 00630 COM Communication contact C 5-------------+||| ||| 00640 ---- Segment group 12 ------------------ C 5-------------+||| 00650 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||| 00660 LOC Place/location identification C 1 |||| 00670 DTM Date/time/period C 10------------+||| ||| 00680 ---- Segment group 13 ------------------ C 10------------+||| 00690 PAI Payment instructions M 1 |||| 00700 PYT Payment terms C 1 |||| 00710 FII Financial institution information C 1 |||| 00720 MOA Monetary amount C 1 |||| 00730 RFF Reference C 9-------------+||| ||| 00740 ---- Segment group 14 ------------------ C 10------------+||| 00750 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| 00760 MOA Monetary amount C 2 |||| 00770 RFF Reference C 2 |||| 00780 FTX Free text C 1-------------++++ 00790 UNT Message trailer M 1