United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ![]() UN/EDIFACT |
Message Type : GOVCBR Version : D Release : 20A Contr. Agency: UN Revision : 9 Date : 2020-05-19 SOURCE: TBG4 Customs CONTENTS Government Cross Border Regulatory message 0. INTRODUCTION 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition 1.2 Field of application 1.3 Principles 2. REFERENCES 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) 4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION This specification provides the definition of the Government Cross Border Regulatory message (GOVCBR) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE The GOVCBR message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practices related to administration, commerce and transport, and it is not dependant on the type of business or industry. 1.1 Functional definition In relation to cross-border transactions, the Government Cross Border Regulatory message (GOVCBR) permits a Declarant to submit a legally required declaration or other regulatory information to a cross-border regulatory agency (B2G) typically operating in a Single Window environment. It also permits the transfer of response data from a cross-border regulatory agency to the Declarant (G2B). It further permits cross border regulatory agencies to share information included in the declaration among national and international government agencies (G2G). In all three scenarios of B2G, G2B and G2G, the GOVCBR is meant to be used in relation to Import, Export or Transit processes for the following functions, either separately or in combination: - the declaration of goods; - the reporting of cargo; - the reporting of transport equipment and conveyance; - the reporting of crew. 1.2 Field of application The Government Cross Border Regulatory message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. The Government Cross Border Regulatory message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3 Principles - This message incorporates information on goods, cargo, transport equipment, conveyance and crew that is legally required for cross- border transactions to be sent to cross-border regulatory agencies and allows these agencies to respond to a declaration. It can also be used for sending this information from one Cross-Border Regulatory Agency to another. - GOVCBR may be submitted by the declarant to a single window environment progressively in stages to fulfil all functions listed in 1.1 above and to fulfil all data requirements of a cross-border regulatory agency. GOVCBR is specially designed to enable re-use information that is submitted in different stages of cross-border regulatory reporting. - Provision has been made for the inclusion of appropriate information which may be accepted by the relevant cross-border regulatory agencies in lieu of supporting documentation. - It is envisaged that within the cargo reporting area the GOVCBR can also be used for reporting on transport equipment and ships stores. - With regard to the reporting on the conveyance the GOVCBR embodies reporting requirements of all modes of transport whereby each message covers the data requirements for one conveyance. - The message may be used for reporting empty containers as well as numbers of passengers and crew and conveyance security requirements. - The message may be used for advance reporting of pre-arrival information on cargo and conveyances. - The GOVCBR message also accommodates reporting of minimum data for simplified/expedited procedures, aggregated data for periodic reporting, or full details for an individual transaction. - The GOVCBR design principles accommodate single or multiple consignments and is also to be used for a small collection of data (mini message) and a combined use of information on several aforementioned areas (compound message). - It also allows for referencing one or more commercial documents pertaining to the same declaration and for the grouping of document lines into a single cross-border regulatory agency item. 2. REFERENCES See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 00010 UNH, Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Government Cross Border Regulatory message is GOVCBR. Note: Government Cross Border Regulatory messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 GOVCBR 0052 D 0054 20A 0051 UN 00020 BGM, Beginning of message A segment identifying the type and function of a message relating to a regulatory cross border function and to transmit its identifying number. 00030 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying the date, and/or time, of a process relating to the document. 00040 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document. For example, the total of all invoice amounts declared in a single declaration. 00050 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying a government procedure relating to the document. 00060 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 00070 CUX, Currencies A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the document. 00080 FII, Financial institution information A segment identifying an account and a related financial institution for payments of duties/taxes/fees relating to the document. 00090 GPO, Geographical position A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration. 00100 LAN, Language A segment identifying the language relating to the document. 00110 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measure relating to the document, e.g. validity duration. 00120 Segment group 1: LOC-DTM-ADR-SG2 A group of segments identifying locations and times relating to the document. 00130 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or location relating to the document, e.g. place at which a declaration was issued, the location at which a declaration is lodged. 00140 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of goods departure at the place of loading, date of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload. 00150 ADR, Address A segment specifying an address related to the location 00160 Segment group 2: GEI-MOA-PYT A group of segments identifying processing and valuation information relating to the location. 00170 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the the location, e.g. information relating to the determination of freight amounts. 00180 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a valuation, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location. 00190 PYT, Payment terms A segment identifying a code describing the terms of payment relating to the valuation. 00200 Segment group 3: GOR-LOC-DTM-GEI-SG4 A group of segments identifying government requirements and information concerning the locations and contact parties of the government offices relating to the document. 00210 GOR, Governmental requirements A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the document. 00220 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions. 00230 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time or period 00240 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the governmental requirements 00250 Segment group 4: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact parties pertaining to the government agencies, with their related communication numbers. 00260 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department associated with a government agency. 00270 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address of a contact person or department. 00280 Segment group 5: STS-DTM-SG6 A group of segments identifying process status conditions relatings to the document. 00290 STS, Status A segment identifying a process status relating to the document after filing, e.g. accepted, cancelled. 00300 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies. 00310 Segment group 6: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying related document positions for a status. 00320 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the related document position for a status. 00330 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the related document position. 00340 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array 00350 Segment group 7: NAD-DTM-GEI-STS-IFD-IDE-SG8 A group of segments identifying the parties relevant to the document, with their related references, contacts, communication numbers, their status and quality assurance particulars. 00360 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relevant to the document. 00370 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time and/or period relating to the party. 00380 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying quality assurance details relating to the party. 00390 STS, Status A segment identifying a status relating to the party. 00400 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the party. 00410 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 00420 Segment group 8: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 00430 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department relating to the party. 00440 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 00450 Segment group 9: DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG10-SG12 A group of segments identifying other documents relating to the document. 00460 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying another document relating to the document. 00470 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference within a related document. 00480 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time pertaining to the related document, such as the issue date. 00490 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount pertaining to the related document. 00500 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a type of exemption or condition pertaining to the related document. 00510 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity pertaining to the related document. 00520 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions pertaining to the related document. 00530 Segment group 10: NAD-IFD-IDE-SG11 A group of segments identifying a party and their contact information pertaining to the related document. 00540 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party pertaining to the related document, e.g. the party responsible for issuing, authenticating or using the document. 00550 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 00560 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 00570 Segment group 11: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 00580 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department relating to the party. 00590 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 00600 Segment group 12: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations pertaining to the related document. 00610 LOC, Place/location identification A segment to identify a place or a location pertaining to the related document. 00620 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location. 00630 Segment group 13: RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG14 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the document. 00640 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the document. 00650 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 00660 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement. 00670 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 00680 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 00690 Segment group 14: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 00700 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 00710 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 00720 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array 00730 Segment group 15: AJT-SG16 A group of segments identifying reasons for adjustment of a document. 00740 AJT, Adjustment details A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document. 00750 Segment group 16: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the adjustment.. 00760 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment. 00770 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 00780 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array 00790 Segment group 17: ERC-SG18 A group of segments identifying error information relating to the document. 00800 ERC, Application error information A segment identifying error information relating to the document. 00810 Segment group 18: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions relating to the error. 00820 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying a document position relating to the error. 00830 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 00840 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array 00850 Segment group 19: INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-RSL-SG20 A group of segments identifying instructions for certification relating to the document. 00860 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the document. 00870 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 00880 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction. 00890 CNT, Control total A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposes 00900 RSL, Result A segment identifying control results relating to the instruction. 00910 Segment group 20: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG21 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 00920 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 00930 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 00940 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 00950 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 00960 Segment group 21: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 00970 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 00980 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 00990 Segment group 22: GIR-LOC-VLI-DTM-MOA-SG23-SG25 A group of segments identifying documentary undertakings pertaining to the document. 01000 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the document. 01010 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is not valid. 01020 VLI, Value list identification A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee. 01030 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the expiry date. 01040 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount pertaining to the related documentary undertaking 01050 Segment group 23: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG24 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the documentary undertaking. 01060 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party. 01070 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 01080 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 01090 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 01100 Segment group 24: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 01110 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 01120 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 01130 Segment group 25: PRC-SEQ-DTM A segment group with process information related to the documentary undertaking 01140 PRC, Process identification A segment identifying a process. 01150 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the process 01160 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the process 01170 Segment group 26: TAX-DTM-ALI-MOA-QTY-SG27 A group of segments identifying details relating to duties, taxes or fees relating to the document. 01180 TAX, Duty/tax/fee details A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the document. 01190 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation. 01200 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee. 01210 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee. 01220 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee. 01230 Segment group 27: PAI-RFF-MOA-DTM-SG28 A group of segments identifying payment details relating to the duty, tax or fee. 01240 PAI, Payment instructions A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee. 01250 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment. 01260 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment. 01270 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date. 01280 Segment group 28: GIR-LOC-VLI-DTM-MOA-SG29-SG31 A group of segments identifying documentary undertakings pertaining to the payment. 01290 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment. 01300 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid. 01310 VLI, Value list identification A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee. 01320 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for. 01330 MOA, Monetary amount A segment specifying monetary amounts in relation to a documentary undertaking. 01340 Segment group 29: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG30 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the documentary undertaking. 01350 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party. 01360 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 01370 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 01380 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 01390 Segment group 30: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 01400 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 01410 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 01420 Segment group 31: PRC-SEQ-DTM A segment group with process information related to the documentary undertaking 01430 PRC, Process identification A segment identifying a process. 01440 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the process 01450 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the process 01460 Segment group 32: PAC-SEQ-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the document. 01470 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the document. 01480 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the package. 01490 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 01500 FTX, Free text A segment describing the type of packing material relating to the package. 01510 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 01520 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 01530 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 01540 Segment group 33: TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the document. 01550 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the document, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature. 01560 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 01570 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 01580 Segment group 34: TDT-DTM-RFF-QTY-MEA-MOA-POC-DIM-GDS-STS-GPO-GEI- TMD-COM-SG35-SG36-SG39-SG44-SG50-SG53-SG54 A group of segments identifying details about the means of transport relating to the document. 01590 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the document, e.g. scheduled conveyance identifier. 01600 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport. 01610 RFF, Reference A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference. 01620 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport. 01630 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage. 01640 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers. 01650 POC, Purpose of conveyance call A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport. 01660 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport. 01670 GDS, Nature of cargo A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type. 01680 STS, Status A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category. 01690 GPO, Geographical position A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport. 01700 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the transport means 01710 TMD, Transport movement details To specify operational transport movement details for a goods item or equipment (which may differ from the contractual conditions). 01720 COM, Communication contact To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed. 01730 Segment group 35: SEQ-EVE-DTM-FTX A group of segment with ShipToShipActivity information. 01740 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the ship to ship activity. 01750 EVE, Event A segment to describe information relating to an event in relation to the means of transport, such as a security incident. 01760 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to an event. 01770 FTX, Free text A segment to describe information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting. 01780 Segment group 36: LOC-SEQ-DTM-STS-FTX-GEI-SG37-SG38 A group of segments identifying locations relating to the means of transport. 01790 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call. 01800 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a location. 01810 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 01820 STS, Status A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport at the time of making a declaration, e.g. security category. 01830 FTX, Free text A segment identifying information relating to the means of transport status. 01840 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the location 01850 Segment group 37: SEQ-EVE-DTM-FTX-GPO A group of segments identifying Ship to ship activities relating to the location (Itinerary). 01860 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a ship to ship activity. 01870 EVE, Event A segment identifying the description of a ship to ship activity. 01880 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying dates relating to a ship to ship activity. 01890 FTX, Free text A segment identifying free text relating to a ship to ship activity. 01900 GPO, Geographical position A segment identifying the geographical position relating to a ship to ship activity. 01910 Segment group 38: ADR-SEQ-FTX-DTM-POC-GEI A group of segments identifying sub-location information related to a location 01920 ADR, Address A segment specifying an address related to a sub-location 01930 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a sub-location 01940 FTX, Free text A segment identifying information relating to a sub- location. 01950 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying dates relating to a sub-location. 01960 POC, Purpose of conveyance call A segment identifying information about the purpose of call relating to a sub-location 01970 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the sub-location 01980 Segment group 39: NAD-SEQ-ATT-IFD-NAT-DTM-LOC-EMP-STS-GEI-RFF- IDE-SG40-SG41-SG42-SG43 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the means of transport. 01990 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party. 02000 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of an event related to a means of transport. 02010 ATT, Attribute A segment identifying an attrubite of a person related to the means of transport. 02020 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 02030 NAT, Nationality A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master. 02040 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master. 02050 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying an address relating to the party, e.g. the address of a crew member. 02060 EMP, Employment details A segment identifying a qualification relating to the party, e.g. hazardous cargo handling. 02070 STS, Status A segment identifying a status of a person or party associated with a means of transport eg type of endorsement for a crew member. 02080 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the person on board e.g. whether information in relation to the person has been verified. 02090 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference in a relation to the person on board. 02100 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 02110 Segment group 40: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 02120 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security. 02130 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 02140 Segment group 41: ADR-EMP A group of segments identifying details of a driver's license relating to the party. 02150 ADR, Address A segment identifying an address recorded on a driver's license relating to the party. 02160 EMP, Employment details A segment identifying a qualification relating to the driver's license. 02170 Segment group 42: DOC-NAD-DTM-LOC A group of segments identifying Additional documents and travel documents, relating to the party. 02180 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a travel document relating to the person on board, e.g. passport, visa etc. 02190 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the travel document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 02200 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the travel document e.g. it's issue date and expiry date. 02210 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the travel document, e.g. location of issue. 02220 Segment group 43: SEQ-FTX-QTY A group of segments identifying effects, relating to the party. 02230 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of personal effects relating to a party. 02240 FTX, Free text A segment identifying details to identify personal effects carried on a means of transport. 02250 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying the total quality of personal effects belonging to a person on a means of transport. 02260 Segment group 44: EQD-SEQ-QTY-GEI-RFF-RCS-DTM-SG45-SG46-SG48- SG49 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport. 02270 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment. 02280 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the means of transport. 02290 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying quantities relating to the means of transport. 02300 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 02310 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference in relation to carried transport equipment, such as a registered name of a barge. 02320 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying the action codes relating to the means of transport. 02330 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the means of transport. 02340 Segment group 45: SEL-SEQ A group of segments identifying seal information affixed to a transport equipment. 02350 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 02360 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 02370 Segment group 46: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG47 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 02380 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 02390 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 02400 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 02410 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 02420 Segment group 47: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 02430 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 02440 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 02450 Segment group 48: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the transport equipment. 02460 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment, e.g. a stow position. 02470 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 02480 Segment group 49: SEQ-EQD-RFF A group of segments identifying Carried transport equipments, relating to the party. 02490 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the carried transport equipment. 02500 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the carried transport equipment. 02510 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference in relation to carried transport equipment. 02520 Segment group 50: LIN-MEA-LOC-DTM-GEI-SG51-SG52 A group of segments identifying bunkers, stores items and waste items related to a transport means. 02530 LIN, Line item A segment identifying a line item and configuration. 02540 MEA, Measurements A segment specifying physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts. 02550 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations. 02560 DTM, Date/time/period To specify date, and/or time, or period. 02570 GEI, Processing information To identify processing information. 02580 Segment group 51: GID-FTX-TCC-DGS-MEA-LOC-CTA A group of segments identifying commodities related to a stores item or bunker. 02590 GID, Goods item details A segment indicating totals of a goods item. 02600 FTX, Free text A segment providing free form or coded text information. 02610 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment specifying charges. 02620 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying dangerous goods. 02630 MEA, Measurements To specify physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts. 02640 LOC, Place/location identification To identify a place or a location and/or related locations. 02650 CTA, Contact information To identify a person or a department to whom communication should be directed. 02660 Segment group 52: ADR-SEQ-DTM A group of segments identifying sub-location information related to a location 02670 ADR, Address A segment specifying an address related to a location 02680 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a location 02690 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to a location 02700 Segment group 53: CCI-CAV A group of segments identifying characteristics related to a transport means. 02710 CCI, Characteristic/class id A segment identifying and describing a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes. 02720 CAV, Characteristic value A segment providing the value of a characteristic. 02730 Segment group 54: SFI-FTX-SG55 02740 SFI, Safety information To identify regulatory safety information. 02750 FTX, Free text To provide free form or coded text information. 02760 Segment group 55: DOC-DTM-LOC-NAD-GEI 02770 DOC, Document/message details To identify documents and details directly related to it. 02780 DTM, Date/time/period To specify date, and/or time, or period. 02790 LOC, Place/location identification To identify a place or a location and/or related locations. 02800 NAD, Name and address To specify the name/address and their related function, either by C082 only and/or unstructured by C058 or structured by C080 thru 3207. 02810 GEI, Processing information To identify processing information. 02820 UNS, Section control A service segment placed at the beginning of the detail section to indicate the beginning of that section. 02830 Segment group 56: SEQ-ALI-IFD-DTM-RFF-SG57-SG59-SG60-SG64-SG66- SG68-SG71-SG76-SG77-SG78-SG80-SG81-SG82-SG110- SG111 A group of segments identifying goods shipment details. 02840 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying a position in a sequence of goods shipments. 02850 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the nature of a transaction. 02860 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying information details relating to the goods shipment, e.g. free trade status. 02870 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the departure date of goods from the original consignor, the date on which the goods depart from a last location of country of export. 02880 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the goods shipment, e.g. UCR. 02890 Segment group 57: NAD-IFD-DTM-DMS-IDE-SG58 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the goods shipment. 02900 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the goods shipment, e.g. buyer, seller, consignor, consignee, distributor. 02910 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 02920 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 02930 DMS, Document/message summary A segment identifying a document reference relating to the party. 02940 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 02950 Segment group 58: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 02960 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 02970 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 02980 Segment group 59: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to a goods shipment. 02990 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to a goods shipment, e.g. country from which goods were originally exported without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries. 03000 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. the date when the declared goods belonging to a goods shipment were brought into a warehouse. 03010 Segment group 60: DOC-SEQ-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG61-SG63 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the goods shipment. 03020 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the goods shipment, e.g. invoice. 03030 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of documents. 03040 RFF, Reference A segment idintifying references relating to the document. 03050 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document. 03060 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 03070 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 03080 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document, e.g. total quantity specified in the invoice. 03090 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 03100 Segment group 61: NAD-IFD-IDE-SG62 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 03110 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing and authenticating the invoice. 03120 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 03130 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 03140 Segment group 62: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 03150 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 03160 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 03170 Segment group 63: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 03180 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 03190 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 03200 Segment group 64: GEI-MOA-PYT-CUX-SG65 A group of segments identifying processing information relating to the goods shipment. 03210 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the determination of Customs value relating to the goods shipment, e.g. indicators related to the method of valuation. 03220 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the processing information, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurances, loading and unloading charges. 03230 PYT, Payment terms A segment identifying the terms of payment relating to the processing information, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, 90 days letter of credit. 03240 CUX, Currencies A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the goods shipment. 03250 Segment group 65: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the processing information. 03260 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the processing information, e.g. loading location. 03270 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 03280 Segment group 66: RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG67 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the goods shipment. 03290 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the goods shipment. 03300 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 03310 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service. 03320 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 03330 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 03340 Segment group 67: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 03350 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 03360 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 03370 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restricted to be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 03380 Segment group 68: INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-RSL-SG69 A group of segments identifying instructions for certification relating to the goods shipment. 03390 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the goods shipment. 03400 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 03410 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination. 03420 CNT, Control total A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposes 03430 RSL, Result A segment identifying discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range relating to the instruction. 03440 Segment group 69: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG70 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 03450 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 03460 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 03470 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 03480 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 03490 Segment group 70: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 03500 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 03510 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 03520 Segment group 71: TAX-DTM-ALI-MOA-QTY-SG72 A group of segments identifying details relating to duties, taxes or fees relating to the goods shipment. 03530 TAX, Duty/tax/fee details A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the goods shipment. 03540 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation. 03550 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee. 03560 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee. 03570 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee. 03580 Segment group 72: PAI-RFF-MOA-DTM-SG73 A group of segments identifying payment details relating to the duty, tax or fee. 03590 PAI, Payment instructions A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee. 03600 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment. 03610 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment. 03620 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date. 03630 Segment group 73: GIR-LOC-VLI-DTM-SG74 A group of segments identifying documentary undertakings pertaining to the payment. 03640 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment. 03650 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is not valid. 03660 VLI, Value list identification A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee. 03670 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for. 03680 Segment group 74: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG75 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the documentary undertaking. 03690 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking. 03700 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 03710 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 03720 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 03730 Segment group 75: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 03740 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 03750 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 03760 Segment group 76: GOR-LOC A group of segments identifying government requirements and information concerning the locations and contact parties of the government offices relating to the goods shipment. 03770 GOR, Governmental requirements A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the goods shipment. 03780 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions. 03790 Segment group 77: MEA-QTY A group of segments identifying measurements relating to the goods shipment. 03800 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the goods shipment, e.g. first, second and third tariff quantities, gross weight. 03810 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement. 03820 Segment group 78: STS-DTM-SG79 A group of segments identifying process status conditions related to the goods shipment. 03830 STS, Status A segment identifying a process status related to the goods shipment, e.g. accepted, cancelled. 03840 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies. 03850 Segment group 79: ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying related document positions for a status. 03860 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the related document position for a status. 03870 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the related document position. 03880 Segment group 80: TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the goods shipment. 03890 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature. 03900 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 03910 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 03920 Segment group 81: TOD-LOC-GEI A group of segments identifying delivery terms relating to the goods shipment. 03930 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying delivery terms relating to the goods shipment (INCOTERMS). 03940 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the delivery terms, e.g. departure point. 03950 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the delivery terms, e.g. whether the place specified for the performance of a contractual obligation is located in the same country as where the declaration is made. 03960 Segment group 82: CNI-RFF-GEI-STS-CNT-QTY-MOA-IFD-TOD-SG83-SG85- SG87-SG91-SG93-SG96-SG97-SG98-SG102 A group of segments identifying consignment details relating to the goods shipment. 03970 CNI, Consignment information A segment identifying a consignment relating to the goods shipment. 03980 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier. 03990 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment, e.g. the indication that the goods are not transported in a container. 04000 STS, Status A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment. 04010 CNT, Control total A segment identifying a control total relating to the consignment, e.g. cubic dimension. 04020 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the consignment, e.g. the boarded quantity. 04030 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value. 04040 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying information details relating to the consignment, e.g. a regulatory procedure to be applied. 04050 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying delivery terms relating to the goods shipment (INCOTERMS). 04060 Segment group 83: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG84 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the consignment. 04070 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment. 04080 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 04090 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 04100 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 04110 Segment group 84: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04120 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04130 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 04140 Segment group 85: LOC-DTM-ARR-ADR-TPL-SG86 A group of segments identifying locations relating to the consignment. 04150 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country. 04160 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure. 04170 ARR, Array information A segment identifying the sequence relating to the location (e.g. routing country). 04180 ADR, Address A segment specifying an address relating to a location 04190 TPL, Transport placement A segment specifying a placement of goods or equipment in relation to the transport used, relating to a location 04200 Segment group 86: GEI-MOA-PYT A group of segments identifying processing and valuation information relating to the location. 04210 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the determination of Customs value at the location, such as information relating to the determination of freight amounts. 04220 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a valuation. For example, aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location. 04230 PYT, Payment terms A segment identifying a code describing the terms of payment relating to the valuation, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, 90 days letter of credit. 04240 Segment group 87: DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG88-SG90 A group of segments identifying documents and associated information relating to the consignment. 04250 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment, e.g. transport contract, licenses, certificates, permits. 04260 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 04270 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 04280 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 04290 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 04300 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 04310 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 04320 Segment group 88: NAD-IFD-IDE-SG89 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 04330 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 04340 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 04350 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 04360 Segment group 89: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04370 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04380 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 04390 Segment group 90: LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 04400 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 04410 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 04420 Segment group 91: RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG92 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment. 04430 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment. 04440 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 04450 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service. 04460 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 04470 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 04480 Segment group 92: ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 04490 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 04500 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 04510 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- 9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 04520 Segment group 93: INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-SG94 A group of segments identifying instructions for certification relating to the consignment. 04530 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment. 04540 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 04550 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination. 04560 CNT, Control total A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposes 04570 Segment group 94: NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG95 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 04580 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 04590 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 04600 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 04610 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 04620 Segment group 95: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 04630 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 04640 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 04650 Segment group 96: PAC-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the consignment. 04660 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment. 04670 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 04680 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 04690 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 04700 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 04710 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 04720 Segment group 97: TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the consignment. 04730 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature. 04740 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 04750 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 04760 Segment group 98: EQD-SEQ-QTY-GEI-SG99-SG100 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 04770 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 04780 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 04790 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying quantities relating to the transport equipment. 04800 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 04810 Segment group 99: SEL-SEQ A segment group identifying seal information related to the transport equipment. 04820 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 04830 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 04840 Segment group 100:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG101 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 04850 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 04860 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 04870 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 04880 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 04890 Segment group 101:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04900 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 04910 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 04920 Segment group 102:TDT-DTM-RFF-QTY-MEA-MOA-POC-DIM-FTX-GDS- STS-GPO-GEI-SG103-SG104-SG106 A group of segments identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consigment. 04930 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment. 04940 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport. 04950 RFF, Reference A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference. 04960 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport. 04970 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage. 04980 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers. 04990 POC, Purpose of conveyance call A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport. 05000 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport. 05010 FTX, Free text A segment identifying information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting. 05020 GDS, Nature of cargo A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type. 05030 STS, Status A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category. 05040 GPO, Geographical position A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport. 05050 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the transport means 05060 Segment group 103:LOC-SEQ-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the means of transport. 05070 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call. 05080 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a location. 05090 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 05100 Segment group 104:NAD-IFD-NAT-DTM-IDE-SG105 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the means of transport. 05110 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party. 05120 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 05130 NAT, Nationality A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master. 05140 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master. 05150 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 05160 Segment group 105:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05170 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security. 05180 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 05190 Segment group 106:EQD-SEQ-QTY-GEI-SG107-SG108 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport. 05200 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment. 05210 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 05220 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying quantities relating to the transport equipment. 05230 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 05240 Segment group 107:SEL-SEQ A segment group identifying seal information related to the transport equipment. 05250 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 05260 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 05270 Segment group 108:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG109 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 05280 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 05290 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 05300 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 05310 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 05320 Segment group 109:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05330 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05340 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 05350 Segment group 110:ARD-MOA-GEI-PCD A group of segments identifying monetary amounts relating to the government agency goods item. 05360 ARD, Monetary amount function A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment. 05370 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function. 05380 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function. 05390 PCD, Percentage details A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function. 05400 Segment group 111:LIN-MOA-IFD-STS-ALI-RFF-SG112-SG114-SG115- SG119-SG121-SG124-SG125-SG126-SG127-SG159 A group of segments identifying government agency goods items relating to the goods shipment.. 05410 LIN, Line item A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment. 05420 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a government agency goods item, e.g.the amount declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, and the value declared for statistical purpos 05430 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the government agency goods item. 05440 STS, Status A segment identifying status information relating to the government agency goods item. 05450 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. the nature of a transaction. 05460 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the goods shipment. 05470 Segment group 112:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG113 A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 05480 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 05490 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 05500 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 05510 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 05520 Segment group 113:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05530 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05540 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 05550 Segment group 114:LOC-DTM-FTX-ADR A group of segments identifying locations relating to the government agency goods item. 05560 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the government agency goods item locations, e.g. the origin as determined by appropriate legislation. 05570 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 05580 FTX, Free text A segment identifying information relating to the location of a goods, e.g . stowage location. 05590 ADR, Address A segment specifying an address relating to a location 05600 Segment group 115:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-GEI-SG116-SG118 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the government agency goods item. 05610 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the government agency goods item. 05620 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 05630 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 05640 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 05650 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 05660 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 05670 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 05680 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the goods item. 05690 Segment group 116:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG117 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 05700 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 05710 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 05720 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 05730 Segment group 117:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05740 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 05750 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 05760 Segment group 118:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 05770 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 05780 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 05790 Segment group 119:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG120 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item. 05800 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item. 05810 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 05820 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement. 05830 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 05840 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 05850 Segment group 120:ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 05860 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 05870 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 05880 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- 9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 05890 Segment group 121:INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-SG122 A group of segments identifying instructions relating to the government agency goods item. 05900 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. for inspection. 05910 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 05920 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction. 05930 CNT, Control total A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposes 05940 Segment group 122:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG123 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 05950 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 05960 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 05970 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 05980 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 05990 Segment group 123:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 06000 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 06010 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 06020 Segment group 124:MEA-QTY A group of segments identifying measurements relating to the government agency goods item. 06030 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the government agency goods item. 06040 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement. 06050 Segment group 125:PAC-SEQ-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the government agency goods item. 06060 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the government agency goods item. 06070 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package. 06080 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 06090 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 06100 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 06110 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 06120 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 06130 Segment group 126:ARD-MOA-GEI-PCD A group of segments identifying monetary amounts relating to the government agency goods item. 06140 ARD, Monetary amount function A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment. 06150 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function. 06160 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function. 06170 PCD, Percentage details A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function. 06180 Segment group 127:GID-IMD-APP-FTX-RFF-DTM-GIR-GIN-GEI-MEA- MOA-CDI-PGI-TCC-CNT-IFD-TDT-SG128-SG129- SG131-SG135-SG137-SG138-SG139-SG142-SG148- SG149-SG151-SG152-SG153-SG156 A group of segments identifying commodities relating to the government agency goods item. 06190 GID, Goods item details A segment identifying a commodity relating to the government agency goods item. 06200 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity. 06210 APP, Applicability A segment describing the applicability/usage of the commodity by a party. 06220 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a textual description relating to the commodity. 06230 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the commodity, e.g. number of a production lot. 06240 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the commodity. 06250 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity. 06260 GIN, Goods identity number A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity. 06270 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity. 06280 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the commodity. 06290 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the commodity. 06300 CDI, Physical or logical state A segment identifying a physical state relating to the commodity. 06310 PGI, Product group information A segment identifying a product group relating to the commodity. 06320 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system. 06330 CNT, Control total A segment identifying a control total relating to the commodity, e.g. the number of regulated items. 06340 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying information details relating to the commodity. 06350 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying transport information associated with a consignment item. 06360 Segment group 128:LOC-SEQ-DTM A group of segments identifying locations pertaining to the commodity. 06370 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location pertaining to the commodity. 06380 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 06390 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location. 06400 Segment group 129:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG130 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the commodity. 06410 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the commodity. 06420 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 06430 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 06440 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 06450 Segment group 130:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 06460 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 06470 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 06480 Segment group 131:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-GEI-GIN-GIR- IMD-SG132-SG134 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the commodity. 06490 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the commodity. 06500 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 06510 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 06520 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 06530 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 06540 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 06550 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 06560 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity. 06570 GIN, Goods identity number A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity. 06580 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity. 06590 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity. 06600 Segment group 132:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG133 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 06610 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 06620 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 06630 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 06640 Segment group 133:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 06650 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 06660 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 06670 Segment group 134:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 06680 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 06690 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 06700 Segment group 135:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG136 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity. 06710 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity. 06720 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 06730 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement. 06740 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 06750 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 06760 Segment group 136:ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 06770 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 06780 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 06790 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 06800 Segment group 137:PAC-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the commodity. 06810 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the commodity. 06820 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 06830 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 06840 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 06850 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 06860 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 06870 Segment group 138:COD-QTY-PCD-GEI-LOC A group of segments identifying component details relating to the commodity. 06880 COD, Component details A segment identifying component details relating to the commodity, e.g. constituent elements, the composition along with the percentage of component elements, and the identification of active ingredients. 06890 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the component details. 06900 PCD, Percentage details A segment identifying a percentage relating to the component details. 06910 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a processing information relating to the component details, e.g. whether the component is active. 06920 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the commodity. 06930 Segment group 139:INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-SG140 A group of segments identifying instructions for regulatory control relating to the commodity. 06940 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for regulatory control relating to the commodity. 06950 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 06960 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction. 06970 CNT, Control total A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposes 06980 Segment group 140:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG141 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 06990 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 07000 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 07010 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 07020 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 07030 Segment group 141:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 07040 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 07050 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 07060 Segment group 142:TAX-DTM-ALI-MOA-QTY-TCC-SG143 A group of segments identifying details relating to duties, taxes or fees relating to the commodity. 07070 TAX, Duty/tax/fee details A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the commodity. 07080 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation. 07090 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07100 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07110 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07120 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying charges relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07130 Segment group 143:PAI-RFF-MOA-DTM-SG144 A group of segments identifying payment details relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07140 PAI, Payment instructions A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee. 07150 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment. 07160 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment. 07170 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date. 07180 Segment group 144:GIR-LOC-VLI-DTM-MOA-SG145-SG147 A group of segments identifying documentary undertakings pertaining to the payment. 07190 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment. 07200 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid. 07210 VLI, Value list identification A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee. 07220 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for. 07230 MOA, Monetary amount A segment specifying the monetary amounts in relation to a documentary undertaking 07240 Segment group 145:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG146 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the documentary undertaking. 07250 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party. 07260 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 07270 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 07280 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 07290 Segment group 146:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 07300 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 07310 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 07320 Segment group 147:ARR-DTM A group of segments identifying process information related to guarantee information. 07330 ARR, Array information A segment identifying the data in an array related to the process information. 07340 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period related to the process information. 07350 Segment group 148:DLI-MOA A group of segments identifying document line items pertaining to the commodity. 07360 DLI, Document line identification A segment identifying a document line item pertaining to the commodity, e.g. an invoice line. 07370 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document line item. 07380 Segment group 149:STS-DTM-SG150 A group of segments identifying process status conditions relatings to the commodity. 07390 STS, Status A segment identifying a process status relating to the commodity. 07400 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies. 07410 Segment group 150:ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying related document positions for a status. 07420 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the related document position for a status. 07430 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the related document position. 07440 Segment group 151:TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the commodity. 07450 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity. 07460 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 07470 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 07480 Segment group 152:EQD-SEQ A segment group with transport equipment information related to the commodity. 07490 EQD, Equipment details A segment with transport equipment information related to the commodity. 07500 SEQ, Sequence details A segment for the unique identification of transport equipment information related to the commodity. 07510 Segment group 153:PRC-SEQ-TMP-DTM-SG154 A segment group with process information related to the commodity. 07520 PRC, Process identification A segment to describe information relating to a process in relation to the commodity, such as method of growing, treatment, etc. 07530 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of a process in relation to a commodity. 07540 TMP, Temperature A Segment to identify the temperature associated with the process. 07550 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 07560 Segment group 154:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG155 A segment group with party information related to the process. 07570 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the process. 07580 IFD, Information detail A segment to identify the type of address, like business, residential, etc. of the party related to the process. 07590 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 07600 Segment group 155:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 07610 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process. 07620 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 07630 Segment group 156:ATT-DGS-FTX-SG157 A group of segments identifying dangerous goods information related to the commodity 07640 ATT, Attribute A segment identifying a specific attribute in relation to the dangerous goods information. 07650 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying dangerous goods in relation to the dangerous goods information. 07660 FTX, Free text A segment identifying free form or coded text information in relation to the dangerous goods information. 07670 Segment group 157:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG158 A group of segments identifying party information related to dangerous goods 07680 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying the name/address and their function related to the party information. 07690 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the specific details related to the party information. 07700 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 07710 Segment group 158:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact and communication information related to a party 07720 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a person or a department to whom communication should be directed, related to the contact and communication information 07730 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed, related to the contact and communication information 07740 Segment group 159:PYT-GEI-MOA-CUX-SG160 A group of segments identifying processing information relating to the goods shipment. 07750 PYT, Payment terms A segment identifying the terms of payment relating to the processing information, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, 90 days letter of credit. 07760 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information. 07770 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the processing information, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurances, loading and unloading charges. 07780 CUX, Currencies A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the goods shipment. 07790 Segment group 160:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the processing information. 07800 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the processing information, e.g. loading location. 07810 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 07820 HYN, Hierarchy information A segment identifying hierarchical connections relating to the document. 07830 Segment group 161:CNI-RFF-GEI-STS-MEA-QTY-MOA-IFD-HAN-CNT-DTM- SG162-SG164-SG165-SG169-SG171-SG174-SG175-SG176- SG177-SG178-SG179-SG188-SG205-SG269-SG285 A group of segments identifying consignment details relating to the document. 07840 CNI, Consignment information A segment identifying a consignment relating to the document. 07850 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier. 07860 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment, e.g. the indication that the goods are not transported in a container. 07870 STS, Status A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment. 07880 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a control total relating to the consignment, e.g. cubic dimension. 07890 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the consignment, e.g. the boarded quantity. 07900 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value. 07910 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying a government procedure relating to the document. 07920 HAN, Handling instructions A segment identifying handling instructions relating to the consignment. 07930 CNT, Control total A segment identifying control totals relating to the consignment. 07940 DTM, Date/time/period To specify date, and/or time, or period. 07950 Segment group 162:NAD-IFD-DTM-DMS-IDE-SG163 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the consignment. 07960 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment. 07970 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 07980 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 07990 DMS, Document/message summary A segment identifying a document reference relating to the party. 08000 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 08010 Segment group 163:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08020 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08030 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 08040 Segment group 164:LOC-SEQ-DTM-ADR-TPL-GEI A group of segments identifying locations relating to the consignment. 08050 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country. 08060 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 08070 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure. 08080 ADR, Address A segment identifying address details relating to the location. 08090 TPL, Transport placement A segment identifying the placement of goods or equipment relating to the location. 08100 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the location. 08110 Segment group 165:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG166-SG168 A group of segments identifying documents and associated information relating to the consignment. 08120 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment, e.g. transport contract, licenses, certificates, permits. 08130 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 08140 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 08150 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 08160 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 08170 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 08180 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifyingcontract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 08190 Segment group 166:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG167 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 08200 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 08210 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 08220 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 08230 Segment group 167:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08240 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08250 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 08260 Segment group 168:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 08270 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 08280 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 08290 Segment group 169:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG170 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment. 08300 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment. 08310 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 08320 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service. 08330 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 08340 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 08350 Segment group 170:ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 08360 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 08370 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 08380 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 08390 Segment group 171:INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-FTX-SG172 A group of segments identifying instructions for certification relating to the consignment. 08400 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment. 08410 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 08420 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination. 08430 CNT, Control total A segment identifying a control total in relation to instructions for certificates required for the consignment item. 08440 FTX, Free text A segment identifying free form or coded text information in relation to instructions for certificates. 08450 Segment group 172:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG173 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 08460 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 08470 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 08480 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 08490 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 08500 Segment group 173:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 08510 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 08520 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 08530 Segment group 174:TOD-RTE-MOA A group of segments identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment. 08540 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment,e.g. payment method of transport charges, rate information in regard to transport charges, freight amounts, and handling instructions. 08550 RTE, Rate details A segment identifying rate details relating to the terms of delivery. 08560 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the terms of delivery, e.g. freight charge. 08570 Segment group 175:PAC-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the consignment. 08580 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment. 08590 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 08600 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 08610 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 08620 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 08630 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 08640 Segment group 176:TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the consignment. 08650 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature. 08660 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 08670 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 08680 Segment group 177:RSL-QTY-DTM A group of segments identifying transit control details relating to the consignment. 08690 RSL, Result A segment identifying a result relating to the consignment, e.g. results of the controls carried out by the authorized consignor prior to departure. 08700 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the transit control. 08710 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the transit control. 08720 Segment group 178:GOR-LOC A group of segments identifying government requirements and information concerning the locations and contact parties of the government offices relating to the consignment. 08730 GOR, Governmental requirements A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the consignment. 08740 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions. 08750 Segment group 179:EQD-SEQ-QTY-MEA-GEI-TSR-SG180-SG181-SG183- SG184 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 08760 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 08770 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 08780 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment. 08790 MEA, Measurements A segment specifying physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts in relation to the transport equipment 08800 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 08810 TSR, Transport service requirements To specify the contract and carriage conditions and service and priority requirements for the transport. 08820 Segment group 180:SEL-SEQ A group of segments identifying seal information relating to the transport equipment. 08830 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 08840 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 08850 Segment group 181:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG182 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 08860 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 08870 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 08880 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 08890 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 08900 Segment group 182:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08910 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 08920 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 08930 Segment group 183:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the transport equipment. 08940 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment, e.g. a stow position. 08950 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 08960 Segment group 184:DOC-DTM-MOA-GEI-SG185-SG187 A group of segments identifying document information related to a transport equipment 08970 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying document information related to a transport equipment. 08980 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period related to a document. 08990 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying monetary amounts related to a document. 09000 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information related to a document. 09010 Segment group 185:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG186 A group of segments identifying party information related to a document 09020 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying the name/address and their related function relating to the party information. 09030 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying specify details about items of information relating to the party information. 09040 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 09050 Segment group 186:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact and communication information related to a party 09060 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09070 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 09080 Segment group 187:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations related to a document 09090 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document. 09100 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document. 09110 Segment group 188:TDT-DTM-RFF-QTY-MEA-MOA-POC-DIM-FTX-GDS-STS- GPO-SG189-SG190-SG193-SG199-SG204 A group of segments identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consigment. 09120 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment. 09130 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport. 09140 RFF, Reference A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference. 09150 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport. 09160 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage. 09170 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers. 09180 POC, Purpose of conveyance call A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport. 09190 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport. 09200 FTX, Free text A segment to describe information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting. 09210 GDS, Nature of cargo A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type. 09220 STS, Status A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category. 09230 GPO, Geographical position A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport. 09240 Segment group 189:LOC-SEQ-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the means of transport. 09250 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call. 09260 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 09270 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 09280 Segment group 190:NAD-IFD-NAT-DTM-LOC-EMP-IDE-SG191-SG192 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the means of transport. 09290 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party. 09300 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 09310 NAT, Nationality A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master. 09320 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master. 09330 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying an address relating to the party, e.g. the address of a crew member. 09340 EMP, Employment details A segment identifying a qualification relating to the party, e.g. hazardous cargo handling. 09350 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 09360 Segment group 191:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09370 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security. 09380 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 09390 Segment group 192:ADR-EMP A group of segments identifying details of a driver's license relating to the party. 09400 ADR, Address A segment identifying an address recorded on a driver's license relating to the party. 09410 EMP, Employment details A segment identifying a qualification relating to the driver's license. 09420 Segment group 193:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-GEI-SG194- SG196-SG197 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the means of transport. 09430 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the means of transport. 09440 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 09450 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 09460 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 09470 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 09480 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 09490 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 09500 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity. 09510 Segment group 194:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG195 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 09520 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 09530 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 09540 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 09550 Segment group 195:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09560 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09570 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 09580 Segment group 196:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 09590 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 09600 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 09610 Segment group 197:AJT-SG198 A group of segments identifying reasons for adjustment of a document. 09620 AJT, Adjustment details A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document. 09630 Segment group 198:ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the adjustment.. 09640 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment. 09650 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 09660 Segment group 199:EQD-SEQ-QTY-GEI-SG200-SG201-SG203 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport. 09670 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment. 09680 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 09690 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment. 09700 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 09710 Segment group 200:SEL-SEQ A group of segments identifying seal information relating to the transport equipment. 09720 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 09730 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 09740 Segment group 201:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG202 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 09750 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 09760 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 09770 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 09780 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 09790 Segment group 202:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09800 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 09810 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 09820 Segment group 203:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the transport equipment. 09830 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment. 09840 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 09850 Segment group 204:CCI-CAV A group of segments identifying Characteristics related to a Transport Means. 09860 CCI, Characteristic/class id A segment identifying and describing a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes 09870 CAV, Characteristic value A segment providing the value of a characteristic 09880 Segment group 205:SEQ-GEI-STS-RFF-IFD-HAN-TDT-SG206-SG208-SG209- SG215-SG217-SG220-SG221-SG224-SG225-SG237- SG268 A group of segments identifying item details relating to the consignment. 09890 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of items relating to the consignment. 09900 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment item. 09910 STS, Status A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment item. 09920 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment item, e.g. the unique identifier assigned by the trader to goods covered by the consignment Item. 09930 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying information details relating to the consignment item. 09940 HAN, Handling instructions A segment identifying handling information relating to the consignment item. 09950 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying specify information regarding the transport such as mode of transport, means of transport, its conveyance reference number and the identification of the means of transport relating to the consignment item. 09960 Segment group 206:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG207 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the consignment item. 09970 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment item. 09980 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 09990 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 10000 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 10010 Segment group 207:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10020 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10030 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 10040 Segment group 208:LOC-DTM-ADR A group of segments identifying locations relating to the consignment item. 10050 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment item. 10060 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure. 10070 ADR, Address A segment identifying address details relating to the location. 10080 Segment group 209:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG210-SG212- SG213 A group of segments identifying documents and associated information relating to the consignment item. 10090 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment item. 10100 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 10110 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 10120 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 10130 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 10140 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 10150 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 10160 Segment group 210:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG211 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 10170 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 10180 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 10190 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 10200 Segment group 211:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10210 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10220 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 10230 Segment group 212:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 10240 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 10250 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 10260 Segment group 213:AJT-SG214 A group of segments identifying reasons for adjustment of a document. 10270 AJT, Adjustment details A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document. 10280 Segment group 214:ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the adjustment.. 10290 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment. 10300 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 10310 Segment group 215:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG216 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item. 10320 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item. 10330 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 10340 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service. 10350 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 10360 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 10370 Segment group 216:ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 10380 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 10390 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 10400 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- 9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 10410 Segment group 217:INP-DTM-LOC-CNT-SG218 A group of segments identifying instructions for certification relating to the consignment item. 10420 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment item. 10430 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 10440 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination. 10450 CNT, Control total A segment identifying a control total in relation to instructions for certificates required for the consignment item. 10460 Segment group 218:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG219 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 10470 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 10480 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 10490 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 10500 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 10510 Segment group 219:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 10520 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 10530 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 10540 Segment group 220:MEA-QTY-PCD A group of segments identifying measurements relating to the consignment item. 10550 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the consignment item. 10560 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement. 10570 PCD, Percentage details To specify percentage information. 10580 Segment group 221:PAC-SEQ-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA-SG222 A group of segments identifying packages relating to the consignment item. 10590 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment item. 10600 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package. 10610 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 10620 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 10630 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 10640 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 10650 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 10660 Segment group 222:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG223 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the packaging. 10670 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the packaging, e.g. the party who packed. 10680 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 10690 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 10700 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 10710 Segment group 223:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party 10720 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party 10730 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 10740 Segment group 224:TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the consignment item. 10750 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment item. 10760 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 10770 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 10780 Segment group 225:EQD-SEQ-QTY-MEA-GEI-SG226-SG227-SG229- SG230-SG233 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item. 10790 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item. 10800 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 10810 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment. 10820 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying measurements relating to the transport equipment. 10830 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention. 10840 Segment group 226:SEL-SEQ A group of segments identifying seal information relating to the transport equipment. 10850 SEL, Seal number A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment. 10860 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed. 10870 Segment group 227:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG228 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the transport equipment. 10880 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment. 10890 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 10900 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 10910 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 10920 Segment group 228:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10930 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 10940 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 10950 Segment group 229:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the transport equipment. 10960 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment. 10970 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 10980 Segment group 230:PAC-SEQ-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA-SG231 A group of segments identifying packages relating to the transport equipment. 10990 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package. 11000 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package. 11010 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 11020 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 11030 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 11040 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 11050 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 11060 Segment group 231:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG232 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the packages. 11070 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment 11080 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 11090 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 11100 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 11110 Segment group 232:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party 11120 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party 11130 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 11140 Segment group 233:ARR-FTX-TCC-SG234 A group of segments identifying commodity information related to a transport equipment 11150 ARR, Array information A segment identifying the data in an array relating to the commodity information. 11160 FTX, Free text A segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the commodity information. 11170 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying charges relating to the commodity information. 11180 Segment group 234:ATT-DGS-FTX-SG235 A group of segments identifying dangerous goods information related to the commodity 11190 ATT, Attribute A segment identifying specific attributes relating to the dangerous goods information 11200 DGS, Dangerous goods A of segment identifying dangerous goods relating to the dangerous goods information 11210 FTX, Free text A of segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the dangerous goods information 11220 Segment group 235:NAD-IDE-SG236 A group of segments identifying party information related to dangerous goods information 11230 NAD, Name and address A of segment identifying the name/address and their related function, relating to the party information 11240 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 11250 Segment group 236:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact and communication information related to a party 11260 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party 11270 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 11280 Segment group 237:GID-IMD-APP-FTX-RFF-DTM-GIR-GIN-GEI-MEA- MOA-CDI-PGI-TCC-CNT-IFD-TDT-SG238-SG239- SG241-SG245-SG247-SG248-SG249-SG252-SG257- SG258-SG260-SG261-SG262-SG265 A group of segments identifying commodities relating to the consignment item. 11290 GID, Goods item details A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item. 11300 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity. 11310 APP, Applicability A segment describing the applicability/usage of the commodity by a party. 11320 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a textual description relating to the commodity. 11330 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the commodity, e.g. number of a production lot. 11340 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the commodity. 11350 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity. 11360 GIN, Goods identity number A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity. 11370 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity. 11380 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the commodity. 11390 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the commodity. 11400 CDI, Physical or logical state A segment identifying a physical state relating to the commodity. 11410 PGI, Product group information A segment identifying a product group relating to the commodity. 11420 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system. 11430 CNT, Control total A segment identifying a control total relating to the commodity, e.g. the number of regulated items. 11440 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying information details relating to the commodity. 11450 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying transport information associated with a consignment item. 11460 Segment group 238:LOC-SEQ-DTM A group of segments identifying locations pertaining to the commodity. 11470 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location pertaining to the commodity. 11480 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 11490 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location. 11500 Segment group 239:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG240 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the commodity. 11510 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the commodity. 11520 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 11530 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 11540 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 11550 Segment group 240:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 11560 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 11570 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 11580 Segment group 241:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-GEI-GIN-GIR- IMD-SG242-SG244 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the commodity. 11590 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the commodity. 11600 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 11610 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 11620 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 11630 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 11640 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 11650 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 11660 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity. 11670 GIN, Goods identity number A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity. 11680 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity. 11690 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity. 11700 Segment group 242:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG243 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 11710 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 11720 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 11730 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 11740 Segment group 243:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 11750 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 11760 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 11770 Segment group 244:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 11780 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 11790 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 11800 Segment group 245:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG246 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity. 11810 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity. 11820 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 11830 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement. 11840 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 11850 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 11860 Segment group 246:ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 11870 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 11880 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 11890 Segment group 247:PAC-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the commodity. 11900 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the commodity. 11910 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 11920 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 11930 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 11940 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 11950 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 11960 Segment group 248:COD-QTY-PCD-GEI-LOC A group of segments identifying component details relating to the commodity. 11970 COD, Component details A segment identifying component details relating to the commodity, e.g. constituent elements, the composition along with the percentage of component elements, and the identification of active ingredients. 11980 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the component details. 11990 PCD, Percentage details A segment identifying a percentage relating to the component details. 12000 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying a processing information relating to the component details, e.g. whether the component is active. 12010 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the component details. 12020 Segment group 249:INP-DTM-LOC-SG250 A group of segments identifying instructions for regulatory control relating to the commodity. 12030 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction for regulatory control relating to the commodity. 12040 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 12050 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction. 12060 Segment group 250:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG251 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 12070 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 12080 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 12090 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 12100 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 12110 Segment group 251:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 12120 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 12130 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 12140 Segment group 252:TAX-DTM-ALI-MOA-QTY-SG253 A group of segments identifying details relating to duties, taxes or fees relating to the commodity. 12150 TAX, Duty/tax/fee details A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the commodity. 12160 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation. 12170 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee. 12180 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee. 12190 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee. 12200 Segment group 253:PAI-RFF-MOA-DTM-SG254 A group of segments identifying payment details relating to the duty, tax or fee. 12210 PAI, Payment instructions A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee. 12220 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment. 12230 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment. 12240 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date. 12250 Segment group 254:GIR-LOC-VLI-DTM-SG255 A group of segments identifying documentary undertakings pertaining to the payment. 12260 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment. 12270 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid. 12280 VLI, Value list identification A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee. 12290 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for. 12300 Segment group 255:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG256 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the documentary undertaking. 12310 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party. 12320 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 12330 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 12340 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 12350 Segment group 256:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 12360 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 12370 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 12380 Segment group 257:DLI-MOA A group of segments identifying document line items pertaining to the commodity. 12390 DLI, Document line identification A segment identifying a document line item pertaining to the commodity, e.g. an invoice line. 12400 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document line item. 12410 Segment group 258:STS-DTM-SG259 A group of segments identifying process status conditions relatings to the commodity. 12420 STS, Status A segment identifying a process status relating to the commodity. 12430 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies. 12440 Segment group 259:ERP-ELU A group of segments identifying related document positions for a status. 12450 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the related document position for a status. 12460 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the related document position. 12470 Segment group 260:TMP-MEA-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the commodity. 12480 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity. 12490 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition. 12500 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 12510 Segment group 261:EQD-SEQ A segment group with transport equipment information related to the commodity. 12520 EQD, Equipment details A segment with transport equipment information related to the commodity. 12530 SEQ, Sequence details A segment for the unique identification of transport equipment information related to the commodity. 12540 Segment group 262:PRC-SEQ-TMP-DTM-SG263 A segment group with process information related to the commodity. 12550 PRC, Process identification A segment to describe information relating to a process in relation to the commodity, such as method of growing, treatment, etc. 12560 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of a process in relation to a commodity. 12570 TMP, Temperature A Segment to identify the temperature associated with the process. 12580 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 12590 Segment group 263:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG264 A segment group with party information related to the process. 12600 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the process. 12610 IFD, Information detail A segment to identify the type of address, like business, residential, etc. of the party related to the process. 12620 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 12630 Segment group 264:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 12640 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process. 12650 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 12660 Segment group 265:ATT-DGS-FTX-PAC-MEA-SG266 A group of segments identifying dangerous goods information related to the commodity 12670 ATT, Attribute A segment identifying a specific attribute relating to the dangerous goods information. 12680 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying dangerous goods relating to the dangerous goods information. 12690 FTX, Free text A segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the dangerous goods information. 12700 PAC, Package To describe the number and type of packages/physical units. 12710 MEA, Measurements To specify physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts. 12720 Segment group 266:NAD-IDE-SG267 A group of segments identifying party information related to dangerous goods information 12730 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying the name/address and their related function rrelating to the party information. 12740 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 12750 Segment group 267:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact and communication information related to a party 12760 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process. 12770 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 12780 Segment group 268:TOD-RTE-MOA A group of segments identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment item. 12790 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment,e.g. payment method of transport charges, rate information in regard to transport charges, freight amounts, and handling instructions. 12800 RTE, Rate details A segment identifying rate details relating to the terms of delivery. 12810 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the terms of delivery, e.g. freight charge. 12820 Segment group 269:LIN-MOA-IFD-STS-SG270-SG272-SG273-SG277-SG279- SG282-SG283-SG284 A group of segments identifying government agency goods items relating to the goods shipment.. 12830 LIN, Line item A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment. 12840 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a government agency goods item, e.g.the amount declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, and the value declared for statistical purpos 12850 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the government agency goods item. 12860 STS, Status A segment identifying status information relating to the government agency goods item. 12870 Segment group 270:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG271 A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 12880 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 12890 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 12900 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party. 12910 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 12920 Segment group 271:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 12930 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 12940 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 12950 Segment group 272:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the government agency goods item. 12960 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the government agency goods item locations, e.g. the origin as determined by appropriate legislation. 12970 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location. 12980 Segment group 273:DOC-RFF-DTM-MOA-ALI-QTY-TSR-SG274-SG276 A group of segments identifying documents relating to the government agency goods item. 12990 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying a document relating to the government agency goods item. 13000 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document. 13010 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date. 13020 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount. 13030 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing. 13040 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document. 13050 TSR, Transport service requirements A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document. 13060 Segment group 274:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG275 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the document. 13070 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document. 13080 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 13090 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 13100 Segment group 275:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 13110 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 13120 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 13130 Segment group 276:LOC-DTM A group of segments identifying locations relating to the document. 13140 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue. 13150 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location. 13160 Segment group 277:RCS-FTX-DTM-GEI-ALI-SG278 A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item. 13170 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item. 13180 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 13190 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement. 13200 GEI, Processing information A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement. 13210 ALI, Additional information A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement. 13220 Segment group 278:ERP-ELU-ARR A group of segments identifying document positions pertaining to the requirement. 13230 ERP, Error point details A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement. 13240 ELU, Data element usage details A segment identifying a data element at the document position. 13250 ARR, Array information To contain the data in an array. Notes: 1. The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- 9735. The component 9424 - array cell information - 13260 Segment group 279:INP-DTM-LOC-SG280 A group of segments identifying instructions relating to the government agency goods item. 13270 INP, Parties and instruction A segment identifying an instruction relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. for inspection. 13280 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction. 13290 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction. 13300 Segment group 280:NAD-IFD-DTM-IDE-SG281 A group of segments identifying certifying parties relating to the instruction. 13310 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction. 13320 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 13330 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party. 13340 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 13350 Segment group 281:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 13360 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party. 13370 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 13380 Segment group 282:MEA-QTY A group of segments identifying measurements relating to the government agency goods item. 13390 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying a measurement relating to the government agency goods item. 13400 QTY, Quantity A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement. 13410 Segment group 283:PAC-SEQ-PCI-FTX-GEI-DIM-MEA A group of segments identifying packages relating to the government agency goods item. 13420 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the government agency goods item. 13430 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package. 13440 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 13450 FTX, Free text A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package. 13460 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package. 13470 DIM, Dimensions A segment identifying the dimensions of the package. 13480 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying the volume of the package. 13490 Segment group 284:ARD-MOA-GEI-PCD A group of segments identifying monetary amounts relating to the government agency goods item. 13500 ARD, Monetary amount function A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment. 13510 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function. 13520 GEI, Processing information A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function. 13530 PCD, Percentage details A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function. 13540 Segment group 285:ASI-CNI-RFF-MOA-CNT-TOD-GEI-SG286-SG288-SG289- SG290-SG292-SG294-SG303 A group of segments identifying house consignment details relating to the consignment. 13550 ASI, Array structure identification A segment identifying the structure of an array relating to the house consignment details. 13560 CNI, Consignment information A segment identifying a house consignment relating to the consignment. 13570 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier. 13580 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value. 13590 CNT, Control total A segment identifying control totals relating to the house consignment. 13600 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying terms of delivery or transport relating to the house consignment. 13610 GEI, Processing information To identify processing information. 13620 Segment group 286:NAD-IDE-SG287 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the consignment. 13630 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment. 13640 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 13650 Segment group 287:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 13660 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 13670 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 13680 Segment group 288:LOC-SEQ-ADR A group of segments identifying locations relating to the consignment. 13690 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country. 13700 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 13710 ADR, Address A segment identifying the address relating to the location. 13720 Segment group 289:DOC-RFF-DTM A group of segments identifying document information related to the house consignment 13730 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying document and details relating to the document information. 13740 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the document information. 13750 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period relating to the document information. 13760 Segment group 290:EQD-SEQ-QTY-SG291 A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 13770 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment. 13780 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 13790 QTY, Quantity To specify a pertinent quantity. 13800 Segment group 291:SEL-SEQ 13810 SEL, Seal number To specify the seal number or a range of seal numbers. 13820 SEQ, Sequence details To provide details relating to the sequence. 13830 Segment group 292:TDT-SG293 A group of segments identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consigment. 13840 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment. 13850 Segment group 293:LOC-SEQ A group of segments identifying locations relating to the means of transport. 13860 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call. 13870 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location. 13880 Segment group 294:SEQ-RFF-TDT-MOA-MEA-TOD-LOC-SG295-SG297- SG298-SG299-SG300-SG301 A group of segments identifying item details relating to the house consignment. 13890 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence of items relating to the consignment. 13900 RFF, Reference A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment item, e.g. the unique identifier assigned by the trader to goods covered by the consignment Item. 13910 TDT, Transport information A segment identifying information regarding the transport relating to the consignment item 13920 MOA, Monetary amount A segment identifying monetary amounts related to the consignment item 13930 MEA, Measurements A segment identifying physical measurements related to the consignment item 13940 TOD, Terms of delivery or transport A segment identifying terms of delivery or transport related to the consignment item 13950 LOC, Place/location identification A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations related to the consignment item 13960 Segment group 295:NAD-IFD-IDE-SG296 A group of segments identifying parties relating to the consignment item. 13970 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment item. 13980 IFD, Information detail A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc. 13990 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 14000 Segment group 296:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14010 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14020 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 14030 Segment group 297:DOC-RFF-DTM A group of segments identifying document information related to the consignment item 14040 DOC, Document/message details A segment identifying document details relating to the document information. 14050 RFF, Reference A segment identifying references relating to the document information. 14060 DTM, Date/time/period A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period relating to the document information. 14070 Segment group 298:RCS-FTX A group of segments identifying requirements for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item. 14080 RCS, Requirements and conditions A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item. 14090 FTX, Free text A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement. 14100 Segment group 299:PAC-SEQ-PCI A group of segments identifying packages relating to the consignment item. 14110 PAC, Package A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment item. 14120 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package. 14130 PCI, Package identification A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package. 14140 Segment group 300:EQD-SEQ A group of segments identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item. 14150 EQD, Equipment details A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item. 14160 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment. 14170 Segment group 301:GID-IMD-TCC-SG302 A group of segments identifying commodities relating to the consignment item 14180 GID, Goods item details A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item. 14190 IMD, Item description A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity. 14200 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system. 14210 Segment group 302:TMP-DGS A group of segments identifying temperature conditions relating to the commodity. 14220 TMP, Temperature A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity. 14230 DGS, Dangerous goods A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition. 14240 Segment group 303:DMS-SEQ-SG304-SG306 A group of segments identifying goods shipments relating to the consignment 14250 DMS, Document/message summary A segment identifying summary information relating to the document/message relating to the goods shipments 14260 SEQ, Sequence details A segment identifying the sequence number relating to the document/message relating to the goods shipments 14270 Segment group 304:NAD-IDE-SG305 A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 14280 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 14290 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 14300 Segment group 305:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14310 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14320 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 14330 Segment group 306:LIN-SG307-SG309 A group of segments identifying goods items relating to the goods shipment 14340 LIN, Line item A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment. 14350 Segment group 307:NAD-IDE-SG308 A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 14360 NAD, Name and address A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item. 14370 IDE, Identity To identify an object. 14380 Segment group 308:CTA-COM A group of segments identifying contact persons or departments with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14390 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party. 14400 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department. 14410 Segment group 309:GID-TCC A group of segments identifying commodities relating to the consignment item (for LPCO usage only). 14420 GID, Goods item details A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item. 14430 TCC, Charge/rate calculations A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system. 14440 UNS, Section control A segment separating the detailed section and the summary section. 14450 AUT, Authentication result A segment identifying authentication details relating to the document. 14460 CNT, Control total A segment identifying control totals relating to the document. 14470 UNT, Message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) ADR Address AJT Adjustment details ALI Additional information APP Applicability ARD Monetary amount function ARR Array information ASI Array structure identification ATT Attribute AUT Authentication result BGM Beginning of message CAV Characteristic value CCI Characteristic/class id CDI Physical or logical state CNI Consignment information CNT Control total COD Component details COM Communication contact CTA Contact information CUX Currencies DGS Dangerous goods DIM Dimensions DLI Document line identification DMS Document/message summary DOC Document/message details DTM Date/time/period ELU Data element usage details EMP Employment details EQD Equipment details ERC Application error information ERP Error point details EVE Event FII Financial institution information FTX Free text GDS Nature of cargo GEI Processing information GID Goods item details GIN Goods identity number GIR Related identification numbers GOR Governmental requirements GPO Geographical position HAN Handling instructions HYN Hierarchy information IDE Identity IFD Information detail IMD Item description INP Parties and instruction LAN Language LIN Line item LOC Place/location identification MEA Measurements MOA Monetary amount NAD Name and address NAT Nationality PAC Package PAI Payment instructions PCD Percentage details PCI Package identification PGI Product group information POC Purpose of conveyance call PRC Process identification PYT Payment terms QTY Quantity RCS Requirements and conditions RFF Reference RSL Result RTE Rate details SEL Seal number SEQ Sequence details SFI Safety information STS Status TAX Duty/tax/fee details TCC Charge/rate calculations TDT Transport information TMD Transport movement details TMP Temperature TOD Terms of delivery or transport TPL Transport placement TSR Transport service requirements UNH Message header UNS Section control UNT Message trailer VLI Value list identification
4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 00010 UNH Message header M 1 00020 BGM Beginning of message M 1 00030 DTM Date/time/period C 9 00040 MOA Monetary amount C 1 00050 IFD Information detail C 9 00060 RFF Reference C 99999 00070 CUX Currencies C 9 00080 FII Financial institution information C 1 00090 GPO Geographical position C 9 00100 LAN Language C 1 00110 MEA Measurements C 9 00120 ---- Segment group 1 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00130 LOC Place/location identification M 1 | 00140 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00150 ADR Address C 9 | | 00160 ---- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00170 GEI Processing information M 1 || 00180 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 00190 PYT Payment terms C 99--------------++ 00200 ---- Segment group 3 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 00210 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 | 00220 LOC Place/location identification C 1 | 00230 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00240 GEI Processing information C 9 | | 00250 ---- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00260 CTA Contact information M 1 || 00270 COM Communication contact C 9---------------++ 00280 ---- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 00290 STS Status M 1 | 00300 DTM Date/time/period C 99 | | 00310 ---- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00320 ERP Error point details M 1 || 00330 ELU Data element usage details C 99 || 00340 ARR Array information C 99--------------++ 00350 ---- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00360 NAD Name and address M 1 | 00370 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00380 GEI Processing information C 1 | 00390 STS Status C 1 | 00400 IFD Information detail C 9 | 00410 IDE Identity C 9 | | 00420 ---- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00430 CTA Contact information M 1 || 00440 COM Communication contact C 9---------------++ 00450 ---- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 00460 DOC Document/message details M 1 | 00470 RFF Reference C 9 | 00480 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00490 MOA Monetary amount C 9 | 00500 ALI Additional information C 1 | 00510 QTY Quantity C 99 | 00520 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 | | 00530 ---- Segment group 10 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00540 NAD Name and address M 1 || 00550 IFD Information detail C 1 || 00560 IDE Identity C 9 || || 00570 ---- Segment group 11 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 00580 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 00590 COM Communication contact C 9--------------++| | 00600 ---- Segment group 12 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00610 LOC Place/location identification M 1 || 00620 DTM Date/time/period C 99--------------++ 00630 ---- Segment group 13 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00640 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 | 00650 FTX Free text C 9 | 00660 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00670 GEI Processing information C 1 | 00680 ALI Additional information C 9 | | 00690 ---- Segment group 14 ------------------ C 999-------------+| 00700 ERP Error point details M 1 || 00710 ELU Data element usage details C 99 || 00720 ARR Array information C 99--------------++ 00730 ---- Segment group 15 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00740 AJT Adjustment details M 1 | | 00750 ---- Segment group 16 ------------------ C 999-------------+| 00760 ERP Error point details M 1 || 00770 ELU Data element usage details C 99 || 00780 ARR Array information C 99--------------++ 00790 ---- Segment group 17 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 00800 ERC Application error information M 1 | | 00810 ---- Segment group 18 ------------------ C 999-------------+| 00820 ERP Error point details M 1 || 00830 ELU Data element usage details C 99 || 00840 ARR Array information C 99--------------++ 00850 ---- Segment group 19 ------------------ C 1----------------+ 00860 INP Parties and instruction M 1 | 00870 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 00880 LOC Place/location identification C 9 | 00890 CNT Control total C 99 | 00900 RSL Result C 9 | | 00910 ---- Segment group 20 ------------------ C 1---------------+| 00920 NAD Name and address M 1 || 00930 IFD Information detail C 1 || 00940 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 00950 IDE Identity C 9 || || 00960 ---- Segment group 21 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 00970 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 00980 COM Communication contact C 9--------------+++ 00990 ---- Segment group 22 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 01000 GIR Related identification numbers M 1 | 01010 LOC Place/location identification C 99 | 01020 VLI Value list identification C 1 | 01030 DTM Date/time/period C 99 | 01040 MOA Monetary amount C 99 | | 01050 ---- Segment group 23 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 01060 NAD Name and address M 1 || 01070 IFD Information detail C 1 || 01080 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 01090 IDE Identity C 9 || || 01100 ---- Segment group 24 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 01110 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 01120 COM Communication contact C 9--------------++| | 01130 ---- Segment group 25 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 01140 PRC Process identification M 1 || 01150 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 01160 DTM Date/time/period M 9---------------++ 01170 ---- Segment group 26 ------------------ C 99---------------+ 01180 TAX Duty/tax/fee details M 1 | 01190 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | 01200 ALI Additional information C 9 | 01210 MOA Monetary amount C 99 | 01220 QTY Quantity C 99 | | 01230 ---- Segment group 27 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 01240 PAI Payment instructions M 1 || 01250 RFF Reference C 99 || 01260 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 01270 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || || 01280 ---- Segment group 28 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 01290 GIR Related identification numbers M 1 ||| 01300 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 01310 VLI Value list identification C 1 ||| 01320 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 01330 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| ||| 01340 ---- Segment group 29 ------------------ C 1-------------+||| 01350 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 01360 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 01370 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||| 01380 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 01390 ---- Segment group 30 ------------------ C 9------------+|||| 01400 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 01410 COM Communication contact C 9------------++||| ||| 01420 ---- Segment group 31 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 01430 PRC Process identification M 1 |||| 01440 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 01450 DTM Date/time/period M 9-------------++++ 01460 ---- Segment group 32 ------------------ C 99999------------+ 01470 PAC Package M 1 | 01480 SEQ Sequence details M 1 | 01490 PCI Package identification C 99 | 01500 FTX Free text C 1 | 01510 GEI Processing information C 1 | 01520 DIM Dimensions C 1 | 01530 MEA Measurements C 9----------------+ 01540 ---- Segment group 33 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 01550 TMP Temperature M 1 | 01560 MEA Measurements C 1 | 01570 DGS Dangerous goods C 1----------------+ 01580 ---- Segment group 34 ------------------ C 9----------------+ 01590 TDT Transport information M 1 | 01600 DTM Date/time/period C 99 | 01610 RFF Reference C 99 | 01620 QTY Quantity C 99 | 01630 MEA Measurements C 99 | 01640 MOA Monetary amount C 99 | 01650 POC Purpose of conveyance call C 99 | 01660 DIM Dimensions C 99 | 01670 GDS Nature of cargo C 99 | 01680 STS Status C 1 | 01690 GPO Geographical position C 1 | 01700 GEI Processing information C 9 | 01710 TMD Transport movement details C 9 | 01720 COM Communication contact C 99 | | 01730 ---- Segment group 35 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 01740 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 01750 EVE Event M 1 || 01760 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 01770 FTX Free text M 99999-----------+| | 01780 ---- Segment group 36 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 01790 LOC Place/location identification M 1 || 01800 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 01810 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 01820 STS Status C 1 || 01830 FTX Free text C 9 || 01840 GEI Processing information C 9 || || 01850 ---- Segment group 37 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 01860 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 01870 EVE Event M 1 ||| 01880 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 01890 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 01900 GPO Geographical position C 1--------------+|| || 01910 ---- Segment group 38 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 01920 ADR Address M 1 ||| 01930 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 01940 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 01950 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 01960 POC Purpose of conveyance call C 9 ||| 01970 GEI Processing information C 9--------------++| | 01980 ---- Segment group 39 ------------------ C 99999-----------+| 01990 NAD Name and address M 1 || 02000 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 02010 ATT Attribute C 1 || 02020 IFD Information detail C 1 || 02030 NAT Nationality C 1 || 02040 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 02050 LOC Place/location identification C 99 || 02060 EMP Employment details C 99 || 02070 STS Status C 1 || 02080 GEI Processing information C 9 || 02090 RFF Reference C 9 || 02100 IDE Identity C 9 || || 02110 ---- Segment group 40 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02120 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 02130 COM Communication contact C 99-------------+|| || 02140 ---- Segment group 41 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 02150 ADR Address M 1 ||| 02160 EMP Employment details C 1--------------+|| || 02170 ---- Segment group 42 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02180 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 02190 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 02200 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 02210 LOC Place/location identification C 9--------------+|| || 02220 ---- Segment group 43 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02230 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 02240 FTX Free text C 1 ||| 02250 QTY Quantity C 1--------------++| | 02260 ---- Segment group 44 ------------------ C 99999-----------+| 02270 EQD Equipment details M 1 || 02280 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 02290 QTY Quantity C 1 || 02300 GEI Processing information C 99 || 02310 RFF Reference C 99 || 02320 RCS Requirements and conditions C 1 || 02330 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || || 02340 ---- Segment group 45 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02350 SEL Seal number M 1 ||| 02360 SEQ Sequence details M 1--------------+|| || 02370 ---- Segment group 46 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 02380 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 02390 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 02400 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 02410 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 02420 ---- Segment group 47 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 02430 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 02440 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 02450 ---- Segment group 48 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 02460 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 02470 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------+|| || 02480 ---- Segment group 49 ------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 02490 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 02500 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||| 02510 RFF Reference C 99-------------++| | 02520 ---- Segment group 50 ------------------ C 9999------------+| 02530 LIN Line item M 1 || 02540 MEA Measurements C 99 || 02550 LOC Place/location identification C 99 || 02560 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 02570 GEI Processing information C 9 || || 02580 ---- Segment group 51 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02590 GID Goods item details M 1 ||| 02600 FTX Free text C 1 ||| 02610 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99 ||| 02620 DGS Dangerous goods C 1 ||| 02630 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 02640 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 02650 CTA Contact information C 99-------------+|| || 02660 ---- Segment group 52 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02670 ADR Address M 1 ||| 02680 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 02690 DTM Date/time/period C 9--------------++| | 02700 ---- Segment group 53 ------------------ C 9999------------+| 02710 CCI Characteristic/class id M 1 || 02720 CAV Characteristic value C 1---------------+| | 02730 ---- Segment group 54 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 02740 SFI Safety information M 1 || 02750 FTX Free text C 99 || || 02760 ---- Segment group 55 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02770 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 02780 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 02790 LOC Place/location identification C 9 ||| 02800 NAD Name and address C 9 ||| 02810 GEI Processing information C 9--------------+++ 02820 UNS Section control M 1 02830 ---- Segment group 56 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 02840 SEQ Sequence details M 1 | 02850 ALI Additional information C 99 | 02860 IFD Information detail C 99 | 02870 DTM Date/time/period C 99 | 02880 RFF Reference C 99 | | 02890 ---- Segment group 57 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 02900 NAD Name and address M 1 || 02910 IFD Information detail C 1 || 02920 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 02930 DMS Document/message summary C 99 || 02940 IDE Identity C 9 || || 02950 ---- Segment group 58 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 02960 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 02970 COM Communication contact C 99-------------++| | 02980 ---- Segment group 59 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 02990 LOC Place/location identification M 1 || 03000 DTM Date/time/period C 99--------------+| | 03010 ---- Segment group 60 ------------------ C 999-------------+| 03020 DOC Document/message details M 1 || 03030 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 03040 RFF Reference C 99 || 03050 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 03060 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 03070 ALI Additional information C 1 || 03080 QTY Quantity C 99 || 03090 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 || || 03100 ---- Segment group 61 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 03110 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 03120 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 03130 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 03140 ---- Segment group 62 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 03150 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 03160 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 03170 ---- Segment group 63 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 03180 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 03190 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------++| | 03200 ---- Segment group 64 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 03210 GEI Processing information M 1 || 03220 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 03230 PYT Payment terms C 99 || 03240 CUX Currencies C 1 || || 03250 ---- Segment group 65 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 03260 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 03270 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------++| | 03280 ---- Segment group 66 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 03290 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 || 03300 FTX Free text C 9 || 03310 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 03320 GEI Processing information C 99 || 03330 ALI Additional information C 99 || || 03340 ---- Segment group 67 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 03350 ERP Error point details M 1 ||| 03360 ELU Data element usage details C 99 ||| 03370 ARR Array information C 99-------------++| | 03380 ---- Segment group 68 ------------------ C 1---------------+| 03390 INP Parties and instruction M 1 || 03400 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 03410 LOC Place/location identification C 99 || 03420 CNT Control total C 99 || 03430 RSL Result C 9 || || 03440 ---- Segment group 69 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 03450 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 03460 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 03470 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 03480 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 03490 ---- Segment group 70 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 03500 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 03510 COM Communication contact C 99------------+++| | 03520 ---- Segment group 71 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 03530 TAX Duty/tax/fee details M 1 || 03540 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 03550 ALI Additional information C 99 || 03560 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 03570 QTY Quantity C 99 || || 03580 ---- Segment group 72 ------------------ C 9--------------+|| 03590 PAI Payment instructions M 1 ||| 03600 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 03610 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 03620 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| ||| 03630 ---- Segment group 73 ------------------ C 9-------------+||| 03640 GIR Related identification numbers M 1 |||| 03650 LOC Place/location identification C 99 |||| 03660 VLI Value list identification C 1 |||| 03670 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| |||| 03680 ---- Segment group 74 ------------------ C 1------------+|||| 03690 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 03700 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 03710 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| 03720 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 03730 ---- Segment group 75 ------------------ C 99----------+||||| 03740 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 03750 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++++| | 03760 ---- Segment group 76 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 03770 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 || 03780 LOC Place/location identification C 1---------------+| | 03790 ---- Segment group 77 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 03800 MEA Measurements M 1 || 03810 QTY Quantity C 99--------------+| | 03820 ---- Segment group 78 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 03830 STS Status M 1 || 03840 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || || 03850 ---- Segment group 79 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 03860 ERP Error point details M 1 ||| 03870 ELU Data element usage details C 99-------------++| | 03880 ---- Segment group 80 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 03890 TMP Temperature M 1 || 03900 MEA Measurements C 99 || 03910 DGS Dangerous goods C 99--------------+| | 03920 ---- Segment group 81 ------------------ C 1---------------+| 03930 TOD Terms of delivery or transport M 1 || 03940 LOC Place/location identification C 99 || 03950 GEI Processing information C 99--------------+| | 03960 ---- Segment group 82 ------------------ C 9999------------+| 03970 CNI Consignment information M 1 || 03980 RFF Reference C 99 || 03990 GEI Processing information C 99 || 04000 STS Status C 99 || 04010 CNT Control total C 1 || 04020 QTY Quantity C 99 || 04030 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 04040 IFD Information detail C 99 || 04050 TOD Terms of delivery or transport C 9 || || 04060 ---- Segment group 83 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04070 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 04080 IFD Information detail C 9 ||| 04090 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 04100 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 04110 ---- Segment group 84 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 04120 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 04130 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 04140 ---- Segment group 85 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04150 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 04160 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 04170 ARR Array information C 1 ||| 04180 ADR Address C 9 ||| 04190 TPL Transport placement C 9 ||| ||| 04200 ---- Segment group 86 ------------------ C 9-------------+||| 04210 GEI Processing information M 1 |||| 04220 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||| 04230 PYT Payment terms C 99------------++|| || 04240 ---- Segment group 87 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04250 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 04260 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 04270 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 04280 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 04290 ALI Additional information C 1 ||| 04300 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 04310 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 ||| ||| 04320 ---- Segment group 88 ------------------ C 9-------------+||| 04330 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 04340 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 04350 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 04360 ---- Segment group 89 ------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 04370 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 04380 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 04390 ---- Segment group 90 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 04400 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 04410 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------++|| || 04420 ---- Segment group 91 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04430 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| 04440 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 04450 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 04460 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 04470 ALI Additional information C 99 ||| ||| 04480 ---- Segment group 92 ------------------ C 9-------------+||| 04490 ERP Error point details M 1 |||| 04500 ELU Data element usage details C 99 |||| 04510 ARR Array information C 99------------++|| || 04520 ---- Segment group 93 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 04530 INP Parties and instruction M 1 ||| 04540 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 04550 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 04560 CNT Control total C 99 ||| ||| 04570 ---- Segment group 94 ------------------ C 1-------------+||| 04580 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 04590 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 04600 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 04610 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 04620 ---- Segment group 95 ------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 04630 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 04640 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 04650 ---- Segment group 96 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04660 PAC Package M 1 ||| 04670 PCI Package identification C 99 ||| 04680 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 04690 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 04700 DIM Dimensions C 99 ||| 04710 MEA Measurements C 99-------------+|| || 04720 ---- Segment group 97 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04730 TMP Temperature M 1 ||| 04740 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 04750 DGS Dangerous goods C 99-------------+|| || 04760 ---- Segment group 98 ------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04770 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||| 04780 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 04790 QTY Quantity C 1 ||| 04800 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| ||| 04810 ---- Segment group 99 ------------------ C 99------------+||| 04820 SEL Seal number M 1 |||| 04830 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 04840 ---- Segment group 100------------------ C 99------------+||| 04850 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 04860 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 04870 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 04880 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 04890 ---- Segment group 101------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 04900 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 04910 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 04920 ---- Segment group 102------------------ C 99-------------+|| 04930 TDT Transport information M 1 ||| 04940 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 04950 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 04960 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 04970 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 04980 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 04990 POC Purpose of conveyance call C 99 ||| 05000 DIM Dimensions C 99 ||| 05010 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 05020 GDS Nature of cargo C 99 ||| 05030 STS Status C 1 ||| 05040 GPO Geographical position C 1 ||| 05050 GEI Processing information C 9 ||| ||| 05060 ---- Segment group 103------------------ C 99------------+||| 05070 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 05080 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 05090 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 05100 ---- Segment group 104------------------ C 99------------+||| 05110 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 05120 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 05130 NAT Nationality C 1 |||| 05140 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 05150 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 05160 ---- Segment group 105------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 05170 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 05180 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 05190 ---- Segment group 106------------------ C 99------------+||| 05200 EQD Equipment details M 1 |||| 05210 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 05220 QTY Quantity C 1 |||| 05230 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| |||| 05240 ---- Segment group 107------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 05250 SEL Seal number M 1 ||||| 05260 SEQ Sequence details M 1------------+|||| |||| 05270 ---- Segment group 108------------------ C 9------------+|||| 05280 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 05290 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 05300 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| 05310 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 05320 ---- Segment group 109------------------ C 99----------+||||| 05330 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 05340 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++++| | 05350 ---- Segment group 110------------------ C 99--------------+| 05360 ARD Monetary amount function M 1 || 05370 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 05380 GEI Processing information C 99 || 05390 PCD Percentage details C 99--------------+| | 05400 ---- Segment group 111------------------ C 9999------------+| 05410 LIN Line item M 1 || 05420 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 05430 IFD Information detail C 99 || 05440 STS Status C 9 || 05450 ALI Additional information C 99 || 05460 RFF Reference C 9 || || 05470 ---- Segment group 112------------------ C 99-------------+|| 05480 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 05490 IFD Information detail C 9 ||| 05500 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 05510 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 05520 ---- Segment group 113------------------ C 99------------+||| 05530 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 05540 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 05550 ---- Segment group 114------------------ C 99-------------+|| 05560 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 05570 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 05580 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 05590 ADR Address C 9--------------+|| || 05600 ---- Segment group 115------------------ C 99-------------+|| 05610 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 05620 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 05630 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 05640 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 05650 ALI Additional information C 1 ||| 05660 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 05670 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 ||| 05680 GEI Processing information C 9 ||| ||| 05690 ---- Segment group 116------------------ C 99------------+||| 05700 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 05710 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 05720 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 05730 ---- Segment group 117------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 05740 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 05750 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 05760 ---- Segment group 118------------------ C 99------------+||| 05770 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 05780 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------++|| || 05790 ---- Segment group 119------------------ C 99-------------+|| 05800 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| 05810 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 05820 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 05830 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 05840 ALI Additional information C 99 ||| ||| 05850 ---- Segment group 120------------------ C 99------------+||| 05860 ERP Error point details M 1 |||| 05870 ELU Data element usage details C 99 |||| 05880 ARR Array information C 99------------++|| || 05890 ---- Segment group 121------------------ C 1--------------+|| 05900 INP Parties and instruction M 1 ||| 05910 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 05920 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 05930 CNT Control total C 9 ||| ||| 05940 ---- Segment group 122------------------ C 1-------------+||| 05950 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 05960 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 05970 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 05980 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 05990 ---- Segment group 123------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 06000 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 06010 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 06020 ---- Segment group 124------------------ C 99-------------+|| 06030 MEA Measurements M 1 ||| 06040 QTY Quantity C 99-------------+|| || 06050 ---- Segment group 125------------------ C 999------------+|| 06060 PAC Package M 1 ||| 06070 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 06080 PCI Package identification C 99 ||| 06090 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 06100 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 06110 DIM Dimensions C 99 ||| 06120 MEA Measurements C 99-------------+|| || 06130 ---- Segment group 126------------------ C 99-------------+|| 06140 ARD Monetary amount function M 1 ||| 06150 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 06160 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 06170 PCD Percentage details C 99-------------+|| || 06180 ---- Segment group 127------------------ C 99-------------+|| 06190 GID Goods item details M 1 ||| 06200 IMD Item description C 99 ||| 06210 APP Applicability C 99 ||| 06220 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 06230 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 06240 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 06250 GIR Related identification numbers C 99 ||| 06260 GIN Goods identity number C 99 ||| 06270 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 06280 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 06290 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 06300 CDI Physical or logical state C 99 ||| 06310 PGI Product group information C 99 ||| 06320 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99 ||| 06330 CNT Control total C 99 ||| 06340 IFD Information detail C 99 ||| 06350 TDT Transport information C 9 ||| ||| 06360 ---- Segment group 128------------------ C 99------------+||| 06370 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 06380 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 06390 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 06400 ---- Segment group 129------------------ C 99------------+||| 06410 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 06420 IFD Information detail C 9 |||| 06430 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 06440 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 06450 ---- Segment group 130------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 06460 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 06470 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 06480 ---- Segment group 131------------------ C 99------------+||| 06490 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||| 06500 RFF Reference C 99 |||| 06510 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 06520 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||| 06530 ALI Additional information C 1 |||| 06540 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| 06550 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 |||| 06560 GEI Processing information C 9 |||| 06570 GIN Goods identity number C 99 |||| 06580 GIR Related identification numbers C 99 |||| 06590 IMD Item description C 99 |||| |||| 06600 ---- Segment group 132------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 06610 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 06620 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 06630 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 06640 ---- Segment group 133------------------ C 99----------+||||| 06650 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 06660 COM Communication contact C 99----------++|||| |||| 06670 ---- Segment group 134------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 06680 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||||| 06690 DTM Date/time/period C 99-----------++||| ||| 06700 ---- Segment group 135------------------ C 99------------+||| 06710 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| 06720 FTX Free text C 9 |||| 06730 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 06740 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 06750 ALI Additional information C 99 |||| |||| 06760 ---- Segment group 136------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 06770 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 06780 ELU Data element usage details C 99 ||||| 06790 ARR Array information C 99-----------++||| ||| 06800 ---- Segment group 137------------------ C 999-----------+||| 06810 PAC Package M 1 |||| 06820 PCI Package identification C 99 |||| 06830 FTX Free text C 99 |||| 06840 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 06850 DIM Dimensions C 99 |||| 06860 MEA Measurements C 99------------+||| ||| 06870 ---- Segment group 138------------------ C 99------------+||| 06880 COD Component details M 1 |||| 06890 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| 06900 PCD Percentage details C 99 |||| 06910 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 06920 LOC Place/location identification C 9-------------+||| ||| 06930 ---- Segment group 139------------------ C 1-------------+||| 06940 INP Parties and instruction M 1 |||| 06950 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||| 06960 LOC Place/location identification C 99 |||| 06970 CNT Control total C 99 |||| |||| 06980 ---- Segment group 140------------------ C 1------------+|||| 06990 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 07000 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 07010 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| 07020 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 07030 ---- Segment group 141------------------ C 99----------+||||| 07040 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 07050 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++||| ||| 07060 ---- Segment group 142------------------ C 99------------+||| 07070 TAX Duty/tax/fee details M 1 |||| 07080 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 07090 ALI Additional information C 99 |||| 07100 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||| 07110 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| 07120 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 9 |||| |||| 07130 ---- Segment group 143------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 07140 PAI Payment instructions M 1 ||||| 07150 RFF Reference C 99 ||||| 07160 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||||| 07170 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| ||||| 07180 ---- Segment group 144------------------ C 99----------+||||| 07190 GIR Related identification numbers M 1 |||||| 07200 LOC Place/location identification C 99 |||||| 07210 VLI Value list identification C 1 |||||| 07220 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||||| 07230 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||||| |||||| 07240 ---- Segment group 145------------------ C 99---------+|||||| 07250 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||||| 07260 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||||| 07270 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||||| 07280 IDE Identity C 9 ||||||| ||||||| 07290 ---- Segment group 146------------------ C 99--------+||||||| 07300 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||||| 07310 COM Communication contact C 99--------++|||||| |||||| 07320 ---- Segment group 147------------------ C 9----------+|||||| 07330 ARR Array information M 1 ||||||| 07340 DTM Date/time/period M 9----------++++||| ||| 07350 ---- Segment group 148------------------ C 99------------+||| 07360 DLI Document line identification M 1 |||| 07370 MOA Monetary amount C 99------------+||| ||| 07380 ---- Segment group 149------------------ C 99------------+||| 07390 STS Status M 1 |||| 07400 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| |||| 07410 ---- Segment group 150------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 07420 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 07430 ELU Data element usage details C 99-----------++||| ||| 07440 ---- Segment group 151------------------ C 99------------+||| 07450 TMP Temperature M 1 |||| 07460 MEA Measurements C 99 |||| 07470 DGS Dangerous goods C 99------------+||| ||| 07480 ---- Segment group 152------------------ C 99------------+||| 07490 EQD Equipment details M 1 |||| 07500 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 07510 ---- Segment group 153------------------ C 99------------+||| 07520 PRC Process identification M 1 |||| 07530 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 07540 TMP Temperature C 9 |||| 07550 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||| |||| 07560 ---- Segment group 154------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 07570 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 07580 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 07590 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 07600 ---- Segment group 155------------------ C 99----------+||||| 07610 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 07620 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++||| ||| 07630 ---- Segment group 156------------------ C 9-------------+||| 07640 ATT Attribute M 1 |||| 07650 DGS Dangerous goods M 1 |||| 07660 FTX Free text C 9 |||| |||| 07670 ---- Segment group 157------------------ C 9------------+|||| 07680 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 07690 IFD Information detail C 9 ||||| 07700 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 07710 ---- Segment group 158------------------ C 9-----------+||||| 07720 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 07730 COM Communication contact C 9-----------++++|| || 07740 ---- Segment group 159------------------ C 99-------------+|| 07750 PYT Payment terms M 1 ||| 07760 GEI Processing information C 9 ||| 07770 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 07780 CUX Currencies C 1 ||| ||| 07790 ---- Segment group 160------------------ C 1-------------+||| 07800 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 07810 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------++++ 07820 HYN Hierarchy information M 1 07830 ---- Segment group 161------------------ C 9999-------------+ 07840 CNI Consignment information M 1 | 07850 RFF Reference C 99 | 07860 GEI Processing information C 99 | 07870 STS Status C 99 | 07880 MEA Measurements C 1 | 07890 QTY Quantity C 99 | 07900 MOA Monetary amount C 99 | 07910 IFD Information detail C 99 | 07920 HAN Handling instructions C 1 | 07930 CNT Control total C 9 | 07940 DTM Date/time/period C 9 | | 07950 ---- Segment group 162------------------ C 99--------------+| 07960 NAD Name and address M 1 || 07970 IFD Information detail C 99 || 07980 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 07990 DMS Document/message summary C 99 || 08000 IDE Identity C 9 || || 08010 ---- Segment group 163------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08020 CTA Contact information M 1 ||| 08030 COM Communication contact C 99-------------++| | 08040 ---- Segment group 164------------------ C 99--------------+| 08050 LOC Place/location identification M 1 || 08060 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 08070 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 08080 ADR Address C 9 || 08090 TPL Transport placement C 9 || 08100 GEI Processing information C 9---------------+| | 08110 ---- Segment group 165------------------ C 99--------------+| 08120 DOC Document/message details M 1 || 08130 RFF Reference C 99 || 08140 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 08150 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 08160 ALI Additional information C 1 || 08170 QTY Quantity C 99 || 08180 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 || || 08190 ---- Segment group 166------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08200 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 08210 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 08220 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 08230 ---- Segment group 167------------------ C 99------------+||| 08240 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 08250 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 08260 ---- Segment group 168------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08270 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 08280 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------++| | 08290 ---- Segment group 169------------------ C 99--------------+| 08300 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 || 08310 FTX Free text C 9 || 08320 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 08330 GEI Processing information C 99 || 08340 ALI Additional information C 99 || || 08350 ---- Segment group 170------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08360 ERP Error point details M 1 ||| 08370 ELU Data element usage details C 99 ||| 08380 ARR Array information C 99-------------++| | 08390 ---- Segment group 171------------------ C 1---------------+| 08400 INP Parties and instruction M 1 || 08410 DTM Date/time/period C 9 || 08420 LOC Place/location identification C 99 || 08430 CNT Control total C 99 || 08440 FTX Free text C 9 || || 08450 ---- Segment group 172------------------ C 1--------------+|| 08460 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 08470 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 08480 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 08490 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 08500 ---- Segment group 173------------------ C 99------------+||| 08510 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 08520 COM Communication contact C 99------------+++| | 08530 ---- Segment group 174------------------ C 99--------------+| 08540 TOD Terms of delivery or transport M 1 || 08550 RTE Rate details C 1 || 08560 MOA Monetary amount C 1---------------+| | 08570 ---- Segment group 175------------------ C 9---------------+| 08580 PAC Package M 1 || 08590 PCI Package identification C 99 || 08600 FTX Free text C 99 || 08610 GEI Processing information C 99 || 08620 DIM Dimensions C 99 || 08630 MEA Measurements C 99--------------+| | 08640 ---- Segment group 176------------------ C 99--------------+| 08650 TMP Temperature M 1 || 08660 MEA Measurements C 99 || 08670 DGS Dangerous goods C 99--------------+| | 08680 ---- Segment group 177------------------ C 99--------------+| 08690 RSL Result M 1 || 08700 QTY Quantity C 99 || 08710 DTM Date/time/period C 99--------------+| | 08720 ---- Segment group 178------------------ C 1---------------+| 08730 GOR Governmental requirements M 1 || 08740 LOC Place/location identification C 1---------------+| | 08750 ---- Segment group 179------------------ C 9999------------+| 08760 EQD Equipment details M 1 || 08770 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 08780 QTY Quantity C 1 || 08790 MEA Measurements C 9 || 08800 GEI Processing information C 99 || 08810 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 || || 08820 ---- Segment group 180------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08830 SEL Seal number M 1 ||| 08840 SEQ Sequence details M 1--------------+|| || 08850 ---- Segment group 181------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08860 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 08870 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 08880 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 08890 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 08900 ---- Segment group 182------------------ C 99------------+||| 08910 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 08920 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 08930 ---- Segment group 183------------------ C 9--------------+|| 08940 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 08950 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------+|| || 08960 ---- Segment group 184------------------ C 99-------------+|| 08970 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 08980 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 08990 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 09000 GEI Processing information C 9 ||| ||| 09010 ---- Segment group 185------------------ C 99------------+||| 09020 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 09030 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 09040 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 09050 ---- Segment group 186------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 09060 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 09070 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 09080 ---- Segment group 187------------------ C 1-------------+||| 09090 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 09100 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+++| | 09110 ---- Segment group 188------------------ C 99--------------+| 09120 TDT Transport information M 1 || 09130 DTM Date/time/period C 99 || 09140 RFF Reference C 99 || 09150 QTY Quantity C 99 || 09160 MEA Measurements C 99 || 09170 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 09180 POC Purpose of conveyance call C 99 || 09190 DIM Dimensions C 99 || 09200 FTX Free text C 99 || 09210 GDS Nature of cargo C 99 || 09220 STS Status C 1 || 09230 GPO Geographical position C 1 || || 09240 ---- Segment group 189------------------ C 99-------------+|| 09250 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 09260 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 09270 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------+|| || 09280 ---- Segment group 190------------------ C 99-------------+|| 09290 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 09300 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 09310 NAT Nationality C 1 ||| 09320 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 09330 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 09340 EMP Employment details C 99 ||| 09350 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 09360 ---- Segment group 191------------------ C 99------------+||| 09370 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 09380 COM Communication contact C 99------------+||| ||| 09390 ---- Segment group 192------------------ C 99------------+||| 09400 ADR Address M 1 |||| 09410 EMP Employment details C 1-------------++|| || 09420 ---- Segment group 193------------------ C 99-------------+|| 09430 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 09440 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 09450 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 09460 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 09470 ALI Additional information C 1 ||| 09480 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 09490 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 ||| 09500 GEI Processing information C 9 ||| ||| 09510 ---- Segment group 194------------------ C 99------------+||| 09520 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 09530 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 09540 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 09550 ---- Segment group 195------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 09560 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 09570 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 09580 ---- Segment group 196------------------ C 99------------+||| 09590 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 09600 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 09610 ---- Segment group 197------------------ C 99------------+||| 09620 AJT Adjustment details M 1 |||| |||| 09630 ---- Segment group 198------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 09640 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 09650 ELU Data element usage details C 99-----------+++|| || 09660 ---- Segment group 199------------------ C 99-------------+|| 09670 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||| 09680 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 09690 QTY Quantity C 1 ||| 09700 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| ||| 09710 ---- Segment group 200------------------ C 99------------+||| 09720 SEL Seal number M 1 |||| 09730 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 09740 ---- Segment group 201------------------ C 99------------+||| 09750 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 09760 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 09770 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 09780 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 09790 ---- Segment group 202------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 09800 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 09810 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 09820 ---- Segment group 203------------------ C 99------------+||| 09830 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 09840 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------++|| || 09850 ---- Segment group 204------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 09860 CCI Characteristic/class id M 1 ||| 09870 CAV Characteristic value C 1--------------++| | 09880 ---- Segment group 205------------------ C 9999------------+| 09890 SEQ Sequence details M 1 || 09900 GEI Processing information C 99 || 09910 STS Status C 99 || 09920 RFF Reference C 99 || 09930 IFD Information detail C 99 || 09940 HAN Handling instructions C 99 || 09950 TDT Transport information C 9 || || 09960 ---- Segment group 206------------------ C 99-------------+|| 09970 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 09980 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 09990 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 10000 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 10010 ---- Segment group 207------------------ C 99------------+||| 10020 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 10030 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 10040 ---- Segment group 208------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10050 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 10060 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 10070 ADR Address C 9--------------+|| || 10080 ---- Segment group 209------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10090 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 10100 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 10110 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 10120 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 10130 ALI Additional information C 1 ||| 10140 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 10150 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 ||| ||| 10160 ---- Segment group 210------------------ C 99------------+||| 10170 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 10180 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 10190 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 10200 ---- Segment group 211------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 10210 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 10220 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 10230 ---- Segment group 212------------------ C 99------------+||| 10240 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 10250 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 10260 ---- Segment group 213------------------ C 99------------+||| 10270 AJT Adjustment details M 1 |||| |||| 10280 ---- Segment group 214------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 10290 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 10300 ELU Data element usage details C 99-----------+++|| || 10310 ---- Segment group 215------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10320 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| 10330 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 10340 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 10350 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 10360 ALI Additional information C 99 ||| ||| 10370 ---- Segment group 216------------------ C 99------------+||| 10380 ERP Error point details M 1 |||| 10390 ELU Data element usage details C 99 |||| 10400 ARR Array information C 99------------++|| || 10410 ---- Segment group 217------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10420 INP Parties and instruction M 1 ||| 10430 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 10440 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| 10450 CNT Control total C 99 ||| ||| 10460 ---- Segment group 218------------------ C 1-------------+||| 10470 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 10480 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 10490 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 10500 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 10510 ---- Segment group 219------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 10520 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 10530 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 10540 ---- Segment group 220------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10550 MEA Measurements M 1 ||| 10560 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 10570 PCD Percentage details C 1--------------+|| || 10580 ---- Segment group 221------------------ C 999------------+|| 10590 PAC Package M 1 ||| 10600 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 10610 PCI Package identification C 99 ||| 10620 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 10630 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 10640 DIM Dimensions C 99 ||| 10650 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| ||| 10660 ---- Segment group 222------------------ C 99------------+||| 10670 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 10680 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 10690 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 10700 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 10710 ---- Segment group 223------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 10720 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 10730 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 10740 ---- Segment group 224------------------ C 99-------------+|| 10750 TMP Temperature M 1 ||| 10760 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 10770 DGS Dangerous goods C 99-------------+|| || 10780 ---- Segment group 225------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 10790 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||| 10800 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 10810 QTY Quantity C 1 ||| 10820 MEA Measurements C 9 ||| 10830 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| ||| 10840 ---- Segment group 226------------------ C 99------------+||| 10850 SEL Seal number M 1 |||| 10860 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 10870 ---- Segment group 227------------------ C 99------------+||| 10880 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 10890 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 10900 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 10910 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 10920 ---- Segment group 228------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 10930 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 10940 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 10950 ---- Segment group 229------------------ C 99------------+||| 10960 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 10970 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 10980 ---- Segment group 230------------------ C 999-----------+||| 10990 PAC Package M 1 |||| 11000 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 11010 PCI Package identification C 99 |||| 11020 FTX Free text C 99 |||| 11030 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 11040 DIM Dimensions C 99 |||| 11050 MEA Measurements C 99 |||| |||| 11060 ---- Segment group 231------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 11070 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 11080 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 11090 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| 11100 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 11110 ---- Segment group 232------------------ C 99----------+||||| 11120 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 11130 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++||| ||| 11140 ---- Segment group 233------------------ C 99------------+||| 11150 ARR Array information M 1 |||| 11160 FTX Free text C 99 |||| 11170 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99 |||| |||| 11180 ---- Segment group 234------------------ C 9------------+|||| 11190 ATT Attribute M 1 ||||| 11200 DGS Dangerous goods M 1 ||||| 11210 FTX Free text C 9 ||||| ||||| 11220 ---- Segment group 235------------------ C 9-----------+||||| 11230 NAD Name and address M 1 |||||| 11240 IDE Identity C 9 |||||| |||||| 11250 ---- Segment group 236------------------ C 9----------+|||||| 11260 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||||| 11270 COM Communication contact C 9----------+++++|| || 11280 ---- Segment group 237------------------ C 99-------------+|| 11290 GID Goods item details M 1 ||| 11300 IMD Item description C 99 ||| 11310 APP Applicability C 99 ||| 11320 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 11330 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 11340 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 11350 GIR Related identification numbers C 99 ||| 11360 GIN Goods identity number C 99 ||| 11370 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 11380 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 11390 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 11400 CDI Physical or logical state C 99 ||| 11410 PGI Product group information C 99 ||| 11420 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99 ||| 11430 CNT Control total C 99 ||| 11440 IFD Information detail C 99 ||| 11450 TDT Transport information C 9 ||| ||| 11460 ---- Segment group 238------------------ C 99------------+||| 11470 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 11480 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 11490 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 11500 ---- Segment group 239------------------ C 99------------+||| 11510 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 11520 IFD Information detail C 9 |||| 11530 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 11540 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 11550 ---- Segment group 240------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 11560 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 11570 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 11580 ---- Segment group 241------------------ C 99------------+||| 11590 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||| 11600 RFF Reference C 99 |||| 11610 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 11620 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||| 11630 ALI Additional information C 1 |||| 11640 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| 11650 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 |||| 11660 GEI Processing information C 9 |||| 11670 GIN Goods identity number C 99 |||| 11680 GIR Related identification numbers C 99 |||| 11690 IMD Item description C 99 |||| |||| 11700 ---- Segment group 242------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 11710 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 11720 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 11730 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 11740 ---- Segment group 243------------------ C 99----------+||||| 11750 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 11760 COM Communication contact C 99----------++|||| |||| 11770 ---- Segment group 244------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 11780 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||||| 11790 DTM Date/time/period C 99-----------++||| ||| 11800 ---- Segment group 245------------------ C 99------------+||| 11810 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| 11820 FTX Free text C 9 |||| 11830 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 11840 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 11850 ALI Additional information C 99 |||| |||| 11860 ---- Segment group 246------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 11870 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 11880 ELU Data element usage details C 99-----------++||| ||| 11890 ---- Segment group 247------------------ C 999-----------+||| 11900 PAC Package M 1 |||| 11910 PCI Package identification C 99 |||| 11920 FTX Free text C 99 |||| 11930 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 11940 DIM Dimensions C 99 |||| 11950 MEA Measurements C 99------------+||| ||| 11960 ---- Segment group 248------------------ C 99------------+||| 11970 COD Component details M 1 |||| 11980 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| 11990 PCD Percentage details C 99 |||| 12000 GEI Processing information C 99 |||| 12010 LOC Place/location identification C 9-------------+||| ||| 12020 ---- Segment group 249------------------ C 1-------------+||| 12030 INP Parties and instruction M 1 |||| 12040 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||| 12050 LOC Place/location identification C 99 |||| |||| 12060 ---- Segment group 250------------------ C 1------------+|||| 12070 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 12080 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 12090 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| 12100 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 12110 ---- Segment group 251------------------ C 99----------+||||| 12120 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 12130 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++||| ||| 12140 ---- Segment group 252------------------ C 99------------+||| 12150 TAX Duty/tax/fee details M 1 |||| 12160 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 12170 ALI Additional information C 99 |||| 12180 MOA Monetary amount C 99 |||| 12190 QTY Quantity C 99 |||| |||| 12200 ---- Segment group 253------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 12210 PAI Payment instructions M 1 ||||| 12220 RFF Reference C 99 ||||| 12230 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||||| 12240 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||| ||||| 12250 ---- Segment group 254------------------ C 99----------+||||| 12260 GIR Related identification numbers M 1 |||||| 12270 LOC Place/location identification C 99 |||||| 12280 VLI Value list identification C 1 |||||| 12290 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||||| |||||| 12300 ---- Segment group 255------------------ C 99---------+|||||| 12310 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||||| 12320 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||||| 12330 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||||||| 12340 IDE Identity C 9 ||||||| ||||||| 12350 ---- Segment group 256------------------ C 99--------+||||||| 12360 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||||| 12370 COM Communication contact C 99--------+++++||| ||| 12380 ---- Segment group 257------------------ C 99------------+||| 12390 DLI Document line identification M 1 |||| 12400 MOA Monetary amount C 99------------+||| ||| 12410 ---- Segment group 258------------------ C 99------------+||| 12420 STS Status M 1 |||| 12430 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| |||| 12440 ---- Segment group 259------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 12450 ERP Error point details M 1 ||||| 12460 ELU Data element usage details C 99-----------++||| ||| 12470 ---- Segment group 260------------------ C 99------------+||| 12480 TMP Temperature M 1 |||| 12490 MEA Measurements C 99 |||| 12500 DGS Dangerous goods C 99------------+||| ||| 12510 ---- Segment group 261------------------ C 99------------+||| 12520 EQD Equipment details M 1 |||| 12530 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 12540 ---- Segment group 262------------------ C 99------------+||| 12550 PRC Process identification M 1 |||| 12560 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 12570 TMP Temperature C 9 |||| 12580 DTM Date/time/period C 9 |||| |||| 12590 ---- Segment group 263------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 12600 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 12610 IFD Information detail C 1 ||||| 12620 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 12630 ---- Segment group 264------------------ C 99----------+||||| 12640 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 12650 COM Communication contact C 99----------+++||| ||| 12660 ---- Segment group 265------------------ C 9-------------+||| 12670 ATT Attribute M 1 |||| 12680 DGS Dangerous goods M 1 |||| 12690 FTX Free text C 9 |||| 12700 PAC Package C 9 |||| 12710 MEA Measurements C 9 |||| |||| 12720 ---- Segment group 266------------------ C 9------------+|||| 12730 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 12740 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 12750 ---- Segment group 267------------------ C 9-----------+||||| 12760 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 12770 COM Communication contact C 9-----------++++|| || 12780 ---- Segment group 268------------------ C 99-------------+|| 12790 TOD Terms of delivery or transport M 1 ||| 12800 RTE Rate details C 1 ||| 12810 MOA Monetary amount C 1--------------++| | 12820 ---- Segment group 269------------------ C 9999------------+| 12830 LIN Line item M 1 || 12840 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 12850 IFD Information detail C 99 || 12860 STS Status C 99 || || 12870 ---- Segment group 270------------------ C 99-------------+|| 12880 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 12890 IFD Information detail C 1 ||| 12900 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 12910 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 12920 ---- Segment group 271------------------ C 99------------+||| 12930 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 12940 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 12950 ---- Segment group 272------------------ C 99-------------+|| 12960 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 12970 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------+|| || 12980 ---- Segment group 273------------------ C 99-------------+|| 12990 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 13000 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 13010 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 13020 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 13030 ALI Additional information C 1 ||| 13040 QTY Quantity C 99 ||| 13050 TSR Transport service requirements C 99 ||| ||| 13060 ---- Segment group 274------------------ C 99------------+||| 13070 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 13080 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 13090 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 13100 ---- Segment group 275------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 13110 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 13120 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 13130 ---- Segment group 276------------------ C 99------------+||| 13140 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 13150 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------++|| || 13160 ---- Segment group 277------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13170 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 ||| 13180 FTX Free text C 9 ||| 13190 DTM Date/time/period C 99 ||| 13200 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 13210 ALI Additional information C 99 ||| ||| 13220 ---- Segment group 278------------------ C 99------------+||| 13230 ERP Error point details M 1 |||| 13240 ELU Data element usage details C 99 |||| 13250 ARR Array information C 99------------++|| || 13260 ---- Segment group 279------------------ C 1--------------+|| 13270 INP Parties and instruction M 1 ||| 13280 DTM Date/time/period C 9 ||| 13290 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| ||| 13300 ---- Segment group 280------------------ C 1-------------+||| 13310 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 13320 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 13330 DTM Date/time/period C 99 |||| 13340 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 13350 ---- Segment group 281------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 13360 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 13370 COM Communication contact C 99-----------+++|| || 13380 ---- Segment group 282------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13390 MEA Measurements M 1 ||| 13400 QTY Quantity C 99-------------+|| || 13410 ---- Segment group 283------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13420 PAC Package M 1 ||| 13430 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 13440 PCI Package identification C 99 ||| 13450 FTX Free text C 99 ||| 13460 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 13470 DIM Dimensions C 99 ||| 13480 MEA Measurements C 99-------------+|| || 13490 ---- Segment group 284------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13500 ARD Monetary amount function M 1 ||| 13510 MOA Monetary amount C 99 ||| 13520 GEI Processing information C 99 ||| 13530 PCD Percentage details C 99-------------++| | 13540 ---- Segment group 285------------------ C 9999------------+| 13550 ASI Array structure identification M 1 || 13560 CNI Consignment information M 1 || 13570 RFF Reference C 99 || 13580 MOA Monetary amount C 99 || 13590 CNT Control total C 9 || 13600 TOD Terms of delivery or transport C 99 || 13610 GEI Processing information C 99 || || 13620 ---- Segment group 286------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13630 NAD Name and address M 1 ||| 13640 IDE Identity C 9 ||| ||| 13650 ---- Segment group 287------------------ C 99------------+||| 13660 CTA Contact information M 1 |||| 13670 COM Communication contact C 99------------++|| || 13680 ---- Segment group 288------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13690 LOC Place/location identification M 1 ||| 13700 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 13710 ADR Address C 9--------------+|| || 13720 ---- Segment group 289------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13730 DOC Document/message details M 1 ||| 13740 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 13750 DTM Date/time/period C 99-------------+|| || 13760 ---- Segment group 290------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 13770 EQD Equipment details M 1 ||| 13780 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 13790 QTY Quantity C 1 ||| ||| 13800 ---- Segment group 291------------------ C 99------------+||| 13810 SEL Seal number M 1 |||| 13820 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------++|| || 13830 ---- Segment group 292------------------ C 99-------------+|| 13840 TDT Transport information M 1 ||| ||| 13850 ---- Segment group 293------------------ C 99------------+||| 13860 LOC Place/location identification M 1 |||| 13870 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------++|| || 13880 ---- Segment group 294------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 13890 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| 13900 RFF Reference C 99 ||| 13910 TDT Transport information C 9 ||| 13920 MOA Monetary amount C 9 ||| 13930 MEA Measurements C 99 ||| 13940 TOD Terms of delivery or transport C 99 ||| 13950 LOC Place/location identification C 99 ||| ||| 13960 ---- Segment group 295------------------ C 99------------+||| 13970 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 13980 IFD Information detail C 1 |||| 13990 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 14000 ---- Segment group 296------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 14010 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 14020 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 14030 ---- Segment group 297------------------ C 99------------+||| 14040 DOC Document/message details M 1 |||| 14050 RFF Reference C 99 |||| 14060 DTM Date/time/period C 99------------+||| ||| 14070 ---- Segment group 298------------------ C 99------------+||| 14080 RCS Requirements and conditions M 1 |||| 14090 FTX Free text C 9-------------+||| ||| 14100 ---- Segment group 299------------------ C 999-----------+||| 14110 PAC Package M 1 |||| 14120 SEQ Sequence details M 1 |||| 14130 PCI Package identification C 99------------+||| ||| 14140 ---- Segment group 300------------------ C 9999----------+||| 14150 EQD Equipment details M 1 |||| 14160 SEQ Sequence details M 1-------------+||| ||| 14170 ---- Segment group 301------------------ C 99------------+||| 14180 GID Goods item details M 1 |||| 14190 IMD Item description C 99 |||| 14200 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99 |||| |||| 14210 ---- Segment group 302------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 14220 TMP Temperature M 1 ||||| 14230 DGS Dangerous goods C 99-----------+++|| || 14240 ---- Segment group 303------------------ C 9999-----------+|| 14250 DMS Document/message summary M 1 ||| 14260 SEQ Sequence details M 1 ||| ||| 14270 ---- Segment group 304------------------ C 99------------+||| 14280 NAD Name and address M 1 |||| 14290 IDE Identity C 9 |||| |||| 14300 ---- Segment group 305------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 14310 CTA Contact information M 1 ||||| 14320 COM Communication contact C 99-----------++||| ||| 14330 ---- Segment group 306------------------ C 9999----------+||| 14340 LIN Line item M 1 |||| |||| 14350 ---- Segment group 307------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 14360 NAD Name and address M 1 ||||| 14370 IDE Identity C 9 ||||| ||||| 14380 ---- Segment group 308------------------ C 99----------+||||| 14390 CTA Contact information M 1 |||||| 14400 COM Communication contact C 99----------++|||| |||| 14410 ---- Segment group 309------------------ C 99-----------+|||| 14420 GID Goods item details M 1 ||||| 14430 TCC Charge/rate calculations C 99-----------+++++ 14440 UNS Section control M 1 14450 AUT Authentication result C 1 14460 CNT Control total C 9 14470 UNT Message trailer M 1