United Nations Directories for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport ![]() UN/EDIFACT |
Message Type : DMRDEF Version : D Release : 22A Contr. Agency: UN Revision : 2 Date : 2022-06-29 SOURCE: TBG16 Entry Point CONTENTS Data maintenance request definition message 0. INTRODUCTION 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition 1.2 Field of application 1.3 Principles 2. REFERENCES 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) 4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION This specification provides the definition of the Data maintenance request definition message (DMRDEF) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Functional definition This Data maintenance request definition message (DMRDEF) permits the transfer of a data maintenance request action among parties involved in the preparation, processing, assessment, resolution and directory production processes. 1.2 Field of application The Data maintenance request definition message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry. 1.3 Principles The message permits the transmission of a Data Maintenance Request (DMR). The message may be exchanged at the regional or national level between the DMR submitter and the secretariat that acts as the entry point for DMR submissions to the submitter's technical assessment group. It may also be exchanged at an international level among the secretariats for the assessment function as well as those participating in the production of the directories. At the regional or national level the first DMRDEF sent for a given DMR will be from the submitter to the entry point secretariat utilizing the submitter's own reference number. On an international level the first DMRDEF sent for a given DMR will be from the entry point secretariat to the central secretariat utilizing the entry point secretariat's own unique reference (Log) number. All DMRDEF messages initiated after registration at the entry point secretariat will use the entry point secretariat Log numbers. All DMRDEF messages initiated after registration at the international level will use the central secretariat's Log number. The Data maintenance status report/query(DMSTAT) message will be used to notify all applicable parties of the latest log number assignments and other necessary status information. The DMRDEF message shall contain only a single Data maintenance request. For submissions of messages that allow the inclusion of substructure maintenance requirements in the same DMR, the segment identification segment group, the composite data element identification segment group, the simple data element segment group, and the code set identification segment group are to be used to provide the modified substructure relative to the message's boilerplate. A structure defined below the message level, as part of a Message submission, must include a change indicator in the associated attribute segment of the structure to indicate that the structure is being detailed as a proposed modification in association with the message. The reference segment shall identify all related parent and child DMRs one level above and one level below the current level. DMRs which change an existing entry must provide a complete replacement entry with the changed parts identified via the change indicators. All changes to message structure must also include all resultant changes to boilerplate text. Use of the default service characters is required and the Interchange header shall specify character set level C. Proper use of the DMRDEF message within supporting applications assumes the availability and use of the EDI standard in conjunction with originator data entry mechanisms in order to ensure the accurate association of data maintenance actions with the standard. 2. REFERENCES See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1. 3. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 3.1 Standard terms and definitions See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2. 4. MESSAGE DEFINITION 4.1 Segment clarification This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements. 00010 UNH, Message header A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Data maintenance request definition message is DMRDEF. Note: Data maintenance request definition messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DMRDEF 0052 D 0054 22A 0051 UN 00020 BGM, Beginning of message A segment to indicate the beginning of the message and to transmit function, type and number of the message. 00030 DII, Directory identification A segment specifying the identity of the reference directory set used in creating the DMR. 00040 DTM, Date/time/period A segment specifying date information, e.g., the date the submitter forwarded the DMR, preparation date, technical assessment review date, final approval date, etc. Date information is to be provided in CCYYMMDD format. 00050 FTX, Free text A segment specifying text information outlining the business requirement for this DMR. This segment may also be used by the originating technical assessment group to convey any explanations or comments which should accompany the DMR through the international assessment process. Other assessment groups will comment on a DMR via the DMSTAT message. 00060 RFF, Reference A segment identifying the type of and reference log number of this request, as well as any related DMRs. In order to ensure proper identification of related DMRs, this segment shall identify, if existing, any parent and child DMRs one level above or below the current level. This segment shall not identify grand-parents and grand-children at any level. (Although a related DMR may have multiple parent DMRs and/or multiple child DMRs, the parent and child DMRs for these related DMRs will not be identified in the current DMR.) A related DMR(s) at the highest level, will have no parent DMR(s). A related DMR(s) at the lowest level will have no child DMR(s). The actual DMR reference log number type may be: Original submitter, Entry point assessment log number, Central secretariat log number, or International assessment log number. The related reference log number type may be: Original submitter, parent DMR Original submitter, child DMR Entry point assessment log number, parent DMR Entry point assessment log number, child DMR Central secretariat log number, parent DMR Central secretariat log number, child DMR International assessment log number, parent DMR International assessment log number, child DMR Also, the submitter must identify a message design group with which the DMR should be associated. This message design group will be consulted by technical assessment for functional evaluations. 00070 EFI, External file link identification A segment identifying associated documentation, including document reference and document type. 00080 Segment group 1: PNA-ADR-SG2 A group of segments identifying the party(ies) filing the Data maintenance request. In case of a jointly submitted DMR all parties shall be identified. 00090 PNA, Party identification A segment identifying the originator of the Data maintenance request, e.g., the DMR submitter, Secretariat, etc. At least one occurrence is required to identify the submitter's organization name. When forwarding a DMR to the central secretariat the sender must identify which entry point is forwarding the DMR. 00100 ADR, Address A segment identifying the DMR originator's address information. 00110 Segment group 2: CTA-COM A group of segments identifying the DMR originator's communication type(s) and number(s). 00120 CTA, Contact information A segment identifying a person or a department for the party specified in the leading PNA segment to whom the communication should be directed. 00130 COM, Communication contact A segment identifying communication type(s) and number(s) of person(s) or department(s) specified in the associated CTA segment. 00140 Segment group 3: MSG-ATT-FTX-SG4-SG6 A group of segments providing a message type directory. 00150 MSG, Message type identification A segment identifying a message type to be specified. 00160 ATT, Attribute A segment used to specify if the message is for use with the batch or interactive message directories. It also may indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the message. 00170 FTX, Free text A segment providing textual information related to the message type, namely: Message type name, Introduction, Scope, Functional definition, Field of application, Principles, References, Terms and definitions, Standard terms and definitions, and Message terms and conditions. 00180 Segment group 4: SGU-ATT-FTX-SG5 A group of segments specifying a message type structure and its related functional definition. 00190 SGU, Segment usage details A segment specifying the usage of a segment in a message type structure. The segment names for component segments are to be defined in the segment identification segment group. The segment names are provided once for each segment tag in the message and are the basis for all occurrences of the segment name in the message boilerplate. 00200 ATT, Attribute A segment to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the clarification text for the segment. 00210 FTX, Free text A segment providing textual information about segment usage. This information comprises part of the data segment clarification section. 00220 Segment group 5: GRU-ATT-FTX A group of segments identifying a segment group and providing details about segment group usage. 00230 GRU, Segment group usage details A segment specifying the usage of a segment group in a message type structure. 00240 ATT, Attribute A segment to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the segment group's clarification text. 00250 FTX, Free text A segment providing the textual information about segment group usage. This information comprises part of the data segment clarification section. 00260 Segment group 6: FNT-REL-GIR-ATT-FTX A group of segments to provide the relationship of segments and/or segment groups through dependency notes or other notes about the usage of segments or segment groups at identified positions in the message. 00270 FNT, Footnote A segment to provide the footnote identification for a dependency note or other note to be applied against one or more segments and/or segment groups of a message. 00280 REL, Relationship A segment to provide the type of dependency relationship, where one exists. 00290 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment to provide the position number(s) for segments and/or segment groups to which a note applies. 00300 ATT, Attribute A segment to provide the change indicators at the note level. 00310 FTX, Free text A segment to provide free text for a position relative note. 00320 Segment group 7: SEG-ATT-FTX-ELU-SG8 A group of segments providing a segment directory. 00330 SEG, Segment identification A segment identifying a segment type and specifying its class and maintenance operation. 00340 ATT, Attribute A segment used to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the segment. 00350 FTX, Free text A segment specifying the name and functional definition of a segment type. 00360 ELU, Data element usage details A segment specifying the simple and/or component data elements in a segment type. The component element names are to be defined in either the composite data element identification segment group or the simple data element identification segment group, as appropriate for the component structure. The component element names are provided once for each component element tag in the segment and are the basis for all occurrences of the component element name in the segment structure. 00370 Segment group 8: FNT-REL-GIR-ATT-FTX A group of segments to provide the relationship of composites and/or simple data elements through dependency notes or other notes about the usage of elements at identified positions in the segment. 00380 FNT, Footnote A segment to provide the footnote identification for a dependency note or other note to be applied against one or more elements of a segment. 00390 REL, Relationship A segment to provide the type of dependency relationship, where one exists. 00400 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment to provide the position number(s) for composites and/or simple data elements to which a note applies. 00410 ATT, Attribute A segment to provide the change indicators at the note level. 00420 FTX, Free text A segment to provide free text for a position relative note. 00430 Segment group 9: CMP-ATT-FTX-ELU-SG10 A group of segments providing a composite data element directory. 00440 CMP, Composite data element identification A segment identifying a composite data element and specifying its class and maintenance operation. 00450 ATT, Attribute A segment used to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the composite. 00460 FTX, Free text A segment specifying the name and functional definition of a composite data element type. 00470 ELU, Data element usage details A segment specifying component data elements in a composite data element and its related information. The simple data element names are to be given in the simple data element identification segment group. The simple data element names are provided once for each simple data element tag in the composite and are the basis for all occurrences of the simple data element name in the composite structure. 00480 Segment group 10: FNT-REL-GIR-ATT-FTX A group of segments to provide the relationship of simple data elements through dependency notes or other notes about the usage of the elements at identified positions in the composite. 00490 FNT, Footnote A segment to provide the footnote identification for a dependency note or other note to be applied against one or more elements of a composite. 00500 REL, Relationship A segment to provide the type of dependency relationship, where one exists. 00510 GIR, Related identification numbers A segment to provide the position number(s) for simple data elements to which a note applies. 00520 ATT, Attribute A segment to provide the change indicators at the note level. 00530 FTX, Free text A segment to provide free text for a position relative note. 00540 Segment group 11: ELM-ATT-FTX A group of segments providing a data element directory. 00550 ELM, Simple data element details A segment identifying a simple data element and giving related information. 00560 ATT, Attribute A segment used to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the simple data element. 00570 FTX, Free text A segment specifying the name and functional definition of a simple data element. 00580 Segment group 12: CDS-FTX-SG13 A group of segments providing a code list directory. 00590 CDS, Code set identification A segment specifying a code set. 00600 FTX, Free text A segment providing textual information related to the code list. 00610 Segment group 13: CDV-ATT-FTX A group of segments specifying a code value and its functional definition. 00620 CDV, Code value definition A segment specifying a code value. In DMRDEF use the associated free text segment to provide the code value's name. 00630 ATT, Attribute A segment used to indicate what modifications the DMR will make to the code. 00640 FTX, Free text A segment specifying the name and functional definition of a code value. 00650 UNT, Message trailer A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. 4.2 Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag) ADR Address ATT Attribute BGM Beginning of message CDS Code set identification CDV Code value definition CMP Composite data element identification COM Communication contact CTA Contact information DII Directory identification DTM Date/time/period EFI External file link identification ELM Simple data element details ELU Data element usage details FNT Footnote FTX Free text GIR Related identification numbers GRU Segment group usage details MSG Message type identification PNA Party identification REL Relationship RFF Reference SEG Segment identification SGU Segment usage details UNH Message header UNT Message trailer
4.3 Message structure 4.3.1 Segment table Pos Tag Name S R 00010 UNH Message header M 1 00020 BGM Beginning of message M 1 00030 DII Directory identification M 1 00040 DTM Date/time/period M 9 00050 FTX Free text M 99 00060 RFF Reference C 999 00070 EFI External file link identification C 9 00080 ---- Segment group 1 ------------------ M 99---------------+ 00090 PNA Party identification M 1 | 00100 ADR Address C 1 | | 00110 ---- Segment group 2 ------------------ C 9---------------+| 00120 CTA Contact information M 1 || 00130 COM Communication contact C 9---------------++ 00140 ---- Segment group 3 ------------------ M 1----------------+ 00150 MSG Message type identification M 1 | 00160 ATT Attribute C 99 | 00170 FTX Free text C 999 | | 00180 ---- Segment group 4 ------------------ C 999-------------+| 00190 SGU Segment usage details M 1 || 00200 ATT Attribute C 9 || 00210 FTX Free text C 99 || || 00220 ---- Segment group 5 ------------------ C 1--------------+|| 00230 GRU Segment group usage details M 1 ||| 00240 ATT Attribute C 9 ||| 00250 FTX Free text C 99-------------++| | 00260 ---- Segment group 6 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00270 FNT Footnote M 1 || 00280 REL Relationship C 1 || 00290 GIR Related identification numbers C 9 || 00300 ATT Attribute C 9 || 00310 FTX Free text C 9---------------++ 00320 ---- Segment group 7 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 00330 SEG Segment identification M 1 | 00340 ATT Attribute C 9 | 00350 FTX Free text C 9 | 00360 ELU Data element usage details C 99 | | 00370 ---- Segment group 8 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00380 FNT Footnote M 1 || 00390 REL Relationship C 1 || 00400 GIR Related identification numbers C 9 || 00410 ATT Attribute C 9 || 00420 FTX Free text C 9---------------++ 00430 ---- Segment group 9 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 00440 CMP Composite data element identification M 1 | 00450 ATT Attribute C 9 | 00460 FTX Free text C 9 | 00470 ELU Data element usage details C 99 | | 00480 ---- Segment group 10 ------------------ C 99--------------+| 00490 FNT Footnote M 1 || 00500 REL Relationship C 1 || 00510 GIR Related identification numbers C 9 || 00520 ATT Attribute C 9 || 00530 FTX Free text C 9---------------++ 00540 ---- Segment group 11 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 00550 ELM Simple data element details M 1 | 00560 ATT Attribute C 9 | 00570 FTX Free text C 9----------------+ 00580 ---- Segment group 12 ------------------ C 9999-------------+ 00590 CDS Code set identification M 1 | 00600 FTX Free text C 9 | | 00610 ---- Segment group 13 ------------------ C 9999------------+| 00620 CDV Code value definition M 1 || 00630 ATT Attribute C 9 || 00640 FTX Free text C 9---------------++ 00650 UNT Message trailer M 1