United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ![]() UN/EDIFACT |
Message Type : VERMAS Version : D Release : 19A Contr. Agency: UN Revision : 1 Date : 2019-04-11 SOURCE: TBG3 Transport CONTENTS Verified gross mass message 0. INTRODUCTION 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition 1.2 Field of application 1.3 Principles 2. REFERENCES 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions 3.2 Message terms and definitions 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) 4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION This specification provides the definition of the Verified gross mass message (VERMAS) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE The Verified gross mass message may be used for both national and international trade. It is based on universal commercial practice and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.1 Functional definition VERMAS can be used by different parties at different times in a transport chain. It is not dedicated to a particular process step. For example, in relation to a supply chain including the transport of a packed container on an ocean vessel, the Verified gross mass message (VERMAS) permits to submit the verified gross mass of the packed container and supporting information as legally required by the SOLAS Convention Chapter VI, Part A, Regulation 2. 1.2 Field of application The Verified gross mass message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3 Principles VERMAS incorporates information on the verified gross mass (VGM) of a packed piece of transport equipment such as a seagoing container, the time, place and method of obtaining the VGM, the responsible parties, and references required by the receiver to assign the VGM to his transactions. The message is used to transmit information related to one or many pieces of transport equipment belonging to a clearly defined transport movement. The message can be exchanged between any two parties in the transport chain as per mutual agreement. The sender may have obtained the verified gross mass himself or he may forward a VGM received from a third party. Each party in the transport chain can be a sender or a receiver of a VERMAS message. The only mandatory information in the message refers to the transport equipment and to the VGM value. All other information is optional and its transmission depends on the role of sender and receiver in the transport chain. It is essential that sender and receiver agree on the information and references to be exchanged. The message shall not be used as a handling order. The message shall not be used for reporting of empty containers. Dependent on the nature of cargo further attributes such as temperature control, identification of dangerous goods, non-standard dimensions, handling requirements may also be sent. 2. REFERENCES See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 3.2 Message terms and definitions See UNTDID. Part 4, Chapter 2.6 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 00010 UNH, Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Verified gross mass message is VERMAS. Note: Verified gross mass messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 VERMAS 0052 D 0054 19A 0051 UN 00020 BGM, Beginning of message A segment to indicate the type and function of the message and to transmit the identifying number. 00030 DTM, Date/time/period A segment to indicate dates and times for the entire message including the date and time of the preparation of the message. 00040 Segment group 1: RFF-DTM A group of segments to specify references relating to the message and related dates and times. 00050 RFF, Reference A segment to identify a reference which applies to the entire message, e.g. the reference to a previous message. 00060 DTM, Date/time/period A segment to indicate dates and times relating to the reference. 00070 Segment group 2: NAD-SG3 A group of segments to identify a party for the entire message including the message sender and related contacts. 00080 NAD, Name and address A segment to specify the name/address of the party and to identify the party role. 00090 Segment group 3: CTA-COM A group of segments to identify a contact and its communications related to the party. 00100 CTA, Contact information A segment to identify a person or a department to whom communication should be directed. 00110 COM, Communication contact A segment to identify communication numbers or email addresses for a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 00120 Segment group 4: EQD-RFF-LOC-SEL-SG5-SG6-SG7 A group of segments containing information about an individual piece of transport equipment. 00130 EQD, Equipment details A segment to identify the transport equipment. 00140 RFF, Reference A segment to specify a reference to the transport equipment. 00150 LOC, Place/location identification A segment to identify a place or a location related to the transport equipment. 00160 SEL, Seal number A segment to specify a seal number. 00170 Segment group 5: MEA-DTM A group of segments to specify the gross mass of transport equipment and date/time when it was determined. 00180 MEA, Measurements A segment to specify the gross mass (gross weight) of the transport equipment and to give the indication of whether the gross mass has been verified, e.g. according to SOLAS regulations. 00190 DTM, Date/time/period A segment to specify a date and/or time when the gross mass was determined. 00200 Segment group 6: TDT-RFF A group of segments identifying the means of transport and related details for the transport movement. 00210 TDT, Transport information A segment to specify information regarding the transport such as mode of transport, means of transport, its conveyance reference number and the identification of the means of transport. 00220 RFF, Reference A segment to specify a reference relating to the transport, such as an additional voyage reference number. 00230 Segment group 7: DOC-DTM-SG8 A group of segments providing information about documentation related to the gross mass verification. 00240 DOC, Document/message details A segment to specify the type and identification of documentation. 00250 DTM, Date/time/period A segment to specify a date and/or time related to the documentation. 00260 Segment group 8: NAD-SG9 A group of segments to qualify and specify name and address information related to the documentation. 00270 NAD, Name and address A segment to specify the function and name/address of an organization or individual. 00280 Segment group 9: CTA-COM A group of segments to specify a contact and related communication information. 00290 CTA, Contact information A segment to specify the function and details of a contact person or department. 00300 COM, Communication contact A segment to identify communication numbers or email addresses for a person or department to whom a communication should be directed. 00310 UNT, Message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) BGM Beginning of message COM Communication contact CTA Contact information DOC Document/message details DTM Date/time/period EQD Equipment details LOC Place/location identification MEA Measurements NAD Name and address RFF Reference SEL Seal number TDT Transport information UNH Message header UNT Message trailer
4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 00010 UNH Message header M 1 00020 BGM Beginning of message M 1 00030 DTM Date/time/period C 9 00040 ---- Segment group 1 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 00050 RFF Reference M 1 | 00060 DTM Date/time/period C 9----------------+ 00070 ---- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 00080 NAD Name and address M 1 | | 00090 ---- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00100 CTA Contact information M 1 || 00110 COM Communication contact C 9---------------++ 00120 ---- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 99999------------+ 00130 EQD Equipment details M 1 | 00140 RFF Reference C 9 | 00150 LOC Place/location identification C 9 | 00160 SEL Seal number C 99 | | 00170 ---- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00180 MEA Measurements M 1 || 00190 DTM Date/time/period C 9---------------+| | 00200 ---- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00210 TDT Transport information M 1 || 00220 RFF Reference C 9---------------+| | 00230 ---- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00240 DOC Document/message details M 1 || 00250 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || || 00260 ---- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 00270 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| ||| 00280 ---- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 9-------------+||| 00290 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 00300 COM Communication contact C 9-------------++++ 00310 UNT Message trailer M 1